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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Peps

  1. That's why i chose to see the PA as opposed to the doc.......do they have one in your doc's office?

    My surgeon is only in the office one day a week which is very inconvenient, and i was told by the nut in the office that the PA does as good of a job with the fills as the surgeon. She didn't offer to show me a swallow test or anything like that. It was a really quick appt and i just had to sip a 1/2 cup of Water in the waiting room to make sure it went down. Would love to see how my band is working inside of me......

    Hope you feel better. Do you need to ask for special antibiotics (liquid or smaller pills) so they go down through the band? Or does it matter with antibiotics?


    My first fill (as with all my docs patients) is done under flouroscopy so they can tell if everything is okay. My next one will be in my doctor's office with the PA or Nurse Practitioner.

    My antibiotics are large, but I've been able to get them down. I tried emptying the contents of the capsule in some applesauce but that was way too nasty! I just swallow and pray now!!

    Thanks, Peg

  2. I had my 1st fill last Friday. It wasn't bad at all. The only problem was waiting for the doctor. He was hung up in surgery. I watched the yucky drink go down. It was quite awesome. I only got 1 cc of Fluid. He put in 2 ccs, but the drink wouldn't go down good, so he drew 1 cc out. It feels fine now. Was back on liquids through yesterday, and am now on soft foods until Thursday when I can eat whatever.

    The only really bad thing going on right now is the fact that I have bronchitis. Went to my PCP last Thursday and got some good antibiotics and cough medicine. I'm still feeling really bad though. Came to work today but probably shouldn't have. May stay at home tomorrow.

    Everybody take care! Peg

  3. Congrats on the grand baby! That must be so exciting! On the fill topic next time I will make sure to eat something that day. I had to do liquids after the fill and the next day and I was hungry when I went in there. I will def. not go to the next fill hungry. Other than that it wasn't bad. Good luck!

    Hi Dawn,

    Thanks for the tip regarding my fill on Friday. I'll be sure to eat something that morning. They said you couldn't eat anything 2 hrs. prior to the fill. Thanks also for the "congrats" on my becoming a grandma. It's so exciting!


  4. Hi All,

    Last night, Halloween, didn't bother me at all. In fact, my hubby and I stayed in town and ate out. I had hamburger steak, mashed potatoes, and summer squash. Needless to say, I only ate about 1/3 of everything--so I have lunch for today!

    I don't think Thanksgiving and Christmas will be too bad. I've gotten used to eating a small amount, and when I do the cooking--which I will this year--I'm usually not hungry when we sit down to eat.

    I've done really well eating out (and we do that a lot). Haven't had any problems, but I don't overeat either. I'm very cautious with how much and how fast I eat.

    Take care,


  5. Hi All,

    I'm having my 1st fill this coming Friday. Any tips on what I should or shouldn't do beforehand that day?

    On a different note, I just have to share this--found out last night that my daughter is going to have a baby. I'm going to be a grandma!!!! It's something I've prayed for for the past 3 years as my daughter and her husband had been trying so hard. That is going to be one special child, and I intend to spoil it rotten! Thanks for letting me share my news!


  6. Easy, pezzy!

    Lisa's Jewish Mushroom & Barley Soup (Based on Zingerman's Classic Mushroom Barley Soup

    Saute onion (one large, sliced), carrots (2 chopped small cubes), celery (2, chopped small cubes), garlic (as much as you want), and 1 lb mushroom (sliced) and 1/4 cup parsley (or even dill) (1 lb, sliced) in butter (2 tbls -- or you can use oil), and cook for about 5 minutes until veggies are soft, but not burned.

    Lower heat and stir in 1 tbsp flour, mixing every 30 seconds or so for about 5 minutes until thickened.

    Heat up 2 qts broth (beef, chicken, veggie or even water), and add to mushroom/veggie mixture a ladle at a time. Sir to incorporate.

    Bring to boil and add 1 cup barley and season with salt and pepper.

    Reduce to simmer, cover and cook for an hour or so -- stirring occasionally -- until thick.

    Add more parsley or dill, and season to taste with salt, pepper.

