A big reason there are not many bad/ugly stories with VSG is because it's still considered relativly new in the medical community.
I had the sleeve 11 months ago and have lost 126 lbs with a starting weight of 318. I am 30lbs from my goal, and It has BEEN AMAZING! I have had little to no side effects, and literaly as I type this I just at a Funyun. One of the best things about the sleeve in my opinion is that I have NOT had to take a complex regiment of multivitamins. The biggest down fall that I have faced is hair loss, but not in a grand scheme where I have bald patches or anything, just thinning, and that can be remedied by more protein intake and a simple vitamin called Biotin. I can eat everything except Sushi (I miss Yellow Tail) and I have trouble with pork on occasion if I do not chew and chew and chew. If your insurance will cover the sleeve GO FOR IT! Not only has it changed my life, it's prolonged it, given me better self esteem, and taught me that I DONT HAVE TO LIVE FAT!!! Best route to success that I have found in eating is Protein, Veggies/Fruit, then carbs if there is room which there usually is not! I still can't eat a 4 inch sub LOL... Good Luck to you and wish you the best in your journey!!!!!!