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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BaileyRose

  1. BaileyRose

    Strange Instructions...

    I was on solids at 4 weeks... 7 seems extreme but I'm not shocked. Every doctor is so different. I couldn't do 7 weeks. It wasn't because I was hungry, I just wanted to she's something in my mouth! Haha I'm a texture eater so all the mushie stuff was starting to gross me out. I'm 9 weeks post op and I haven't had a fill. And won't for at least 3 more weeks. I'm losing consistently so I guess I don't need one yet. Sometimes I get hungry but I just try to drink a lot, find low calories Snacks if I need them and stay busy!
  2. I think all your issues are normal. Are you drinking Protein shakes and eating sugar free things? All of those things give me terrible gas. The Protein Shakes make me so gassy. I'm not against them, I would just rather get my protein from meat or "normal" as opposed to drinking the gassy shakes :-) You're 10 days post op? You're most likely still swollen from surgery which is why you can feel that discomfort in your chest. Honestly, you'll always feel things pass through your band if you take too big of a bite or gulp your drink. Diarrhea is sooo normal. Once you start eating solid foods it should get better. I had the same problem. Life will get so much better. I didn't feel normal for a good 2 weeks. My recovery was long. And I regretted the surgery a few times. Now, I'm not looking back! The weight is coming off and it makes everything worth it.
  3. BaileyRose

    Weight loss

    I've been losing weight consistsntly since surgery. There have been a couple weeks where I haven't lost weight but then it will drop again. I've averaged 3 lbs a week. Don't get frustrated when/if your weight gets at a standstill for a while. It happens to pretty much everyone. :-) hope that helps... That's been my journey so far.
  4. BaileyRose

    Help, I am hungry

    It's normal to feel hungry, but don't give in. It's really not good for you. I'm not going to pretend that I have this crazy amount of willpower, but I honestly didn't cheat during liquid phase. Are you drinking Protein shakes? You can do this! :-)
  5. BaileyRose

    Protion Problems

    My dr said 1-1 1/2 cups of food... I couldn't get all that in though. Everyone is different. Find what works best for you, just dont go crazy :-) you'll figure it out soon.
  6. I stay under 1200 calories a day and usually eat around 80 grams of Protein. Here is my day so far: Breakfast- 1/2 of a bagel and a little cream cheese Lunch- 1/3 turkey and Swiss sandwich on wheat bread. And dinner will be- turkey meatballs, marinate sauce and a little but of whole wheat noodles. The bagel wasn't the best choice this morning... Usually I eat an egg or something. Honestly, my philosophy for myself is to live a normal life and not feel like I'm dieting. I quit diets. This is a new life style that will live me forever so I need to feel normal. As long as I stay under 1200 calories a day and get my protein and Water in, I eat whatever I want. I'm losing on average 3-4 lbs a week so it's working for me :-) Good luck on your journey!
  7. I'm two months post op and to be honest, that pain comes and goes. It gets muuuuuch better, but for instance, the past few days I've been having that dull, slightly burning port pain. Just try to take it easy. I know when I over do it I get pain in my port area.
  8. BaileyRose

    Woo Hoo ! ! !

    Hahaha that's hilarious! I bought size 20 jeans yesterday too and all day my husband was saying "look at that ass!" cracks me up. Our husbands are definitely our biggest fans! Congrats shirley! You're doing so great!
  9. BaileyRose

    why do we feel thirsty

    Are you on medication that could cause you to be thirsty? I would up your water intake. My dr recommends 1-2 gallons a day... Closer to two gallons if we can.
  10. Hey thanks! You're doing awesome too! 22 lbs in a month?? That's nearly twice as fast as me! Great job! I count calories mainly. I stick under 1200 a day. And I also count Protein. I usually eat around 70-80 but try to be at least above 60. I'm not a low carb fan.... I eat starches... I just eat everything in moderation and make better choices than i use to. I buy low carb tortillas if im having mexican food... Ya know, stuff like that. I keep record of all my food intake on myfitnesspal.com it's awesome. I highly recommend it.
  11. Aetna. They required a three month supervised diet for me. Once everything was submitted insurance took 3 days for approval. Surgery was two weeks later! It went by fast for me.
  12. Like elcee said, if you overeat you'll regret it. You really have to learn to listen to your body. If I allowed myself, I could probably eat all day long. But you have to make good choices. You'll learn the tricks- I always ask myself "am I really hungry or is my head hungry?", measure your food out if you need to, don't go back for seconds. learn to eat tons of protein- that keeps you satisfied longer. Eat food with some "weight" to it. That seems to stay in my tummy longer. Don't eat foods that will just pass through your band quickly- chips, ice cream.. Stuff like that. Try not to snack. Drink plenty of Fluid... All of these things make you stay satisfied. You'll learn :-) and don't worry about worrying too much haha. I had so many questions before be banded... And still do sometimes. But you really do catch on. This forum has taught me so much! Oh and thanks on the congrats!
  13. So true. Which to me, is better. I hated that OMG I feel disgusting feeling. This is so much better!
  14. BaileyRose

