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Tired of being Tired

LAP-BAND Patients
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to Texasbandit in Yeah Healing, blah, blah, blah but I'm still pissed!   
    Ok I'm trying to be tactful but yeah I don't need to be told to be thankful I have a job. Yeah without my job I would probably be in hell and homeless. I don't know what I said that could be taken that I wasn't thankful. I didn't realize this was a competition on whose life sucks the most.
    The purpose of my thread is to see what was going on and if others were in the same boat. I'm 2 weeks post op and a newbie. So like my fellow newbies we are making our way thru bandster hell. I don't think chastising and belittling someone or flippant remarks is helpful to anyone.
    I know you old timers apparently have it all figured out. Well Us newbies do not. Especially when real life constraints get in the way. Within the past month I have been through hell. I don't like to get into my personal life on a message board but jeez when someone assumes I'm just make excuses or just being lazy without asking then that's where I have to speak up.
  2. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to pollyanna in Yeah Healing, blah, blah, blah but I'm still pissed!   
    This thread has been very helpful to me. I was banded on 9/6/11 and have lost 11 pounds post surgery. I am eating regular foods, just a lot less. I'm trying to listen to my new stomach to determine if I am full or hungry. I don't really feel hungry, but neither do I feel full. I guess it's the healing period.
    Can someone help me out by telling me what comes after the healing period (and how long does it last)?
    I guess I don't know really what to expect, and want to make sure things are working out the way I hoped they would.
    Thanks for your help.
  3. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Texasbandit in Yeah Healing, blah, blah, blah but I'm still pissed!   
    I like the oatmeal. I'm full all the time and have to force myself to eat regularly. I'm gonna give up the oatmeal after it's all gone. I feel too guilty. It's too many carbs for me. I will look up the 9 months post op thingie.
    I admit I am too hard on myself at times but that's in everything. It keeps me motivated and working hard. I'm naturally lazy! Lol!!
    I'll say no to the scale. My husband needs it so I can't throw it out. I'm try to be happy about the 22lbs I've lost in 15 days.
  4. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to screeden in Yeah Healing, blah, blah, blah but I'm still pissed!   
    do not obsess over the scale, it will drive you insane. go by how your clothes fit. there is a 2 month "lag time' between the scale and inches lost. you lose a couple of dress sizes, and it shows in your clothes, but not on the scale. i know it can be frustrating. i have decided to just weigh once a week at the same time.
    it will get better. just concentrate on healing. my doctor says the first 6 weeks are not about losing weight it is about your body healing and getting used to the band inside.
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to Tamie2169 in Yeah Healing, blah, blah, blah but I'm still pissed!   
    I'm surprised your doctor has not told you that the 6 weeks after your surgery is NOT for losing weight. You should NOT get on the scale, and just try to relax and heal. I was banded on September 1st. Yes, I have lost some weight, but it finally stopped. I am on soft foods and finally can eat pretty much anything I want, but am getting fuller way faster than ever before. When I saw the doctor and nutritionalists they both said this time is NOT to focus on losing weight in the least, and that some people even gain some weight during this period, especially when you go back onto regular foods. Both of them said to concentrate on listening to my body, paying attention to the signals of feeling full, to eat healthy foods and not junk, start exercising (only 30-45 minutes and can only lift up to 20 lbs for the next 4 weeks + doctor said to only exercise 3-4 times a week and no more) Healthy food and exericse and health is what this time if for, and time for the body to re-adjust and get ready for the weight loss to come. Good luck and stop driving yourself NUTS
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to oldiebutgoodie2 in First fill this Thursday...what to expect??   
    Ocella, great advise for preparing for the fill. Wish I had read that before my first fill.
    What I would like to ad is, when they tell you to push your stomach out and flex your stomach (make it hard), do it as hard as you can, and the procedure will be easier--they will be able to locate the port easily by feel that way. Also, when they take the needle out, ask them (or you) press against your stomach while taking the needle out. That way, you don't even feel it. If you don't do that (like my first time), it felt like a cork must feel coming out of a bottle!
    Good luck on the mechanics of it.
    Regarding the fill making you feel fuller than you do now, probably not. My savior is lots of Protein (80 grams a day) and lots of Water in between (minimum of 64 oz/8 glasses a day). I also write down everything I eat, the Protein value and the CALORIES. Its different for everyone, but my best lose zone seems to be between 700 and 1100 calories a day.
    Super good luck to you.
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to Sharon1222 in First fill this Thursday...what to expect??   
    I get my first fill 9/9 i found this site
    Preparing for a Lap Band Fill
    There are several steps you can do to increase the likelihood of a good fill outcome:

    Make sure you are properly hydrated on the day of your fill (you should be drinking Water every day, but especially important in the 2 to 3 days before a fill) Do not eat a big, late night dinner the night before a fill (it sometimes takes 12 hours for all food to move through the stomach pouch) Do not eat any solid foods for at least 6 hours before the fill (the stomach pouch should be completely empty for a fill) Avoid COLD fluids for an hour before the fill (cold can temporarily shrink the stoma) Avoid getting a fill either during or a few days before your menstrual period (Fluid retention affects fill level) If possible, hang around the doctor's office for a few hours after a fill to make sure you feel okay with the adjustment If traveling from out of town, plan on staying in the area at least overnight, just in case there is a problem with the amount of fill After a fill, limit eating to a full liquid diet for 24 hours, then to soft foods for a day, before resuming a solid food diet (to help the stoma rest and heal) The above guidelines are some of the recommendations that will help achieve a good fluoroscopy and good fill level. Make sure you talk to your doctor about any other specific preparations you should make before a fill appointment. If you are having any trouble with the Lap Band, it may be best not to get a fill at this time.
    During your exam, it is also important to talk about any concerns or problems you may have in regards to the Lap Band, including eating habits, diet and nutrition, physical activity, and other health issues
  8. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Pinkygirl in What are you loving about your new body?   
    I found this new thing that popped out!!!


    and i love it I've been looking it for years and she finally came back!

    also, hip bones are starting to show too

    Let's hear what everyone is coming across on their body!
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to stratcat in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    I have to say that I am a cheater and will take advantage of the loop holes --- but I am a smart cheater. I asked the right questions and found out what the intent of the rule was. Then once I knew what the real reasons for the rule were, I could negotiate and cheat smart.
    In the case of the first week of surgery -- the intent is to keep the stomach as still as possible so it heals faster and better. The rule is pretty hard to negotiate around. I was further disadvantaged becasue I am lactose intolerant and allergic to eggs. I got pretty weak from near constantly having the runs -- liquid in liquid out.............I began to have cravings on day 5 and 6 too. I was saved by KFC mashed potatoes with gravy. These will give you a fuller feeling and the gravy feels like cheating.

