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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by talexrn

  1. talexrn

    new to site

    Was Just Wondering If Anyone In Illinois Particularly From Chicago Was Banded In Mexico Would Like To Chat From Time To Time Or Just As A Means Of Support.
  2. Hi Everyone, Im New To The Forums, Was Banded 1.5 Yrs. Ago, 2005. Recently, I Started Having Problems While I Was Eating I Started Vomiting, It Feels As If Something Is Stuck, I Can Still Eat And Drink But In Very Very Minimal Amounts, And That Stuck Feeling Is Still There. Does Anybody Have Any Suggestions As To What I Can Do At Home Before Going To The Doctor.
  3. talexrn

    new to site

    Hi Everyone, Just A Quick Update, I Was Feeling Really Bad Yesterday When I Asked For Advice, Did Contact My Md., Who Recommended Prilosec And Reglan Along With Liquids Only For A Week. I Started Taking The Meds And Along With The Esophagus/tummy Resting I Feel A Ton Better, Also The Stuck Feeling Is Gone. Thanks To Everyone For Their Support.
  4. talexrn


    Oh, Patiencemom, You Are Doing So Great With Your Weightloss. Honestly, Sometimes Cardio Exercise, Doing Alot Like You're Doing Can Actually Slow Down Your Metabolism To The Point Where U Don't Lose Like You Would Like. Also,just Consider The Amount Of Calories That You Are Taking In. Most Of Them Is Being Used Up By The Exercise Youre Doing. One Last Point, Maybe You Should Think About Doing Say 30-40 Mins Of Cardio. Each Time And Incorparating Some Strength Training Say 3-4 Days Per Week. The Strentgh Training Will Not Cause Bulk, It Helps With The Weight Loss And Will Give You A Nice Physique, Lighter Weights Definitely At First.
  5. talexrn

    new to site

    I Had One Fill In Mexico, Where I Had The Surgery Under Fluoro. The Doc Is Wonderful. No Problems Like This Previously. I Have Noticed That After I Eat Certain Foods Like Rice, Chicken(white Meat) I Tend To Have Some Minor Problems With Digestion That Is Usually Alleviated With Drinking Something. It's Just That This Time That Stuck Feeling Just Didn't/won't Leave.
  6. talexrn

    new to site

    Thank You, I Will Follow Ur Advice.

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