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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ctarantino

  1. ctarantino

    Anyone else on youtube?

    im on youtube too!! I go by.... TheLIBandit! I LOVE Bandedwendy, she is an inspiration and sooo helpful. I'll look you all up and subscribe
  2. ctarantino

    LapBand recovery with a toddler

    This was a MAJOR concern for me before my sugery. My son is 20lbs and my daughter is 35lbs. Honestly, I didnt pick him up for a good week. I then was alone with the kids on 9 days post op, and took him out of crib, no pain. Put him in highchair no pain. I let him crawl up my leg onto my lap but didnt pick him up. I am now 12 days and feel great. I picked him up on and off the last 2 days with no pain. Even picked up my daughter and gave her a big hug with no pain or issues. Good luck! hope this helps
  3. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    Hey Catson!! Sure, would love to help! Thats why we are all here right? Whats your name? where ya from? Your date is closing in!!! Are you on a pre op liquid diet?
  4. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    Good Luck today Dawn!! I was thinking of you this morning. i started to type but my son woke screaming and had to close out. Well lots of luck and prayers to you with speedy recovery thoughts. be in touch soon and hope to hear from you post op when you can.
  5. So I am a teacher and work is starting in a couple of weeks. I am 9 days post op now but back to work soon has me questioning what I'm going to do. We eat in school Monday-Thursday but we all usually go out to eat on Fridays to enjoy getting out of the building. We frequent local places in town such as: Wendy's Quiznos McDonalds The local diner local Pizzeria okay, please help me...what do i get to eat..I dont really want to say no to going out but very scared to get the wrong thing. The diner would be the easiest with a big menu and diet delight but what about the other places. ANY HELP OR SUGGESTIONS would be greatly appreciated. Thanks A Million!!!! Cara
  6. ctarantino

    is it worth it?

    I'm almost 2 weeks out and had no shoulder pain, no gas pain and no regrets! I asked about the hair falling out and my dr said that is usually with the sleeve. So far it's been great! Good luck!
  7. seems excessive and more like a punishment to me. I cheated here and there last week and had a nice send off dinner to my tummy the night before the surgery of a Chinese food dinner. No one asked and I never told a thing LOL Sorry to hear about the reschedule Good luck soon though
  8. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    I was soo excited for the surgery. The last 3 days before the surgery I was a mess. Nerves, couldnt concentrate (prolly lack of food) i was doubting my decision and questioned what I was doing. couldnt sleep the night before. The morning of the surgery I was fine then laying there on the OR table I began to say "what am I doing" I was thinking of getting up and walking away. It was not as bad as I thought thus far the whole experience. I think it is only natural and you wouldnt be human if you didnt think about it and then over think it doubt it or get scared, nervous, excited. You are taking a risk, a surgery that you dont know what the results will be. I can say that as a working mom of 2...You are stronger than anything. You must be one tough mama to care so much for your children, work a full day with little ones and still have time for you. i bet you dont but this surgery is all about you and starting a new. making a new and healthier happier you. You will be a better mom, active teacher, happier self and definitely hotter looking you! I had gestational diabetes with my son and that scared me. i wanted to do something about my weight. It did kinda suck to commit to the surgery but I know plenty of people (my cousin, neighbor, 2 coworkers, friends mom) who have all had the surgery and NONE of them regret it and all look terrific and HAPPIER! Which is what you will be. The fist 3 days is kinda rough but after that piece of cake. You got it!!!! Im here to vent to or ease your nerves. I will be thinking of you Tuesday. What time do you go in???
  9. ctarantino

    Preferred Protien?!

    Honestly, I love it!! I enjoy it every morning. I like it in the blender, I put in 3 cubes, one scoop, and I have it with Water cause I am 11 days post op liquid but I was great with skim milk too. I also add one splenda (i like swet). It vanilla so you can put it in pudding too. 2 scoops are 200 calories, 0 fat, 0 carbs, and 50 grams protein. I like to use one scoop so that cuts down on how much you will use. Check it out in stores, or online. Its in GNC, Vit shoppe, online or health food stores like vitamine/shake shops. GOOD LUCK! I think Protein shakes are all preference too. It is pricey to try them out at such an expensive price but see if you can get samples to test the ones you like and dont. Enjoy! Cara
  10. ctarantino

    Mexican Breakfast Casserole

    thanks so much!! Definitley trying this!!
  11. ctarantino

    Preferred Protien?!

    I like to drink my protein. I love Isopure in the morning. A large container is cheap compared to how many servings you get. ALSO to get your protein in I would only use ONE SCOOP as opposed to two. I like the Jay Robb but it is pricey..I just use one scoop, that one scoop still gives me 25g of protein!! That's a lot and you save by not using 2 scoops.
  12. You are all the best!!! Thanks so much!! Keep em coming!!!!!
  13. ctarantino

