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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Machele

  1. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    From my understanding, there is fat around all of your organs, the stomach included. As you lose weight, the fat disappears as well. Therefore, the stomach becomes smaller. The fills are needed to keep the restriction around the stomach tight as the stomach gets smaller. However, I have only recently been banded myself so, I don't have any experience in this. It is just what I have read on here.
  2. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    From my understanding, there is fat around all of your organs, the stomach included. As you lose weight, the fat disappears as well. Therefore, the stomach becomes smaller. The fills are needed to keep the restriction around the stomach tight as the stomach gets smaller. However, I have only recently been banded so, I don't have any experience in this. It is just what I have read on here.
  3. Okay all you fellow Dr. K. bandsters. I would think that since the same doctor did all of our surgeries, they would have to be similar, right? I have 4 horizontal incisions that are almost in a straight light starting on my left side and continues to mid-right side, with my port incision being the biggest one at 1 1/2 inches long that is directly above my belly button about 3 inches. Then 1 more incision about 2 inches directly above my port incision at the end of my sternum. Does this sound familiar to anyone? The problem is, I am having pressure/pain on the second incision from the left side, which is not the port incision. It is swollen and somewhat hard about an inch above the top of that incision. The pressure seems to become worst as the day goes on. However, the hardness stays about the same all day. I am 8 days post-op and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this same swelling and pain?
  4. Machele

    Could I be allergic to my lapband?

