I am nearly 3 days out now and yes, I have noticed that things are quite gassier than before. I went to bed very bloated last night, but it then made its way out. I guess it's something I'm willing to deal with in order to get healthier though but I agree it is quite a difference. LOL
I have a really stupid question, but where is the port? I am one day post-op and haven't felt like poking around on my belly too much. However, I am wondering where the port is. For some reason it didn't dawn on me to ask in the hospital.
I laughed when I saw this because I had a similar though earlier....I am looking forward to being able to tie my shoes without getting out of breath. I got banded yesterday so I am going to get there soon!! Funny the things we can take for granted.
I totally understand that! I was so bloated yesterday from the gas, but I made myself up and walk the hallways at the hospital to move it through. Today, I think it's mostly gone because of it.
[quote name=)' timestamp='1308930935' post='1630179]
Congrats!!! I was done on Tuesday so I am 3 days out. Little less sore each day!!! Can't wait till the swelling goes down so I don't feel so pregnant.
Hi everyone! I got banded 6/23/2011. I am 29 years old, single, with one child.. I live in St. Louis, Missouri. I would love to find an e-mail buddy for starters.
Hi Cat Lady! I was banded yesterday and there was a gentleman in the room next to mine who was over 60. He seemed to be doing great... was up and walking and in very good spirits. I think that you should go for it!
I'm banded! It went to smoothly that I was discharged the same day!! This so so surreal and exciting!!! Looking forward to my new life. Would love to talk to any others who are newly banded or will be banded soon.