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About boynurse

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  1. My surgery is July the 6th! Hope your surgery goes good!

  2. Sweet! Let's get r done!!!!!!!!
  3. St. Marks. Rocky Mountain.
  4. Hi everyone. My name is Brent I'm a 45 yr old RN from Utah. I have battled my weight for the past 20 years. but in the last year it has become unbearable. I am at a BMI of 52. I've been the "Healthy Fat Guy" for years but I havent been happy. I have worked as a Gastrointestinal Nurse in endoscopy for the past 17 years and have a real aversion to bypassing my intestines. I started working on approval for this surgery about a year ago when I heard about sleeve gastrectomy. I know it's not a "magic pill" but I am so excited to start this journey, and get my life back both at home and at work. I know I need support and thats why I'm here. I've loved reading your posts and look forward to sharing my journey with you. My surgeon in Dr Roddrick McKinnley.
  5. Welcome to the Vertical Sleeve Talk forums boynurse! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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