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Coco's Mum

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Coco's Mum

  1. Coco's Mum

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Tammy - do you work in HR?
  2. Coco's Mum

    6 Week Follow Up

    Thanks for the update - very motivating
  3. Coco's Mum

    Examples of Meals/portion size

    Karon - wow, that is some awesome weight loss on your pre-op diet !! Weight to go (away), girl !
  4. W-E-P-N-S .... Love it .... This topic is so interesting to me as I've been a starver/binger all my life so not eating scares me as much as eating (health and metabolism problems). Thanks for sharing ....
  5. Coco's Mum

    Eating slowly

    I think I also need to make my mouth smaller ... I eat way to fast (and this habit concerns me ....) - thanks for your tips !
  6. Coco's Mum

    What Works For You?

    Cindy C - so appreciated
  7. Good luck - both of you .... I'll keep a good thought and look forward to hearing all about it !
  8. Coco's Mum

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I'm a end of the month-er (7/21) so I'll be sneaking over to post-op while I'm on the pre-op diet. It does make me feel better that others are going thru the same thing !
  9. Good morning July Band Buddies ! I thought I start a weekly thread (if anyone is interested) .... I hope all the pre-op folks are doing great and anyone who has a July 1 date (this Friday) is ready to go I wish them all well (as I try to unravel my nerves for the pre-op). Boy, am I tired - the little cardigan I am wearing (I don't even let my BF see these arms) was inside out ! Have a good day !
  10. Coco's Mum

    Bored with eating?

    This is my fantasy (not eating) but also part of my problem. A lifelong issue of not eating then binging leading to a non-existent metabolism. That for the review of the different types of muscle milk !
  11. Coco's Mum

    Can anyone tell me what being full feels like?

    This board is so helpful ... thank you !!
  12. I will be doing this. I do this now - with little silverware when I'm eating a fancy dessert. hmmm .... I don't think there's going to be any fancy Desserts in my future but using the tiny silverware made me take little slivers off whatever dessert it was.
  13. Rachel - I'm going to need your help once I'm banded. I need to get "am I still hungry or do I just want to eat more" tattooed on my hand !! This is going to be a total change for me as I just eat ... until it's gone ... soooo not good. Thanks for sharing your tip with me .... I'm going to need it (and ALL of then that post-ops offer up !)
  14. Congratulations on your journey thus far ! Soon, you'll be posting on the post-op board ~
  15. I have a list a mile long For today, I am not going to miss looking at my double chin.
  16. My surgeon's protocol is: similar to above -- Clear liquids for the first few days. Transition to liquids for up to 2 weeks. For weeks 3 and 4 - mushies. Should be concentrating on healing and making sure the band does not slip. At week 4 - can start with regular foods,
  17. Coco's Mum

    protein shakes and vitamins

    Thanks - will definately have to check that out. My surgeon's office is big on 'their' Vitamin ... which I did not buy.
  18. Coco's Mum

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    You must be a mindreader, Shauna
  19. I haven't even started my pre-op yet but I'm thinking of ways to treat myself. I've decided to have fresh flowers for the few weeks of pre and post-op. Anyone else do this? Have ideas?
  20. Coco's Mum

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Yes. While I am off work recovering ... I will be taking the two hour commute time (total) and walking everyday. I figure if I'm not driving to work each day - I might as well use that 'time' as walking time. I am hoping that by the time I go back to work to have made this a real habit. I can hope, can't I??
  21. Coco's Mum

    Big decision -- please help.

    Depending on your insurance (and Dr. G's schedule) is how long you will have to wait. I saw Dr. G, took the first available appt for every test and it still took over four months for approval. Until you know what your insurance requires (how many tests, etc) you won't know how long the wait will be. To me, a few months versus the rest of your life is worth it ....
  22. Coco's Mum

    Self Pay Jitters

    Oh my gosh --- I'm having Dr. G too !! I'm a 50% pay (have they given you any idea what the cost will be?) but people I have talked to (who did more research that I did) say he is wonderful. I met a nurse in our group session this past weekend who works at UofM hospital. She drives from west of Ann Arbor for Dr. G and she said he's better than anyone at UM. He'll do a fine job for you ... you'll do a fine job for yourself ... you are worth it !
  23. Coco's Mum

    Treating myself

    Debbie - have you been on a cruise before? I am always in 'planning vacation' mode ! Sue from Santa Cruz - a friend of mine who had been out of work for a long time - got a job and came home every night and had a small glass of champagne saying: hey, congratulations to me. I just loved this idea so that's how I got started thinking about this, Also, new cloths are awesome but it's the 'along the journey' that I also want to acknowledge/celebrate. Have a great day, everyone !

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
