I'm really happy to hear that there are some who did not have vomiting. I have fought it at all costs for as long as I can remember and can't even remember the last time it happened to me. I'm a wimp. I'm getting pretty excited. I have my Lifestyles class at Richmond next Wednesday and then next Thursday I have my first appointment with Dr. Im. I have no idea how my progress on the pre-op diet is going. My husband has hijacked my scale and I have no clue where it is. So next Thursday will be a surprise to me. I wonder if they will have a scale at the Lifestyle class? Also, I am writing down everything I eat in my food journal, do they check it? Because today I didn't totally follow the pre-op plan, I went low carb today but still followed the diet minus the carbs. Am I going to get in trouble for that? I really liked it and might do it for a couple more days, to trick my body up.