The same thing happened to me not long ago. In November I had a slip so I had to get it completely unfilled. I was stressed out of my mind, and they said that's what caused it. Well, I was able to eat all of my holiday meals for the first time in 2 years and I also had another surgery to remove a tumor from my salivary gland in January, and the weight started to creep back. I gained about 15 pounds just from not eating right and not exercising. In March I got it filled again and all the weight and more that I had gained. I graduated college, moved to a new city, and started a new job and I'm doing great. In my previous life, I would have started stress eating like crazy, but I can't do that anymore. My taste buds have also changed dramatically. Some of my favorite foods (sour cream and onion chips and cupcakes) I can't even stand anymore. You can do it. We all have times where we fall, but you have to get right back up and do it.