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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ShrinkingChef

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  • Birthday September 27

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  1. ShrinkingChef


  2. ShrinkingChef

    Surgery In 3 Weeks...soooooo Nervous....

    This is going to be the best thing you have ever done for yourself. You'll just wish you've done it sooner. I had my sleeve done may 27 2011. Six months later I had lost 70-80 pounds. I have forgotten now. I was at 305 when I started. I'm now 198. I feel so great. A little pain initially. Nothing that bad. I went to dr. Alvarez in Mexico. I was terrified. The worst part was the plane trip down. I barely fit in the seat. Now I want to go go go. Good luck to you. Just follow the inital rules with the diet plan until your stomach heals and you'll be fine.
  3. ShrinkingChef

    Calling all May Sleevers!

    Hello dootaboot, my surgery date is also May 12th. I'm going to Mexico because I'm self pay and it's half price. I'll be seeing Dr Alverez and I'm counting down the days. As of today we have 33 more days. We should compare notes and help each other out.
  4. ShrinkingChef

    Calling all May Sleevers!

    I'm self-pay. That's the reason I picked Mexico. It was almost double to have it done here. I'm in Florida. I have read so many posts and there are so many that I can relate to. I'm all about positive thinking, good karma and what comes around goes around. LOL Right now I'm focusing on positive thinking, and reading all the post I can. I know May 12 & 24th seem like it so far away but it’s really not. You are so fortunate to have the opportunity to have it done at your age. I ‘m in my 40’s and would have loved this tool 20 years ago. I read back at your other post and I was watching Coming Home at the same time. My face was soaked with tears. I cried during the entire show. LOL
  5. ShrinkingChef

    Calling all May Sleevers!

    Hello, I am scheduled for May 12 with Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. I'm a little scaried but soooo ready for this journey to start. I know it won't be an easy one, but nothing worth fighting for in this world is easy. I'm self paid so I chose Mexico. That has been the biggest worry. I did my research. He seems like the perfect fit for me. I'm so happy to have found this web-site and forums.
  6. I can really relate to your story. It could have been me writing it. The lapband was a complete mess to me too. In Sept 10, 2007 Out June 15 2010 I also wasn’t able to eat anything healthy. I was down to eating soft things like chocolate…it went down real easy. I can’t tell you how many times and how many different situations I have been in that were horrible. I’d also leave the restaurants and have to pull over in a parking lot somewhere and throw up. Gosh I hated that. It got to the point where I didn’t know what to eat. It seemed everything was going to get stuck. I chewed until the food was basically pureed in my mouth (gross) and swallow, only to have that ut-oh feeling. The one you have when you know it didn’t go down. I know the bathroom feeling. Holding it in your mouth until someone left the bathroom. Hoping for a handicap stall so you could wash up. I’d also did not want to throw up in the public toilets…others germs, so I’d use the sink, and then I’d have to clean it out. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. I also hated the plastic feeling in my stomach. When I would lie flat in bed I hated they way it felt. It always felt foreign to me. The fills were never right. One weekend I couldn’t even swallow my own spit. I called they said can you wait until Monday. I’m schedule for May 12 to have the Vertical Sleeve put in. I’m doing that in Mexico and I’m really looking forward to it. I wish I had researched the lapband more before I got it put in. Funny thing insurance paid to have it put in; I changed jobs and had to pay to have it taken out. Life’s lessons. LOL
  7. ShrinkingChef

    Sabatoge : (

    Hello, I'm new. I also haven't had my surgery yet, soooo. I was thinking about chocolate and maybe try SF hot chocolate. I know it's not the same, I love Kit Kats...I can't wait to give them up. Maybe a chocolate hard candy? Something that won't be bulky but will help with the craving. I know if you give into sugar it makes it worse. I think the mind is the worst thing. LOL Good luck to you.
  8. Welcome to VST forums ShrinkingChef :)

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