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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bandedscott

  1. I use Fill Centers USA. They charge $300 for the first visit, then $145 for each subsequent visit, and their network is nationwide. They also have an annual plan where you just pay one fee for the year, and go as often as needed. I pay for mine out of my flex spending account. Both me and my wife have been very happy with the clinic in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

  2. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago. The oral meds I took for this time contributed to a 20 lb weight gain over those 6 years. In January 2011, my doctor broke the news that my A1C was too high at 8.4%. I was going to have to increase my meds again. After I balked at the idea of more meds, my doctor suggested that I consider lapband. My wife was banded 5 months earlier in Mexico, so we went off to Mexico again, this time to get me banded. In 5 months, I have lost 60lbs, A1C went from 8.4 to 5.8, BP from 120/75 to 95/60, triglycerides from 335 to 133, cholesterol from 180 to 135. I have much more energy now. I can't believe that I may have to figure out how not to loose more weight in the very near future. That will be a great problem to have. My doctor believes that I can go medication free at my next visit in September.

  3. Cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes run strong in my family, and I'm considering lap band surgery as a way to reduce my risk of these illnesses. I've read many people no longer need meds for hypertension or diabetes, and that many people's cholesterol and triglycerides improve. I already have metabolic syndrome and take several medications which are only somewhat effective to protect my cardiovascular system.

    Has anyone experienced improvements to their cardiovascular system or blood sugar? I don't have type II diabetes (yet, but I'm pretty likely to develop it down the road), but I've read 80-90% of people get their blood sugar under control with this medical tool. I also read 80% of people can quit their hypertension meds.

    Any arguments against this (people who still had diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hypertension, etc) even after the surgery?

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