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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by his2my2our4

  1. What was she thinking?! I'm no expert but even IF what she said was true...was she trying to scare or upset you?! In your post I didn't hear a single bit of constructive advice...isn't that what they're there for? Don't let her take away your huge accomplishment! You've done an awesome job and I agree with the other posters, if you continue following the rules you can continue to lose! Congrats on an amazing loss!!
  2. I was going to ask about the PPI also. I've noticed, if I take my PPI and then wait about 30-45 mins before I eat, the gurgling isn't nearly as bad/loud. It can get really lound can't it?? lol
  3. Did you cry!? I think I would've cried!! Tears of joy of course!! lol This is so awesome!!!
  4. his2my2our4

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Regrets?

    I was worried about buyers remorse too. In fact, even after I had the sleeve done I kept thinking that I hoped I hadn't made a mistake. Now I'm almost 2months out and I couldn't be happier!! I have so much more energy, I feel better and I know that I've added YEARS to my life! It's funny you said something about being cold all of the time...I'm sitting here with a cold tipped nose and cold fingers as we speak...I guess that's what happens when we shed our fat suit lol. My social life is pretty much filled with running the mom taxi but I don't find that I tire the way I did before. I'm not sure if it's the sleeve and the healthier way of eating or the excercise but I do find that my stress level is down. Healing time was minimal. I think as long as you don't push it and listen to the drs instructions about lifting, walking, and resting when needed..you will be just fine. I honestly think this is wonderful tool and I cant say enough about it! Crossing my fingers that you find the same successes in your journey!! :-)
  5. Today I knocked out 3 miles on the treadmill and raked for an hour and a half. I could NOT have done that pre-sleeve!!!

  6. his2my2our4

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Postponed

    I know you must be disapointed. But, I'm glad that they are being so cautious! You want this to be as smooth and risk-free as possible. Cry the tears and then get excited again! 9 days in the grand scheme of things, really isn't that long
  7. his2my2our4

    Workout Tunes

    So I'm thinking I need a few new songs to add to workout playlist on my ipod. What are some of your favorite tunes to sweat to? :music:
  8. Your story is such an inspiration!! Congrats to you! :cheer2:
  9. Wow!! You are my hero! :-) Congrats to you and all of your successes!!
  10. Seriously, I haven't had this much energy in yearrrrrs!

  11. By any chance are you on Ursadiol? I noticed back pain too and started reading the side effects for each of my meds. The Ursadiol (for prevention of gallstones I think) has a warning that back pain is one of the side effects. Just a thought..... Hope you find relief soon!
  12. I'm another one who had to keep their drain in for a week post op. It wasn't painful and I didn't have any pain associated with it....it was tender but I wouldn't say painful. I think it was more annoying than anything. After a day or two I got used to tucking the bulb of the drain into my pants and went on with things...really no big deal. I guess everyone's journey is different! :-)
  13. Oh boy...I was SO nervous the day I was sleeved!! I was brought into the room where they do all of their work before the actual surgery, changed into my glam gown and seriously considered leaving. I kept thinking that I must've lost my mind for choosing this. I told the nurse about my fears and she quickly seemed to say all of the right things. My husband was brought back and we waited (tears and all lol). There was an emergent case that was pushed ahead of us so our wait time was extended a bit. I was offered something to calm me down but I'm such a control freak, I didn't want to be "out of control" before I had to be. Finally the anesthesiologist came in and was just wonderful. It's amazing how some drs and nurses know exactly what to do or say to make you feel at ease. Anyway, I was given something through my IV and I was told that it was the "forget me" drug. I remember being wheeled out of that little room, I remember telling my husband that I'd see him in a bit, I remember a little about the operating room. I remember moving myself from the stretcher to the bed and I remember a few nurses standing around. I have no memory of the gas mask or whatever they used to actually knock me out. It seemed like my eyes went blurry and my hearing sort of left before I actually went to asleep...but even that seems fuzzy to me know so dont hold me to it lol. I was VERY nervous about the waking up in recovery part. I had never had surgery so I had no idea what to expect. I was scared that I would wake up in a panic or in a lot of pain. Neither happened. I really have very little memory of recovery...maybe a glimpse of a dr working on my chart...but really nothing. My first real memory was me being wheeled to my room and that was only because they would warn me if there were bumps in the hallway or bumps coming off the elevator. I was brought back to my room around 4p or 5p and I dozed most of the evening. I think my first lap around the hospital floor was around 9p or 10p. I was given the pca pump and I did use it throughout the night as needed but I only used it that night. By the next morning i was surprised how good I felt. Yes I was sore and yes I knew that something had been done to me, but it was so bad that I needed to stay in bed drugged. I walked a lot and I preferred sitting in my chair rather than the bed. I had to stay in the hospital 2 nights but really feel like I could've come home after 1. I know you'll do just fine and now I almost feel silly for being as scared as I was. Good luck to you! Kristin
  14. his2my2our4