    Have you made any other changes, such as vitamins or supplements when you got your band? I had a rash on my foot that went up the back of my leg. I suffered with it for several months until I could find a dermatologist that could tell me possible causes. It ended up being too much dietary metals in my vitamins. So, I had to change vitamin brands. Just my 2 cents...
  5. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I'm a closet bandster also. I have not told anyone in my family, just because of the critizism I've had in the past from them. My husband knows and 1 friend. I took off 3 days from work and all I had to tell my principal was "female problems", and he did not want to know anymore! :biggrin1: My friend has yo-yo'ed with her weight for many years, and understands the issues with it. She has been very supportive and even called me on my way home from the hospital! That's a real friend, who took the time to remember the day and the time of my surgery! Good luck with your "closet"!
  6. Lap Dancer-- True! The Holiday Inn is closer to the hospital than the Hampton Inn. I'm glad you got the medical rate! When I made my reservations I told them I was there for surgery and that was the rate they gave me too! It is a nice area to walk as well, not much traffic and all!
  7. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I wonder if this is part of the ketosis (sp) that happens to us when we start losing weight. It is the chemical reaction of the breaking down of the fat for energy and not using food for energy, because there is none available... Just my 2 cents.
  8. I had surgery 4 days ago, my incisions are just now getting to the point where I can touch them without a lot of pain. Many of you have said that you can feel your port. What's it supposed to feel like? :mad: I have pressed on my "port" incision and can not feel anything... Did any of you have an X-ray after surgery or do a barium swallow?? I can chug liquids like before and I have even eaten frozen yogert and ice cream without feeling "restricted". Do you think its possible that he forgot to put my band in??? :omg: I am not hungry, but smelling food makes my mouth water... My mind is just running wild....
  9. Lap Dancer, We stayed right down the street from that hotel at the Hampton Inn. I requested a medical rate and we got a discount! We had a refrigerator and microwave in our room, whiched helped a lot for the day after surgery. There is a big variety of restaurants there, even ones that have soup and such. Its less then 1/2 mile from the hospital. I really liked the area. :clap2: I'm sure you will too!
  10. Tater bug- When I was there last week, Dr. K said they were going to start doing surgeries in Parker because of the new hopital. He told me that his first surgery in Parker is scheduled on the 21st. We stayed at one of the suite hotels close to that hospital. We got a "medical rate" which was discounted a lot for a suite... only $89 a night! Their regular rates are $40 more then that!
  11. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi all I just wanted to check in! I got to the hospital at noon for my 1pm surgery. Things went well during surgery, no hernia or gallbladder problems. I was back at the hotel by 4. They put a dramamine patch on me to prevent nausea, but it makes my eyes dilated, so seeing fine print is difficult. I walked a lot that evening, but did not sleep well that first night. I took 2 doses of the pain medicine and gagged on the taste both times. :welldoneclap: So, I started using a chicken broth chaser!! Fortunately, I have not had to use very much of it! I think the worst part of this recovery period is the discomfort of getting in and out of bed and sitting up and down. I am also having trouble blowing my nose. It feels like I can't catch my breath. We flew home on Saturday, I was exhausted. Once we got home, I went right to bed, I slept all night through!:notagree Travelling was easy, just a little slow! I am having a hard time staying on clear liquids for the first 3 days. I feel like I am always :hungry: . I went out today and bought some soy protien powder from GNC. It makes my chicken broth taste really bad! :phanvan So, 2 days post-op, and I am feeling really good, and have had no gas pains as of yet! I'm walking a lot and doing 1 more day of clear liquids which I try to drink slow. However, I am not feeling any restriction at all! I can drink my cup of chicken broth in 1 sitting, usually takes me about 5-7 minutes. I have been heating it up in the microwave to almost boiling, so I take longer to drink it. But at the airport yesterday, I had 3 spoonfuls of my husband's frozen yougert. 1 of the spoonfuls was a bit bigger then it should have been, and I stuck in my mouth anyway. No problem, slid right on down... I was hoping to have some restriction.... Sorry about the long story, I just had to share! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  12. Thanks all for the well-wishes and support! Mark-- I was Dr. K's 164th lap-band patient! Sunnysea-- I was hoping not to have to use that "yucky" stuff again! I bought some "Tylenol Go Tabs" that I am going to start using. DrewsLou--Don't get me wrong...the food was EXCELLENT! It was also a great place to go for my "Last supper"! I think it would be a great place for special occassions! I wanted to ask.... I am not feeling any restriction at all! I can drink my cup of chicken broth in 1 sitting, usually takes me about 5-7 minutes. I have been heating it up in the microwave to almost boiling, so I take longer to drink it. But at the airport yesterday, I had 3 spoonfuls of my husband's frozen yougert. 1 of the spoonfuls was a bit bigger then it should have been, and I stuck in my mouth anyway. No problem, slid right on down... Did anyone else experience this??? Even 2 days out, I would whole heartily say this was the best decision for me!
  13. Hi all I just wanted to check in! I had surgery on Friday with Dr. K, and he was late for my "dance" because he had to do Shesha's unfill! While I was waiting at the hospital, 2 others came in to have surgery with Dr. K. So, I know his practice is really starting to boom! Things went well during surgy, no hernia or gallbladder problems. I was back at the hotel by 4. They put a dramamine patch on me to prevent nausea, but it makes my eyes dilated, so seeing fine print is difficult. I walked a lot that evening, but did not sleep well that first night. I took 2 doses of the pain medicine and gagged on the taste both times. :welldoneclap: So, I started using a chicken broth chaser!! Fortunately, I have not had to use very much of it! I think the worst part of this recovery period is the discomfort of getting in and out of bed and sitting up and down. We flew home on Saturday, I was exhausted. Got home and I went right to bed, I slept all night through!:notagree Travelling was easy, just a little slow! I am having a hard time staying on clear liquids for the first 3 days. I feel like I am always :hungry: . I went out today and bought some protien powder from GNC. It makes my chicken broth taste really bad! :phanvan So, 2 days post-op, and I am feeling really good, and have had no gas pains as of yet! I also found out that starting on the 21st, Dr. K will also be doing surgery at the new Parker hospital in Parker, CO. Also, I have to say "THANKS" to DrewsLou for suggesting the Rodizio Grill. We went there the night before my surgery. The food was awesome and we got to try lots of different things. But I am sure I had sticker :eek: shock when the bill came. For 3 of us it was over $100. The meal itself was $31.95 each. They don't have menus, every meal is the same price, you just don't know what the price is until you get the bill! Sorry about the long story, I just had to share!
  14. We fly out tonight! I looked at the Weather Channel and it called for cooler temperatures and rain the rest of this week! :Cry: NOOOOOO!!! I don't want to have to be leaving the hospital in the rain! I need spring and sun!
  15. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Pam, I am right there with you. My closet ranges in size from size 14 to 24. I have decided that once I "shrink" out of my big clothes, I am taking them immediatly to the consignment shop. That way I can be able to buy some new ones at the same consignment shop! I will have to be repeating the same thing to myself as well. My brain is having a difficult time wrapping itself around the thought of once I am banded, I will never be this heavy again!
  16. Thanks for the info!!:faint: 4 more days for me... I have started the pre-surgery nervousness!! Not sleeping well at all!!:cry
  17. DrewsLou, Have you eaten at Rodizio Grill? How is it set up? What are the prices? There is Brazilian steakhouse in this area, and they serve as much as you want... Its an all you can eat place, but served at your table, not a buffet...
  18. Thanks Shesha! I need all the :help: I can get! Did you see Dr. K the day after your surgery? How long was it after your surgery before you flew home? That is the part I am most concerned about. I have heard several people say that traveling the day after is very uncomfortable....:phanvan
  19. Hi, I'm from the Kansas City area. SW airlines flies direct to Denver for $125! I couldn't have been luckier!!:biggrin1:
  20. Machele

    HELP PLEEEEZE! Mexico or Denver?