    But honestly -- the fact that you ate pizza scares me for your safety.
    If you were my BFF (and you ARE asking for advice) I would tell you to bend the rules with some KFC mashed potatoes and gravy, but not break them blatantly with no disregard for your surgery with something completely dangerous to your well-being as pizza.< /p>
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to FLORIDAYS in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    I appreciate you not wanting anyone to be judgemental and since I dont walk in your shoes I won't be. However I didnt cheat for 6 months post op so you can stop reading if you like.
    If you are still reading.... I didnt cheat for 2 main reasons. I have gained and lost the same hundreds of pounds over the years and needed to find something which will help me keep off the weight. I believe I found it in the band. Now that the liquids, gas and post op pain is over I am learning to live with the band.
    I REALLY want this band to work and was / am committed to do whatever I have to do to see that it does.
    The second reason is that I was scared to death if I cheated I would botch something up and have to go back in the hospital for a removal or to fix something I messed up. But I am not telling you this to be self rightous. I am telling you this to make sure you know that if you eat the right foods at the right time and the correct quantity...you will be successful which I am guessing you want more than anything.
    SO many people think the band is a license to eat whatever you want... just smaller quanities of it. In theory when you are maintaining I suppose thats true. But I am not there yet. I count every calorie that goes in my mouth (with a phone ap) and know that if I go over 1000-1200 per day I will not lose anything.
    Recently when I have veared off for a meal or two I havent gained any weight.... I just didnt loose for a few days. I could eat one piece of pizza and be stuffed instead of eating 4! That in itself tells me this band will work once I hit my goal.
    Best of luck to you!
  11. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Rachel412 in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    Well you're not going to want to hear this either, but it's true- even with the band, you're still going to need to control your eating. I can eat whatever I want. Nothing gets stuck, and I have almost 8cc's in my band. I can eat 3-4 pieces of regular sized pizza. I know because I have. I can still binge on carbs. I know because I have. The band helps me by making me feel satisfied sooner, and by keeping me satisfied for a longer period of time after I eat a small Protein packed meal, but it doesn't stop me from eating a larger meal, or "bad" foods, if I choose to put them in my mouth.
    It's a fight that most of us banded people have to fight, and you'll probably need to fight it too. YES, it's hard, and it can be discouraging. But when I eat the right way, seriously, my weight falls off. So it IS worth it.
    So this may or may not help you... I was able to stick to the liquid part of my post-op diet (I think because I was allowed to have Protein Shakes, and not everyone is) but the day I was cleared to go to mushy foods, my first meal was part of a Chipotle burrito bowl I figured it wasn't crunchy, and if I chewed it up real good it'd be considered mushy!
  12. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to hopetolose in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    Do you really want everyone to tell you its ok to eat a half a pizza right agter surgery? Your stomach needs time to heal. Cheating might be starting mushies early, but not pizza! That could do so much damage to your stomach let alone the band.
    Please try and stick to the food you are approved for. We all know how how this is, but it will get better after the first weeks or so.
    good luck
  13. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to betheboo in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    @ day 5 I wanted to die & I did eat some mashed potatoes. My doctor gave me official mushie approval @ 7 days. I then slowly introduced cottage cheese & eggs. do u have a 1 wk appt. with ur doc? If so I'd ask them if u can slowly start advancing b/c ur so hungry. If u don't have an appt I'd all & ask. Totinos pizza prob wasn't the best decision for a "cheat" food... But just try ur best to get back on the wagon! U can do it Hang in there!
  14. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Jachut in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    I think the thing is people get frustrated. You're right, if you really could control your eating you wouldnt have needed the surgery. But if surgery and the possiblility of mucking it up isnt enough to keep you on the straight and narrow, I really dont know what anyone can say to you. Everyone goes through it, true, but really, how committed were you? Were you ready for this?
    That's not judgemental but for heaven's sake, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the program. Support is not going to come in the guise of people validating what you're doing. That does you absolutely not good. Support comes from people suggesting what you can do to make this easier.
    Just becuase you're on liquids is no reason you have to starve. Liquids can be calorific, contain fat and Protein and keep your body going. Make yourself some Soup with real meat and some Pasta in it, for example, blend it up really well, thin it out with broth to a consistency you can handle now, and have as much of it as you can handle at a time, as often as you need not to be hungry. Make a real smoothie with real fruit, yogurt and milk rather than a Protein shake, get some fibre into yourself to feel some satisfaction. You can even blend up family dinners with broth to get the flavour or real food - NO food is off limits, just in solid form!
    There. There is no reason to go hungry. And as for "wanting to chew something" as so many people say, you just have to suck it up. Its only a couple of weeks.
  15. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Dave_NW in Looking for some non-judgmental feedback   
    I didn't see your earlier post, and I won't tell you what to do or not do. I'm the last person who would presume to preach to anyone. But I wonder if you fully understand the physical process your stomach is going through right now? When your band was placed, it was stitched to your stomach wall. Things are very sensitive to any sort of stress in the first weeks after surgery. The point of the liquid diet after surgery is to give your stitches a chance to heal up. Digesting "real" food causes stomach acids to slosh around, back and forth between your lower stomach, and the area in and around where the band is located. Those stitches are not healed yet, and overactivity in the area can cause physical issues, including infection, causing the stitches to come loose, and your band might even slip.
    To give you an answer to your question, during the three weeks of my liquid diet following my surgery, I did eat some turkey lunch meat a couple of times after about two weeks. I was so afraid of doing damage to things, I really tried to stick to the liquid diet. When I was cleared to go onto soft foods, I went onto solids pretty much a week ahead of schedule, but that was more than three weeks after my surgery. I was pretty vigilant during the first couple of weeks after my surgery because I didn't want to screw something up.
    Hope this helps. Good luck with your journey!
  16. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to cakelly73 in Day2 banded....I feel hungry? Help!   
    I am 4 days post op, and today is the first day i actually felt hungry. I have been on Protein Shakes, broth, Water, etc..since the day i came home from hospital. I had some sugar free applesauce today, and could only eat about half of the cup! but it did help curb my appetite a bit. Cant wait til i move on to the mushies!
  17. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to KAYMAC32 in BACK AND SHOULDER PAIN   
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to LJM in Ugh!!!   
    Like everyone else: " hang in there".. it will get better. I was banded 8/18 and I felt like my gas pains were the worst.They lasted over a week!! and i went back to work on day 5! and walked at work etc..up until last week I still felt bloated, no gas pain which was ok. My gas pains included severe shoulder pain. I mean I was so scared that the gas pain was never going to go away and I would be stuck with this horrible pain. It was worst after my first meal and at night.I finaly broke down on day 5 and bought extra strenght gas X strips! they were wonderful..within minutes the shoulder pain would go away and I would start to "release" my gas ! lol ...like said you are not alone..the pain will go away!!