    PORTION INTO 1/2 - 1 CUP PORTIONS (so we don't eat too much) and freeze.

    Vary the mushrooms, broth, veggies as you wish!!!


    Lisa in NYC

    Thanks, Lisa. Sounds scrumptious! Can't wait to try it! Peg

  7. Just a quick update for the Sept 2011 bandsters:

    I was banded on 9/12 and feel great. All together I've lost over 33 lbs and have finally (!!!!!) gotten into the regular sizes. Bought a new pair of jeans today at costco without trying them on, and the size 18 (short) are loose. I can't believe it. My weight loss has slowed down now that I'm on real food, but it is slow and steady.

    My first fill was Wednesday (10/19) and received 4 cc's. The PA said they generally just follow a protocol, so that's what I got. He was pleased with my weight loss to date, and said that with no restriction in the band, the weight loss was due to diet exclusively. I had no problem with the fill, and was told to return to liquid diet for 2 days, or until I felt like I could get solid food down. The second day, I tried some soft food and had no problems. Today I'm pretty much eating what I was before, just much less. Although my hunger seems to be back, I find that if I eat slowly, chew carefully and moderate my intake, I get satisfied with less food. That's exactly what I want. As I keep telling myself, the lap band is a tool, but I must be conscious of what I'm eating.

    I saw the nutritionist at Bellevue, and he definitely believes in tough love! After going over some questions I had, when I asked about hunger between meals, he said to try and ignore it. Easier said than done, he said, but I must remember that someone cut into my body to help solve my obesity. When I'm tempted by a (wicked!) donut, try and remember that I was desperate enough (my words, not his) to have surgery (with all it's pain, cost and bother) and do I really want to screw that up! A bit harsh, but like a slap to the head. He also suggested I set a goal of getting to 180 by the end of the year. That's 12 lbs in 10 weeks! Think I can do it???

    Have a great week everyone, and remember, if this process of conquering our obesity was easy, we would have done it way, way, way, before now! Let's concentrate on the positive and be kind to ourselves!

    Lisa in NYC -- with a pot of mushroom barley Soup simmering on the stove~


    Would you kindly share your recipe for the mushroom barley soup. Sounds delicious! Thanks!


  8. Update - I get out of the shower this morning and I actually have purple black and blue bruises where he tried to find my port! Go Figure! I'm a little sore to but nothing major - and I've started to lose again! down 2 1/2 lbs since Tuesday! hurrah!

    Are they going to leave the port as is? That's just too weird. Congrats on the loss of 2 1/2 more lbs.!!!:D

  9. Hey All,

    I'm 3 weeks out from surgery, too! This week I've had mushy foods. So good from being on liquids for 4 weeks (2 pre-op and 2 post-op). I've lost a total of 24.5 lbs. so far and am happy with that. I still have some shoulder pain at times which I guess will go away eventually. I'm lucky in that I've never gotten really hungry between meals. I'm just so happy to be on THIS side of the band!!! Thought that day would never come! Take care everyone! I love reading your posts.


  10. Hello Everyone!

    I've been out of commission since my surgery on Sept. 29th.

    The surgery went well (band with plication) and hiatal hernia repair. Surgery was at 9:00 a.m., in the recovery room at 11:00 a.m. and in a room by 1:30 p.m. Spent one night and things went very well. After I got home, and on Sunday morning, everything I took in (all fluids) went right through me. I had diarrhea terribly. On Tues. it hadn't stopped so called the surgeon's office. They said that apparently I caught an intestinal bug while in the hospital and that 3 other patients had to be readmitted because of it and dehydration. I know I was dehydrated, but stayed at home and tried to get as many liquids as I could and took Imodium as prescribed by the nurse. It was a small setback, but I'm feeling pretty good now.

    On Wed. I was taking my daily meds and must have taken them too quickly one after the other because I did the horrible slime (saliva with air bubbles) which was no fun at all. So, I learned my first lesson!

    Today is my first day back at work. I'm tired and ready to go back home now.

    Tomorrow I go back to surgeon for my 2-wk. checkup. Hopefully, they will let me eat mushies. I'm sick of all the liquids.