    why do we feel thirsty

    When was your surgery? How many ounces of water do you think you're drinking during the day?
  15. BaileyRose

    It's Going Down!

    That's incredible! Good or you! I can't wait to be under 250. I, like you, have been in the 280-300(306 was my highest... Eek!!!) for a looong time. I'm at 263 now. 43 lbs lost since I started my pre-op diet.... 23.5 lbs lost since surgery- 2 months ago. Down from a size 26 in pants to a 20! I'm feeling great! Still have a ways to go, but I wouldn't be here on my own... Don't I know! I've tried diet after diet and could never stick to it. The band works! You just have to work with it. Good for you!
  16. I've had heartburn since surgery. I take tums when it's bad and that always fixes it for me. I've yet to have a fill(2 months since surgery) but im losing about 3 lbs a week so I don't need one yet, I do get those painful burps all the time too... But my doctor said that was common. If it gets worse I should let him know.
  17. Ya know, it changes for me. Sometimes I'm full like I was before... And sometimes I'm just really satisfied... As in not "full" but not hungry. And that feeling lasts about 4-5 hours for me. I usually know when I'm "full" because I get tired/bored with eating. I was afraid before surgery that I would be hungry all the time but I'm not at all. I get full on about 1-1/2 cups of food and I eat that about 3-4 times a day. It's awesome. I've lost 44 lbs since my highest weight before surgery. I'm down from a size 26 to a size 20. And I'm feeling better everyday. I wish you the best of luck! Please feel free to message me with an questions if you have any :-) I'm pretty new to this lifestyle- 2 months tomorrow...
  18. BaileyRose

    Where are you from?

    I was born in raised in OK too! Living in phoenix now. What part are you from? I'm from owasso, just north of Tulsa.
  19. BaileyRose

    Confused about protein.

    Also, protein helps aid in muscle building... Which is really important because when you're losing weight quickly, you want to make sure you aren't losing any muscle mass. It also helps in the healing stages in the beginning.
  20. Oh my! I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this. I would be so upset if I were you... You're a strong woman! How are you feeling the second go around? After my second surgery(it didn't even feel like surgery because I was awake the entire time) I was expected to feel badly but it was easy. It's that laproscopic surgery that gets me! Oy vey! I commend your strength, that's for sure. I'm praying there's no erosion. I'm sure you'll be fine. That's odd you aren't on any antibiotics right now... But I'm not a doctor :-) hope you feel better soon. Question: did you have insurance cover your first surgery? Will it cover a second band placement? I've always wondered how that works.
  21. BaileyRose

    pain collar bone/neck area

    I would follow cindy's advice: a week after surgery I went to the chiropractor and went to get a message and I felt like a million bucks! I wish I would have done it sooner.
  22. BaileyRose

    Pain by port

    Ya I have port pain randomly too. You'd know if you messed anything up. Try jar to stick to your diet though. Ironically, that was the first thing I cheated with too! The bagette that comes with your soup.
  23. BaileyRose

    workout question

    My dr said 4 weeks. And then 8 weeks to do abs. But I started walking the day after surgery.
  24. BaileyRose

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hey Kristen! I try to eat between 60-100 grams of protein a day. Most of the time I'm around 80-90. I'm a carb eater for sure so I have to make an effort to only eat something if it has protein in it and to make sure I eat my protein first during my meal. Glad to hear your fill is working for you!
  25. Keep it clean, dry and covered. I dealt with an infection for 6 weeks... And had to have another surgery because of it. I'm not trying to freak you out... It doesn't sound like an infection to me because of the lack of heat.. And if it is it sounds like you caught it pretty early. Hope all goes well with you when you speak to your doctor! Keep us posted.

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