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi GG!! You certainly have been through a lot and so happy for you for having the surgery. The recoup is really not that bad and the benefits will outweigh the small pain the first few days. I have bad veins and the nurse in pre op missed my vein...ooops she wanted to try the other arm..I said NO get someone who knows what they are doing. They then sent in the IV TEAM...had I known there was an IV Team I wouldve called straight for them. Thats the ONLY thing that bothers me cause Im now 10 days post op and I have this GIANT bruise from that pre op nurse that missed. I will say prayers for you for a good experience and a speddy recovery. Wishing you all the best!!! You will look terrific and be healthier than ever, you will feel it soon the energy, rejuvination, and off your medication soon!!! Good Luck!! Cara
  14. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    I have so much energy lately. I have to admit I'm barely eating since my dr has me on a 2 week liquid diet, but I'm down 14 lbs since the surgery. I'm 10 days post op tmrw and feel great. The first 3 days were rough but after that I have mo regrets about the band. I went to a party today tons of food, drink, did I say tons of food? Lol yes it would've been nice to have a bite but I feel in the 9 days I have changed my life so much. No pressure with the food, there was pizza for the kids and yeah it looked good but with the band I don't have a desire to eat the carbs and junk I used to. It will be very hard for us going back to school. My friends and I go out to eat every Friday ( see my post in post op) and Im unsure about lunch with the girls. What to get? Will they critic my choice, will I be strong enough to get the "right thing" for lunch. I will plan all my meals and take lunch for Fridays for the first month and see how it goes. You know were so busy anyway the first month. I struggle with 2 kids alone the days my husband works he is out all day 7-7 gets home at 8pm, so I'm usually trying to keep busy so I dont go nanas with the kids alone. How old are your kids? When do u report for school? Set up classroom? I have 2 kids boy, Frank who will be one on 9/1 and my daughter was 3 in June, so my kids are babies lol I go back on 8/29 for staff development keep in touch!!! I will check in and talk to u before your surgery.
  15. ctarantino

    Curves vs Gym

    I had a week free at curves. I liked it but after a week I kinda got REALLY bored with the same routine. I joined Lucille Roberts that is so nit intimidating at all, the have tons of exercise equipment, Circuit training or classes. I opt for a gym cause u can do all of the above named things, not be bored, and hours are more flexible.
  16. I heard applesauce is used to take meds. I took a whole pill, med size, 3 days post op, with no problems and no applesauce, just water.
  17. ctarantino

    When do you see the surgeon?

    He came to the orientation, first office appt and I've seen him at every visit. U shoulve met with him for consult to decide what band u want. I would call office and ask what's up
  18. ctarantino

    Food Funeral

    Haha that was me too! My husband joked that I had a " bucket list" of foods. I'm so glad I did cause to me it was bye bye and get it outta my system. Burger m fries at my favorite joint, outback blooming onion, and nothing says goodbye to rice better than Chinese food lol all eaten and I'm done with eating fried, fatty foods like that again. Sounds weird but I know what u mean about food funeral lil best of luck!!!!
  19. Yeah!! Congratulations on your success!!! Thank you so much for sharing! Thats the GYM at 5 am right? Sounds great and you are certainly motivated, I cant wait to get back into the gym to shed the pounds best of luck!!!
  20. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    Yahoo!! Great success 8 lbs gone. I know I said 'wow I lost 12 not much of a big deal' but YES it is...12 lbs that is gone and not coming back. i'm finding it tiring with 2 kids to chase with so little caloiesin me..only every now and then, I go-go-go all day then around nap time I get tired LOL How are you being a single mom with 3 kids?? whew..im here if you wanna vent! I applaude you so much, I have 2 handfuls. Lots of work all on your shoulers. Well, best of luck soon..a few days..please check in after surery when you can. WISHING YOU GREAT SUCCESS and at least we can swap teaching, child, and lap band stories LOL Good Luck Tuesday!! BTW where do you live in Queens?
  21. ctarantino

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good luck today Meg!!!! I'm 7 days....ehhh well I guess cause it's 5am 8 days post op but I feel great! I don't know where my energy all day comes from since I'm barely eating but I've lost 12lbs in these 7 days. Maybe being lighter or because I take my B12 but I feel motivated and terrific. I have my routine of protein shake at breakfast, usually soup at lunch and/or dinner, jello 7pm dessert. I take a water bottle with me ALL day and take sips. Best of luck to all and wishing everyone happy success on their journey!!!
  22. ctarantino

    Big day for my wife

    Best of luck to you and your wife! Wishing her a speedy recovery and it's special that u travel this journey together. Good luck!!!!
  23. I'm one week post op and with the weight I have lost in a week, 12lbs I have so much energy. Also, I have been taking my vitamins and more importantly I take a dissolvable B12 tablets. It works wonders! Look into it and hood luck on your journey!!
  24. ctarantino

    Anyone looking for a Fun Band Buddy?

    Hi Dawn!! Wow you do have your hands full! Would love to be in touch, as much as we can, Im so excited for you to have your surgery this week! Wishing you luck!! My friend just had the lap band put in on Monday and she is doing very well and feels great today. the first few days home are the worst and by day 3 I went to the movies w/ my daughter, episode of dehydration, but I am one week out and feel terrific. WISHING YOU LUCK!! We will be in touch! Cara Do you have a blackberry? maybe we can BBM?
  25. ctarantino

    Isopure protein drink

    Thanks so much!!! The band will control my appetite, I'm reeducating myself of nutrition and my weakness will be making time for the gym! It sounds good and i am starting off at the gym tomorrow! I will just walk on treadmill but I need to start sweating the pounds away sounds like u r doing great and again thanks for the info

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
