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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JennB33

  1. I just had my third fill, the first one, in July, was 3 cc's, 1 cc in August, and then got 2 cc's today. I haven't had any problems thus far after a fill, and have been able to eat pretty much whatever. I've started gaining again (!!) so I hope this works. I got a sandwich after my fill and could only eat 1/2 so that's a good start... Do you all do the Clear liquids on the day of the fill, then fulls, then mushies, etc? I haven't been, is that bad? Also my doctor has forbidden yogurt or "anything I can eat with a spoon". He TOLD me to eat sandwiches!! Such a culture shift from my pre-banding days of "don't eat bread!"
  2. How do I get one of the little tracker things? Thanks!
  3. Congratulations, and welcome Stephanie!
  4. JennB33

    OH Snap!!

    Wow - congratulations to you!
  5. Good luck! You're going to do great!
  6. JennB33

    A bad decision...

    When I investigated the band option, I had to understand that it is a tool not a silver bullet. If I wasn't using the tool correctly, it would not help me. Like using a hammer to drive in a screw, if I don't use the tool properly it won't work. I think you do have to be ready for all three elements to work together or fail individually. Every day is a new opportunity for success or failure, and it's up to each person to make the right decision. I look at the band as I have never been able to look at other "help" - when someone else hinted that I had had enough, I stuffed my face a little more just to prove that I would be making the decisions. The band helps me by reminding me that I am, in fact, full and need to stop eating. It doesn't turn off my mental urges to want MORE MORE MORE but it's a more physical reminder that I never had before. It's my tool, I'll work with it. And try to make the right decisions every day. I wish everyone the best of luck with their decisions, banded or not.
  7. We were banded on the same day!
  8. I was on a restricted diet and had to lose 14 lbs pre-op (! And failed!). 10 days prior to surgery had to be on a liquid diet... I was banded on 5/25/11 and feel like things are starting to "click" although I haven't been able to exercise much lately - work has been insane. I've lost 25 lbs since last August when I started the program (including 9 months of pre-surgery classes, diet, etc). Understanding what "full" means is kind of amazing, at 38 years old... J
  9. JennB33

    Period during surgery

    The same EXACT thing happened to me... The nurses were totally cool with it, and so was the surgeon. In fact, they wanted to order a pregnancy test and I said that it certainly wasn't necessary.... Good luck with your surgery!
  10. I had my surgery on 5/25 and my port incision is still the most tender. I haven't been able to adhere to the "no lifting above 15 lbs for 6 weeks" edict because I have a 3 y/o who sometimes NEEDS to be lifted (so he can go have a time out, more often than not). I'm noticing an internal kind of pain when I do some simple yoga stretches - like child's pose - like there is something in there (which I know there is...). Anyway. Go easy! No more lifting hose caddies! And if the pain continues, call your doctor!
  11. JennB33

    Purebred Longhaired German Shepherd

    Since it has finally stopped raining I'm going to take my 2 dogs - 9 y/o golden retriever and 18 month old crazy-ass GSD out for a walk and get my 2 miles in! Also, I applaud everyone here, I read the thread and am so happy to be posting on a forum where people listen to each other and don't immediately start flaming one another. Dogs are great exercise buddies, anyone else here want to be exercise buddies/support for each other? Drop me a note...
  12. JennB33

    JUST occurred to me!!

    Congratulations! And, I had to be on liquids for 10 days prior to my surgery. Good luck, we'll see you on the other side!
  13. JennB33

    chest pain.

    I was having pains like that too and wanted to sit down, then I read that the best thing was to walk... and it helps! I also burp like a sailor now.... doesn't matter what I eat, I belch.
  14. Hello all, I'm new to this forum today. I had my surgery 4 weeks ago today and have started bringing real food back into my diet. I will have my first fill on July 9. I lost about 15 lbs since surgery, but haven't lost anything this week (I do my weigh-in on Sunday mornings, pre-eating or drinking and post-toilet). I wonder if I'm just having a plateau because I'm putting real food into my diet or if it's because this week is "special lady time" (apologies, gents). Any advice? I'm walking about 30-40 minutes 4-5 times a week at about 3.25 mph, and trying to remember to do some weights every day for 10-15 minutes. Thanks in advance!
  15. JennB33

    6 Month Bandiversary!

    You look great, and are an inspiration to all of us! I'm 4 weeks post-surgery now, and am so excited for the future! Keep those pictures coming, you have every right to be happy and proud of yourself!
  16. JennB33

    JennB33's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