  19. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to DETERMINED*DG in Ugh!!!   
    Hello to all! I was banded on Wed the 31st and don't know how much more of this GAS PAIN I could take!! The lil incision burning I could hand, but this GAS.......it's kill in me! Besides that, I'm feelin a lil hungry and don't even know what to eat!!! I've been sippin on liquids but I'm feelin pretty crappy right now! Called my Dr and he thinks besides the gas pain that MAYBE some tube s rubbing along my abdominal wall. REALLY? just my luck! He advised me to move around blah blah blah, can't stand this! It's been TWO ays and I'm hoping I didn't make a huge mistake!! Tell me I'm not alone here! Tell me food on the Tv s just my imagination!! Tell me this is gonna get better!
  20. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to kittyforet in A question for the ladys   
    My period started 3 days after surgery, even though I was on birth control and it wasn't time for it to start yet.....how fun!!! NOT!! At that time I was using nuva-ring.

    Then in late July, I started new birth control and during that had a normal period but haven't had one since then...had a pregnancy test at the beginning of August during my period (a requirement to get an IUD) and haven't started yet....I'm debating getting a pregnancy test, even though I know I'm not..... but I am guessing that between the surgery, weight loss, and new birth control that my body is thrown off and is now whacky....I'm not sad about lack of a period, though!!
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to twomin2midnight in A question for the ladys   
    Thanks for you're reply B~queen.. But I assure you my girlfriend is not capable of getting me pregnant...
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    Tired of being Tired reacted to bandedee in Irritated   
    Just remember nothing tastes as good as thin feel. Maybe you sould tell your Mom about how difficult she is making this. I think everyone should have a safe haven, with a positive support system. If your Mom is eating that way 3 days in a row , i'll bet she needs help with her weight. All the best!
  23. Downvote
    Tired of being Tired reacted to Cindy C in Irritated   
    Are you serious? The OP is 19 years old and living with her parents. I think we can safely assume that it is their house and not hers. She has no right to dictate what they bring into it. Her parents would not be doing her any favors by shielding her from temptations. She needs to learn to deal with them on her own. If Mom and Dad are eating something she finds difficult to stay away from then she needs to go out or stay in another room.
  24. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to vlp1968 in Irritated   
    I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask that certain foods stay out of the house. They can eat them at resturaunts or whatever. You wouldn't put a bottle of wine on the table infront of a struggling alchoholic. To me it's the same thing. I would have a talk with your family. Make a list of foods you'd really like kept out of the house. Together you can come up with things they like to eat that aren't too difficult for you to pass up. Good luck and keep up the great work!
  25. Like
    Tired of being Tired reacted to CherieElise in Irritated   
    I can ignore it no problem like you said, its just when its in the house is when i get upset.(i dont want it around) I mean i didn't touch it, doesn't mean that it still doesn't make me want to eat something. There is only so long that you can do Tomato Soup, and shakes before going a little koo koo..>.<

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