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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SittingPretty

  1. SittingPretty


    There are so many things I want to say to you right now...after I give you a big virtual hug. The first thing I want to say is this: there are more people like the wonderful lady on your plane than there are "negative nancy's". Your new co-workers were more worried about impressing you than anything else. Believe me. That being said....I understand how you felt. Only another overweight person can truly understand the "prepping" it takes just to plan a trip to the mall/store/friends/park. From planning how far of a walk it is from the car to one's destination to seating to what to wear that will be comfy and not show how much I'm sweating. It's agonizing. Then to have that flight attendant ignore your request like that!! Unacceptable. The attendant allowed you to be physically harmed when she had the ability to avoid that at no cost to the airlines or you. This makes me upset. I am so happy with the sleeve and I think you will be too. I went from a 22 to a 9 and still have about 30 lbs more to go. Before you know it you will no longer look at chair and think to yourself "will I fit" but will look at chairs and think "it needs more padding". I say this because now that the fat is gone from my bum, it gets so sore sitting!!
  2. SittingPretty

    Gallbladder Surgery

    It has not slowed my weight loss. I lost approx 40lb the first 3 months. The Dr said I probably had stones before and didn't know it. As for the scars....I am the unhappy owner of 7 big fat ugly scars. If this is any indication of how I scar then plastic surgery is out of the question, lol. I would wind up looking like the bride of Frankenstein, all patched together.
  3. 3 month stall?? Seriously!? Hope this ends soon.

  4. SittingPretty

    Rating protein powders

    I just threw out my Syntrax tubs. I can't stand them anymore. Too "foamy" I am currently addicted to Bariatric Advantage Orange Cream and the Banana. I think Orange Cream blended with ice cubes tastes like the original Orange Julius. I also add in a frozen banana. I add frozen strawberries into the banana flavor. This is my breakfast everyday. I have never been a breakfast eater, so this works for me.
  5. SittingPretty

    Gallbladder Surgery

    I had mine taken out 2 weeks after I was sleeved. I was dehydrated and very surprised to be admitted for surgery so soon. I wasn't able to keep food down and the pain was horrible. I thought it was just heartburn or something. I am happy it was done. I am better off without that pesky gallbladder.
  6. SittingPretty

    Help Please

    They can give you something before they put you out to calm your nerves. I tend to get nauseous, so I tell them that and they give me something for that too You have the easy part...just sleep for what feels like a moment then wake up. There is no pain. The last thing I remember was telling the nurse my feet get cold. When I woke I had leg warmers on and several heated blankets. Best rest of my life! Keep us updated. You will do great!
  7. SittingPretty

    Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under

    @fatgirlslim...I did eat a little more than normal, but not too crazy. I did the food funeral thing. I ate steak and other heavy foods.
  8. SittingPretty

    Nsv - New Headshots!

    You are GORGEOUS! I am so glad you got your confidence back. Congratulations
  9. I went from a 9/9.5 wide to 8/8.5 regular. I still have 36 more lbs to go. Side note: I can wear a size 9 jean now! Old size was 20
  10. You do not need toxic friends in your life. You did the right thing. I am amazed by the audacity of some people. If they have all the answers to weight loss...write a book, save the world and leave me alone!
  11. Since I've been in a looong stall, I've been a little down. But I just updated my ticker and realized I'm only 36lbs to goal! I so got this. Bring on summer!

  12. SittingPretty

    I Need Help! Please Read!

    I had something similar. I was doing great, then BAM! Even water hurt. My Dr did an EGD and he did find swelling and the beginning of an ulcer. It took over 1 week to get into surgery. In that time I went back to liquids so it mellowed out my system. I had started experimenting with new foods and was getting too "comfortable" with eating. I wasn't really being mindful of the bite sizes or maybe I ate too fast. He gave me meds and I baby stepped it back to solids. I'm treating my tummy better now. I was just going with the flow because I felt fine and had healed up, I took my eye off the ball. I was only 3-4 months out at the time. That was early late December - early Jan.
  13. SittingPretty

    Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under

    Add me to the "short" list I've hit a major stall, but it will pass. I actually shopped in the petite section the other day! It was amazing to wear something that fit BOTH width and length!
  14. Maybe it was because I had another surgery 2 weeks after my sleeve, but I have not done any lab work. I notice that everyone else has tons of follow-ups and blood work. So, what was your post-op schedule like for labs, follow-ups, NUT etc.? I'm starting to worry a bit
  15. Thanks everyone! I guess I was just fixating on those that had lab work, lol! Maybe it's because I am already over halfway to goal, it feels like I should have had more follow-ups. I am about to buy treadmill so I think I should see my PCP for the A-Ok.
  16. Wonderful post! What a journey
  17. SittingPretty

    What Is The One Thing...

    I want to wear a tank top. Maybe a little strappy dress in the summer. I usually hide in clothing and wind up sweating like a stuffed pig in summer.
  18. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you
  19. SittingPretty

    Vision Problems?

    Part of it is our age. It seemed like overnight when I started holding things far away from me to read. It hit my hubby just as fast. I'm 41 and he's 42. My eye Dr said it was age related. He ran all the typical eye tests too. I guess I can add Lasik to my wish list now
  20. So I missed my Xmas goal by 1 pound....oh well, I still lost 14 of them!!!

  21. SittingPretty

    I Know This Is An Nsv!

    Doing the happy dance for you
  22. I can't believe it's just over 3 months and I'm already halfway there! Imagine if I actually added exercise to the program (which I will in Jan)!! I am so excited! I am down to a 12 petite pants and had to buy new clothes Knee pain...gone feet hurting....nope walk up those stairs...YES! I even spent an entire day walking and shopping and never once got winded or tired. I am real close to having prominent collarbones again. Here's the biggie....I can wear my wedding ring again!!! This was my NSV goal! I do have real bad arms though. My arms never grew normally. They had this HUGE "u" shaped fat roll thing real close to my armpit and the rest towards my elbow was not huge. Now that it is shrinking, it is going to leave a long flap of skin I also noticed my butt is looking flat and saggy. Hopefully I can correct the butt issue in the gym. Anyway, I am sooooo happy with the sleeve Merry Christmas Everyone!
  23. SittingPretty

    13 Weeks Out And Over Halfway To Goal!

    Lol! I plan on posting pics real soon. I just bought a new scanner since my current all-in-one will not speak to my computer since I upgraded. I will post the good, the bad and the ugly
  24. SittingPretty

    13 Weeks Out And Over Halfway To Goal!

    Thank You everybody! I remember whining because nobody has mentioned my weight loss. Well, to this day nobody has mentioned it....and I do not care I am comfortable in my own skin again and do not need validation from anybody!
  25. SittingPretty

    13 Weeks Out And Over Halfway To Goal!

    We are rockin' this sleeve! You had surgery one day after me I'm so happy for you too! 50 lbs is a small child...or my former managers ego!

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