    Am I Losing Too Slowly?

    I think 25lbs in 7 weeks is GREAT!!! From what I've read, we all lose at a different rate. I was sleeved on 10/18 and I'm right at 30lbs....slow, fast, right on track....I don't care, it's 30lbs GONE! :-) Keep doing what your doing and celebrate your loss! :-)
  15. I only had to see my nut once prior to surgery..the psych once too. I will tell you this though. I started out with a different surgeon when I first started my journey. Different doctor and even a different hospital. I went to two or three appointments and everytime I left the office I had the same sort of feeling you described. My dr was also very monotone and didnt really seemed interested in me as a patient (in fact my pre-op appt was all of 10 mins and he described it as only a check off the insurance requirement list!). I finally decided to find another dr. I couldnt fully trust this other man and couldn't imagine putting my life into his hands. I am so happy I changed and for me it was the right decision. I'm not sure if changing drs is an option, if it isn't, I agree with feedyoureye...Speak Up!! This is too important to not feel 100% comfortable :-) Good luck to you!
  16. I was so worried about this! I was sleeved on 10/18 and I have a 2yr old. My husband took the first 2 weeks off and took over all baby duties....took a little gettin' used to but really so thankful for his help! At my 2wk follow up my dr told me that he wasn't going to tell me I couldn't pick up my child but he really wanted me to limit it. He said to at least give him 4 weeks before I dove back in. Listen to your dr and your body and you'll be just fine. :-) Good luck to you!
  17. I'm on iron and still find myself cold! lol I figure, if that's the worst thing I have to deal with in exchange for a new and healthy me...I'LL TAKE IT! :regular_smile:
  18. I walked into the room wearing a pair of jeans I hadn't been able to wear in, dare I say years?? I got an unprompted, "WOW!" from my husband! It was the best feeling!!
  19. his2my2our4

    Sleeping post op

    Out of the whole ordeal, I think this was my biggest complaint!! I think I was about 2 weeks maybe 2 1/2. I found that if i tucked 1 or 2 pillows behind me on one side, I could sort of fake it enough to feel like I was on my side. Don't worry...wont be long!
  20. his2my2our4

    Exercise for the New Sleevers

    Good question! I was sleeved almost a month ago and I've only been walking too. My dr told me to wait a while before I returned to Zumba. He suggested water aerobics....I don't know....might be ok.
  21. his2my2our4

    ok so... this is hard

    What a great post!! Thank you!!! I will be 4wks post op in just a few days and while I feel like I'm in the swing of things, I learned a lot from your post. Very excited to get back to eating salads (who would've ever thought that? lol) and the spinach one you listed sounds wonderful!!
  22. his2my2our4

    A My Fitness Pal Testimonial

    That's awesome! I joined MFP not long ago and have been trying to learn it and use it as a tool along with my new sleeve. It's great to see that the tracking really does help!! My screen name on MFP is his2my2our4...would love to have supportive sleevers in my corner! Kristin
  23. I was sleeved 10/18 and I think the best advice I can give is not to overdue it too soon. I have a 2yr old, 10 yr old and 13 yr old and I tried to get back into the ol' routine a little to fast. Bending will feel awkward and will feel tender...getting help with laundry was a huge help. I agree with the others, don't worry at first about getting all of your liquids and protein in. Sip what you can and walk when you can and you'll be fine. Good luck to you!!!

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