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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by his2my2our4

  1. I have been waiting for the day that I could buy myself a sexy little black dress....well my friends, today was the day!! I don't have any pictures (yet) but it's a cute little black halter dress and I couldn't be happier in it!! I walked out of the dressing room and my 14 year old son said, "whoa!". Yep, SOLD!!
  2. his2my2our4

    Nsv Nsv

    Yayyyy!! All of your hard work is really paying off! Congrats!!
  3. I am 8 months out and 133lbs down and have yet to tell anyone besides my husband and two closest friends. The way I look at it is, this is for me. Selfishly all for me. So, how I'm doing it, who I tell...all of that is on my terms. (Sounds harsh lol) At first I didn't want to tell anyone because I was afraid it wouldn't work and I would have annnnother failed diet on my hands. Then, as I started having success I started feeling like I had been dishonest and so it was easier just to keep quiet. I work out 4-5 days a week, I eat dramatically different, cut out all sodas, all white foods, you all know the drill...so I feel as though it's not totally wrong when I say the key to my success is working out and eating less/better. Good luck to you and congrats on the new little one~ so many exciting things to celebrate!!
  4. his2my2our4

    We Got It!

    This is WONDERFUL news!!! YAY YOU! :-D
  5. his2my2our4

    Sinus Issues

    ME TOO!! I always seem to have a sneeze coming or a runny nose. The runny nose I always blame on being cold but now you've got me thinking! Feel better!!
  6. What a great idea!! Smart man!! I did have to chuckle though...complimentary tea? He knows we cant drink with our meals! lol
  7. his2my2our4

    Not Trying To Be Grose But...

    This is not the norm at all!! I haven't thrown up at all, but from what I've heard, those who have thrown up did so because they over ate and/or ate too much. Something that could be prevented and certainly not done several times in a day. Wow! That is NO way to live!!
  8. Do you take the little pads out when you wash the bra? I usually do and don't have any problems with them rolling...wonder if that has anything to do with it. The pads slip in and out depending on whether or not you need the extra coverage...I like them because they give a smooth look
  9. I second the Genie bras!!! I orginally bought them just thinking they would get me through until I was ready to buy a more normal one....now I'm not sure. They are so comfy and they stay put...I'm not sure I'll switch back! :-)
  10. How exciting! Wishing you nothing but the best!!
  11. his2my2our4

    United Healthcare

    Yep..6 months of a medically supervised diet with diet and excercise notes, 5yrs of documented weight history, nut visit and psych evaluation. I didn't want to wait 6 months either but once I realized that was the deal I figured that the 6 months would pass whether I did the steps required or not...better to make the most of my 6 months. Besides, I used that time to give up sodas and limit my carbs (slowly) and it really helped me form those new habits! Once I was post op I didn't have all sorts of shocks to my system, in a lot of ways I was ready for it.
  12. his2my2our4

    Liking The Gym?!?!?!

    I'm right there with ya!! I never in a million years would've imagined that I would've enjoyed working out...EVER!! I look forward to it now and miss it when I don't go. Like you, I have a little one and he heads off to the "toy room" and I have time for me to work on me. PRICELESS!! :-)
  13. It's behind you...leave it there and keep moving forward!! :-)
  14. his2my2our4


    Congratulations!! What an exciting day!!
  15. his2my2our4

    Does Removing The Drain Hurt

    Mine hurt too :-( The good news is, it takes seconds for it to be removed and once it's out the pain is over. My dr did it so fast it almost felt like I was being punched in the gut. I made this animal type grunt sound and then it was over! It may take a little while before you can sleep on your stomach but it wont be much longer!
  16. his2my2our4

    Terrified Of Anaesthesia!

    Kczar said it perfectly!! I am also claustrophobic and my dr was very understanding. I was also given a sedative before, and while I remember being wheeled into the operating room, I really don't remember much after that. I told my dr my fears and told how I'm such a control person that giving up my control to him was a toughie. I think this must be a common thing because he knew just what to say and just how to handle my fears. I agree that you should be open with the drs and nurses...they are there to make your experience as easy and worry free as possible. As for the anesthesia itself it really turned out to be no big deal. I also had no real experience with it (tonsils removed at 4 but really remember none of that). I worried about whether I'd wake up, I worried that I would wake up in a panic or in a ton of pain. Suprisingly, none of that happened. I was given the sedative before and the sleep came on like a light switch, now I remember and now I don't. Quick! Waking up is a little different because you wake up so slowly. I could hear things before I could open my eyes and I remember people talking to me, but I couldn't respond. It was very quiet in recovery and I was calm...I basically just slept the meds off. No pain, no panic and no real issues. I was so scared and I know how nervous you must be....take a deep breath and try to remember these guys are pros and do it several times a day. They absolutely know what they are doing. Communicate your fears and then you can work together to squash them! Good luck to you!!
  17. 10lbs away from being in ONEderland...I can hardly believe it!!

  18. his2my2our4

    Todays The Day

    Good luck to both of you!! :-)
  19. I am so sorry for your loss! Praying for you and yours!
  20. MinaT's list is PERFECT!!! I think stressing the change in habits prior to surgery is so important!! The less you have to deal with post op the better!!
  21. I wouldn't think you would have to wait. From what I understand, the reason we don't drink right after a meal is so that it isn't "washed" right down...it's allowed to digest properly. Being that a protein shake is a liquid, I wouldn't think that it would need time to digest. Good question....I had never thought about that!! :-)
  22. I was so nervous about the waking up part! I was afraid I'd wake up in a panic or in a lot of pain...thankfully, none of that happened! I remember being taken into the operating room and I remember laying back but nothing after that...I don't even remember them placing the mask over my mouth lol. Waking up is strange because your ears work before anything else. I know remember machines beeping and people talking but that's about it. I swear someone gave me a spoonful of ice but I'm sure that cant be since I couldn't have anything until after the leak test. I had no nausea and no vomitting and truthfully, no real pain. I think I opened my eyes a few times because I remember two people sitting beside me...but I have no clue who they were or what they were doing. My first real memories started on the ride from recovery back to my room. Whoever was rolling me was kind enough to warn me of any bump in our way (elevators or doorways)...I remember sort of bracing myself. I think I dozed quite a bit once I was in my room but like clock work, 3 hours after surgery they were coming to get me for a walk! :-) Oh, and as for comparing the sleeve to a c-section. The only comparison I would make is that first time trying to stand up. That tight pulling feeling when you first stand up is the same...other than that I wouldn't really compare the two. The incision on a c-section is so much lower than your small sleeve incisions...I dont think I would compare the two.
  23. Ohhhh we talk about this one, I promise you I think we've all worried about it and I think we've all had different experiences with the amount we've lost. I have lost little to no hair and I'm 7 months out....I'm hoping that means I'm in the clear! I had made up my mind that even if I lost a lot it would be worth it to regain my health!
  24. Don't feel discouraged...day 3 is still very early on! Walk and sip...listen to your body and rest/nap when you need to. Very soon you'll begin to feel more and more like yourself, and before you know it, these early days will be a distant memory!! Welcome to the loser's bench!!!
  25. his2my2our4

    Need Help With Some Things

    I purchased a blender and I think I've used it 2, maybe 3 times. I prefer the liquid shakes, the premier and EAS drinks are my favorite. I bought a blender cup (I think that's the name of it) at Walmart, it was in the protein drink/supplement aisle. It's basically a cup with a wire whisk ball inside. You add the powder and the liquid and it blends it perfectly. And at 6 bucks it's a lot cheaper than a blender! :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