    Hi Donna, WOW, Why is your husband limiting you on the funds? Most band surgeries are in the 15K range.. does he expect you to come up with the rest? I am having my surgery done in Denver. I was toooo chicken to even consider Mexico. I wanted some one statside if I started having problems was the biggest reason I chose to have it done in Denver. I feeling has always been "you get what you pay for" so, if you pick a cheaper hospital in Mexico is is dirty or older?? I think I would reconsider that option. The other reason that the Dr. is much lower in Denver is he told me there is a lot of competion in his area. Price really matters there. Check out the Denver doctor thread in "Dctors and Hopitals". You get lots of good information! Good luck with your decision!
  21. Hi all, I am down to 1 week left. Marilyn called today to tell me I was scheduled at 1pm next Friday! I'm kinda, sorta nervous, but really ready to get this over with! I found an awesome find today while out shopping for Protein drinks. GNC carries "Muscle Milk" in a mocha java flavor! AHHHH a way to get my coffee fix!! I started my pre-op diet on Sunday and when I weighed in at the PCP office today, I was down 14 pounds since the last time I was there (which was about 3 weeks ago)!! :rockon: Have a great weekend!
  22. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks for everyone reporting in about their experiences the first few days of post-op. I have been rather concerned about this time period because I have not gotten a lot of information from my doctor. He had told me several times that everyone is different... DUH! I started my pre-op diet on Sunday and when I went to weigh at my PCP's office today, I was down 14 pounds from the last time I was in! (which was a bout 3 weeks ago) I know I have lost most of that weight this week!:whoo: I was so excited! I am down to seven days left, and I am ready to get this over with! My band doctor called this morning and I am scheduled for surgery at 1pm on the 16th. We are flying out on Tuesday so DH and I can have some R&R before my surgery! For everyone that has had surgery--Take care, if you have not had surgery, the time can't come fast enough!
  23. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Congratulations on your date!:clap2: I completely know how you feel about not wanting to tell everyone about this surgery, because deep down, I am having the same feeling about not being able to take the weight off by myself. I have decided that if someone asks me I'm just going to tell them the truth "diet and excercise". Because bottom line is, it will be ME who gets up off the couch to ride the bike or go for a walk. It will be ME who puts the fork down after enough food. No one else is going to do it for me!! :yell: I have suffered through the comments from family and co workers about "exercisign some will power" or "look how broad that beem is getting" to know that they will not be supportive of my decision! :phanvan Sad but true! I told my doctor about my concerns about telling people and he told me that "throat surgery" has the same kind of liquid diet requirements for recovery. So, I have "set the stage" at work for the wieght loss with a throat surgery story. :guess I can feel your pain!
  24. Cheryl, I am very similar to LapDancer, except when I called Dr. K.'s office, I already had a date in mind for my surgery. When I called the end of January, it was about a 3 week wait for surgery with Dr. K. I had also been researching the procedure for quite a while. When I realized that my insurance would not cover it, I started looking for places cheaper then the 16-18K price tag here in my area. The other thing about not having insurance cover it, is that you don't have to go through all the "hoops" such as a psych. eval., sleep tests and the like, which makes the wait time shorter as well. I had my consultation with the nutritionist and the doctor over the phone. Dr. K. requires a pre-op vist the day before surgery and a post-op visit the day after surgery. So,everything can be done in one trip. You can make your own choice whether you go back to him for fills or not. Airline tickets are only $125 round trip for me, so, I will probably go back at least twice for fills. I did not even consider going to Mexico for surgery, but the price at Dr. K.'s office is comparable to the prices in Mexico. I hope this helps you.
  25. Machele

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I am in the same boat as you are. I have no family support, except criticism. Which is the main reason I have decided not to tell my parents or other memebers of my family. My PCP even told me that this surgery "was the easy way out!". :faint: BTW-- I have a new PCP which I interviewed before I signed on with his practice!! :biggrin1: The only person that knows about my surgery is my husband and 1 friend.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