    I've lost a total of 17 lbs. and feel good about that. I can feel it in my clothes and my face is thinning out.

    Sounds like everyone is coming right along. Keep up the good work! Until next time... Peg

  11. Hello all September Bandsters!

    I'll be joining you tomorrow morning. I have to leave home at 4:30 a.m. and be at the hospital at 6:30. My surgery is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. and I will stay overnight in the hospital. Being banded with plication. I'm so excited.....it's been a long, long journey to get here.

    Will be back when I'm on the "other" side.


  12. SDBandit, I had my 1st postop today too. My nutrionist gave me an A+ and put me on soft foods so I stopped at the store for some tilapia and green Beans for dinner. Eating canned tuna right now and it is soooo good. Especially the chewing. I asked the nutrionist about carbs and fats as well as calorie intake today since we all have been discussing that. She recommended me to never drop under 600 calories per day and never go over 1000. 800 is a good happy medium and I think I can live easily with that. Carbs to stay under 60, with no more than one fruit per day, Fat under 25 grams and Protein always over 64 grams. I think this is workable for me and she wants me to cut back to one Protein shake a day and to try to get everything else from real food. I go back to the doc and the nutritionist again in 6 weeks unless I begin to get hungry and eat portions that are too large before then. He said my lack of hunger is due to the plication and we are going to try to let that work before he starts adjusting my band, no so fill in my immediate future and I am ok with that. Can start regular exercise in 3 weeks, for now just keep up walking and the like. He was happy with my progress. So it was a good visit for me.

    Congratulations on moving to some soft foods! That's great. My surgery is Thursday. Can't wait. I'm soooooo very ready. This is a great support group. I've learned so many things here. Keep doing what you're doing! I'll probably need help next week! Take care. Peg

  13. I hope everything goes great for you tomorrow!!!

    I am scheduled for Thursday, the 29th.

    Take Care!

    Hi, I'm being banded with plication on Thursday, the 29th also! We'll have to stay in touch. Good luck to you. I'm so excited that it's hard for me to concentrate at work. I just want to get it over with and start my new life. Take care. Peg

  14. Getting banded tomorrow!!! So excited and good luck to all September bandsters! We are making changes for a long and healthy life style..... Change is difficult and I'm glad we have each other for support!

    Hi Kat,

    I'm thinking of you today while you're having your surgery. I know all will go well for you. Let us hear from you when you feel up to it. Take care! We're all here for you! Peg

  15. I am having surgery Sept. 29!!! Starting the pre op diet tomorrow. I have to admit I am getting really nervous. Not too much about surgery itself but about failing. I am afraid of failing like I have failed other diets. I am assuming this is normal, but man does the brain play games. This group has been wonderful and I hope we continue supporting and checking in with one another. Erika

    Hi Erika,

    Same day as me! Yay for us! Don't be nervous. You will NOT fail at this. I have been on so many diets throughout my adult life, and I could usually lose easily enough, but then the weight gradually piles on again. I'm doing this so I have a good tool to help me control how much I eat. I need this so very much, that I know I'll make good choices with food, too. You'll do the same. Have confidence in yourself. It's going to work. Good luck next Thursday. Do you have an overnight stay in the hospital? I do. Talk to you later. Peg

  16. Thank you so much! I am going forward with this tomorrow and I'm nervous and excited but I know that I'm strong enough to get thru it all. I'm so happy I found this website to be able to talk to others that are going thru this as well.

    You are all great! Good luck to everyone with their upcoming surgeries

    Take care, Jill. So glad you decided to have the surgery. You'll be in my prayers tomorrow. I know you'll do great! Let us hear from you as soon as you feel like it. Peg

  17. Ok so I'm getting banded in 2 days!! I have been in this program for almost a year and have worked so hard to get where I am. But i'm nervous. Me and my boyfriend of 4 years broke up a week ago today. I have been struggling with heartache and its been terrible. All of my friends and family told me not to cancel my surgery. Its something i've worked so hard for and they are willing to be there for me to help. I just need to figure out a way to mentally focus on myself. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm so scared of what to do and i'm trying to take one day at a time and its so hard.

