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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by his2my2our4

  1. his2my2our4

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    What a great idea! My id is his2my2our4
  2. Congrats on such a great recovery! My dr is another one who moves to soft foods faster than some. After 3 days of clear fluids I was moved to pureed/softs...and have done just fine. I've read so many different post op diet plans...it's strange that there isnt one totally right way. Listen to your dr and your body and you'll be just fine :-)
  3. his2my2our4

    October Sleevies - Check in!

    I was sleeved 3 weeks tomorrow....time has flown by!! Things have been great! Recovery wasn't too bad. I had my pain meds filled but never used them once I was discharged from the hospital. Aside from a couple of sleepless nights (I'm a side/stomach sleeper) I really had no complaints. My dr was one of the ones who moved to purees 3 days after discharge so I never really got sick of the fluids. Now I'm regular foods and adjusting fine. The biggest thing is the chewing....stopping isnt an issue because my body tells me when enough is enough. I've found myself with so much more energy and I feel healthier..already!! Down 32.4lbs and couldn't be happier!!
  4. his2my2our4

    I totally freaked out!

    I almost backed out several times.....your fears are totally normal! This is a big decision but I feel certain that once it's over and you are healed you will be so glad you did it! I was sleeved on 10/18 and I've never been so sure of anything...ever! Breathe deep and forge ahead! ♥
  5. I ran across this site the other day, theworldaccordingtoeggface.com , and thought I'd pass it along. The blogger had a RNY done a few years back and she shares her journey and her recipes...the recipes is what caught my eye! I have been printing things left and right from this woman. Anyway, last night I stumbled across this list of pureed foods/recipes lunch I made the ricotta bake and it was to die for!! Hopefully the variety will help pass the time during this stage!!
  6. his2my2our4

    A great site for pureed recipes!

    YES! An eggface cookbook is exactly what I need!! I haven't tried myfitnesspal but I'm going to check that out..sounds helpful! :-)
  7. his2my2our4

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Congrats and good luck!! :-)
  8. I didn't shower until I came home either. I had packed things like a things to fix my hair, a little make up, a book and my ipod. I used none of it! Take the time to rest and when you're not resting you'll be sipping or walking. Good luck to you!!!
  9. I've read on here how so many of you love your sleeves...when will I love mine? lol I was sleeved on 10/18 and I don't regret it, no buyers remorse, but I don't love it...not yet anyways. I am on pureed foods and I'm enjoying having tastes and flavors again (as opposed to the liquid only phase) and I can see how down the road this will be an awesome tool. I just wonder, how long before you guys fell in love with your pouches? While I'm thinking about it, how long did it take you to get the hang of feeding yourself and your families without making seperate dinners? Thanks everyone! ♥
  10. his2my2our4

    Home Sweet Home!

    Well, add me to the sleeved family list!! I was sleeved Tuesday and was able to come home yesterday afternoon!! I'm really pleased to report that the pain has been very tolerable and I had none of the gas pains I've read about. I have to admit that Tuesday I really fought the urge to run out of the hospital kicking and screaming..I had such a case of 2nd thoughts and doubts but I'm so glad I went through with it. The first day and maybe even a little the second day I fought off thoughts questioning what I've done to myself but I know that in the long run, this is the best thing I could do for me and for my family. So today it's all about walking and sipping! Oh, and for those of you who have yet to go....I made a few casseroles and freezer meals for when I came home and knew I wouldn't want to cook. Last night my husband popped on in and they had a hot, healthy meal and I was able to maintain my couch position. Just a thought for any of you who may be planning your recovery :-) Lots of love, Kristin
  11. his2my2our4

    Sleeve a week ago

    Your post makes me smile! You're positive energy and great attitude are contagious! :-)
  12. his2my2our4


    I can relate to the dry mouth! Glad to hear your on the mend!! Breakfast of champions..jello and broth! lol When they first brought my tray of "food" I was so excited to have something, anything with flavor!!
  13. his2my2our4

    This is it...

    Well..it's here! Tuesday 10/18 - Sleeve Day is here!! I feel like I've been thinking and praying for this day for SO long, I dont think it'll feel real until I actually get to the hospital!! My nerves are a wreck and the butterflies in my tummy are doing all sorts of tricks! Good luck to all of the other sleevers today!! :-)
  14. his2my2our4

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!

    Mine is tomorrow too! I can hardly believe that it's here!! Good luck to you!!
  15. his2my2our4

    Pre Op diet day 1 VERY hungry

    Hang in there..it does get better!! Going from our old diet to the pre-op diet has got to be a huge shock to our systems! The first 3 or 4 days were really rough for me and then my body seemed to adjust to the change. I never ever nap in the afternoons but when I started the pre op I started laying down when my little guy would nap..just so I wouldn't munch! Oh and I also opted for a 9pm bedtime!! You've got this, just take it one day at a time!
  16. I feel like I've been gearing up for this forever...now that it's here, I'm beginning to panic. No second thoughts or doubts, just a case of the nerves. Tomorrow I have my last appt with my sugeon and then I head to the hospital for blood work. I've been counting down so long...I can't believe next Tuesday is right around the corner. YIKES!!
  17. his2my2our4

    Soooo Tired of Waiting

    Me too!!! I feel like I go to bed thinking about the surgery, dream about it, wake up thinking about it...and then all throughout the day I think about it! I need to have this done just so I can stop driving myself nuts! I've also noticed the nesting phase too. I've made freezer meals for afterwards and I've been deep cleaning like crazy. So glad to hear I'm not the only one! :-) Hang in there...we're SO close!
  18. his2my2our4

    How much will I miss binging?

    I've been thinking about this too. I remember hearing someone say that it's like breaking up with an old friend. I'm hoping that staying busy and trusting the process will be enough. You're not alone! :-)
  19. his2my2our4

    Name for our group?

    I vote Autumn sleaves too! :-)
  20. his2my2our4

    Where are our sleevies?

    Congrats on such a smooth recovery! Take care of yourself!! Kristin
  21. his2my2our4

    Denial question

    Hopefully it wont even be an issue for you!! My first answer from United Healthcare was a big ol' no. I had submitted everything they requested but once it was all in they said that they have an unwritten requirement (was not in my print out of requirements and was never told to me in any of the 5,000 calls I must've made to them) the 5 year weight history. I submitted the extra info and was then told that they had closed my file and couldn't just re-open it. I immediatly called my dr in tears and he said he'd do a peer to peer review. Basically, it's him talking to someone on their end...sort of selling my case. I'm not sure what he said but it did do the trick. Like I said, hopefully you wont need to go any further with your case but if you have to, having the dr call himself seemed to really help! Good Luck to you!! Kristin
  22. Wishing nothing but the best for you!! Kristin
  23. Thank you! I'm refilling my glass now!!
  24. Hi Leah! I'm being sleeved on the 18th and started my pre-op diet today. So far so good...I'm also battling the headache though. I keep telling myself that this will be so worth it in the end and pretty soon the pre-op diet will be a distant memory! Just wanted to wish you luck!! Kristin
  25. his2my2our4

    3 mo post op pics

    You look fantastic!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
