Hi all,
I keep searching and searching for active lap-band websites. I'm very pleased with this one so far.
I was banded about one week ago now, on June 15th, by Dr. Milton Owens in Orange, CA. I'm very happy with my experience with the doctor and his office. My insurance refuses to cover anything WLS related, so I'm self-pay.
During my first visit (6/6), I weighed in at 243.5lbs. My highest weight had actually been 247lbs about a month earlier. On surgery day (6/15) after 9 days on liquids, I weighed in at 234lbs on the dot. Tomorrow is my first "official" weigh in, 1 week post-op, so we'll see what happens. I'm very happy with the results so far and sticking to the rules by the letter!
I wish I could say that it has been an easy process so far, but it definitely has not. I rarely take any kind of medicine and I had never had a surgery. The anesthesia and pain meds knocked me out cold. The pain from the gas (OMG, don't want to remember) made me want to shoot myself the first 4 days after surgery. Right now I feel pain in the port incision/location of the port which I keep telling myself is obvious because a lot went on in that tiny area, so tough it out. No, it isn't infected, nothing's wrong. I'm just finding out that I'm extra sensitive to pain. I also have this very "tight" feeling in my chest, just below my sternum. I'm guessing that's the band and that my body just isn't used to that sensation yet. It's also difficult to take a deep breath, or to yawn deeply. There's a lot of change going on in my body due to the surgery itself that I had not anticipated and that sometimes makes me wonder if I did the right thing. I know I did... it's just those moments.
So... I'm hoping I get to meet lots of wonderful, supportive people here. I need a lot of support right now, and hope that someday soon I can begin to offer it to others as well.
Will look forward to catching up on threads/blogs/stories and getting to meet everyone