    Hi Jill, Sorry for your broken heart right now, but you do have to do this for yourself. If you don't, I think you'll regret it. It's good that you have family and friends near you to help you along, and know that we are all here to, to help as we can. I'll say a prayer for you! Keep us posted. Good luck. Peg

  18. I wish you all could see this huge smile on my face tight now!!!

    I just left my docs office for my 1 week post-op check-up... They had me weigh in & I'm down 13.4 pounds in my first week!!!!!

    Good luck to everyone getting banded today & the rest of the week! My biggest recommendation - get up & walk as much as you can, as quick as you can after surgery.

    Congrats, Eric! That's wonderful. I hope I'll have as good an experience next Thursday when I get banded. Keep up the good work! Peg

  19. My Lap-Band surgery was yesterday morning and all is well. I'm still in hospital and will likely stay another night. Yesterday was nothing by mouth. Today is clear liquids. My surgeon is conservative. He wants the stomach to rest and recover and then take it slow. This is fen with me!

    My lungs have needed breathing treatments every four hours. I've been up walking and am sitting Ina chair right now. The incisions hurt and I'm thankful for pain meds!

    Deep breathing is painful.

    All in all, the experience has been good and I lime my surgical and nursing team and the hospital. I will list again when I get hone and can catch up with everyone else!

    On my way to a size 12 and better health!

    Good for you, Becky Jane. Take it slow and easy. I'll join you next Thursday. Can't wait. Good luck with your band. Peg

  20. I am new here and I am having my procedure on Sept. 29, 2011. I am currently on my 6th day of the liver diet. My diet consist of: Breakfast- boost glucose control, Lunch-boost glucose control and a piece of fruit, Snack- lowfat yogurt, Dinner- 2 pieces of wheat bread, 4oz meat and a cup of vegatables. Right now I am kinda hungry but I am making it. I am glad they have support groups out here.

    Hi Diva!

    Who is doing your Lap-Band surgery? Are you having it done in Richmond? I will be banded on the 29th as well, and I am on the same diet. My surgeon is Dr. Matthew Brengman - Dominion Surgical Assoc. at St. Mary's Hospital.

    Good luck to you!


  21. @Peps and Bromo- I am having band with plication too. My post op is clear x 2 days full till post op appt which is Friday of next week then i can do ticker liquids for a week then move on to mushies. My birthday is Oct 13 so i hope to get to have solids by then! I am super excited to get this too! I go Thursday and am getting very nervous! I am suppose to go back to work on Monday with a call to follow my shift. I am a little worried I wont be ready but it isnt a job i can easily call in for and only a few know I am having surg.... Cross your fingers!!

    Good luck on Thursday! I'll be thinking of you. Please let me know how you get along afterwards. My surgery date is the 29th. Take care!


  22. Peg, I am on what my doc calls thin liquids for a week. It must run off a spoon, so I can have strained, creamy Soups but no yogurt or puddings. Week 2 is mushy, Week 3 & 4 are soft and hopefully at a month I will be on regular solids. My doctor thinks you get the benefits of the gastric sleeve in the beginning with the weight loss coming not only from the band but the plication of the stomach. As time goes by the band will come more into effect as the early benefits of the plication slow down. Also holding the band in place is a big deal. I am excited about being a part of this new procedure and hope that the good initial outcomes shown in the testing will be as good in my weight loss.

    I am a widow and live alone, so if something needs to be done, I have to do it myself. Although, I cannot imagine my late husband shaving my legs. I would have been terrified while he was doing it. lol

    Yes, let's stay in touch on this journey together.


    So sorry for your loss, Pam. Is that a grandchild that you're holding in your picture? So cute!

    I'll be on full liquids for 2 weeks, 2 weeks of mushies, and then on to solids. Doesn't that sound just yummy?

    I, too, am glad to be a part of this new union of the band and plication. Sounds exciting. I know a lady in my church who has Lap-Band, hers slipped and had to redo it. When the dr. did the surgery again, he also did the plication.

    I look forward to a brand new friendship! I'll definitely stay in touch.


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