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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BaileyRose

  1. BaileyRose

    Aetna approval

    I was approve through Aetna 2 days after it was submitted.
  2. BaileyRose

    Chewing gum

    My dr says no gum too. I sometimes chew it but just try to stay very aware that it's in my mouth.
  3. Haha no! The lap band gave me heartburn! It's not too bad though... Nothing a little tums can't fix :-) glad you're doing so well!
  4. I dont eat anything the day of my fill... Just drink. And then my doctor puts me on liquids and mushies for 24 hours. My dr also does fills once a month. I've only had one and I feel more restriction with it. But I also didn't go through bandster hell where I was hungry all the time. I didn't get a fill until 8 weeks after surgery because my weight loss slowed down. Everyone is different when it comes to fills. Some people it takes several fills and some people never even need one.
  5. BaileyRose

    soo much pain

    Anti inflamatories can cause erosion so I'd be careful with those. I'd call your doctor and schedule an appointment with the chiropractor. Or a massage. I'm on my feet all day, sometimes for 10 hours straight- I'm a hair stylist, and both of those really help me when my back is hurting.hope you get some relief soon!
  6. I had the swallowing problem but not the hunger problem. Haha it's probably because you're still swollen so not everything goes down just perfectly.
  7. Ya that doesn't make sense to me. Just sounds like a port infection. Ive been dealing with one for the past 8 weeks. I'm on my fourth round of antibiotics and I've had a second surgery because of it. But it really isn't a big deal. You just deal with what comes. Doesn't sound like a band slip to me though. If your band slipped you'd probably be throwing up and stuff. I get heart burn almost every day since surgery.
  8. BaileyRose

    Is it possible???

    I'm down 3 pants sizes but have only lost 22 lbs since surgery(9 and 1/2 weeks ago). I'm definitely losing inches faster than lbs. But I'm ok with that.
  9. BaileyRose

    Carbonated Drinks

    I have a sip on occasion. My doctor says as long as you can tolerate it, it's no big deal. I can never drink whole can and I wait for it to be kinda flat before I take a sip. I'm not a big soda drinker anyway.
  10. BaileyRose

    belly pain

    That happened to me... Still does an occasion. Then I found out yesterday my port flipped. It's not really that bug of an issue... Just eventually he wants to go in there and flip the port back over and suture it back down. I'm not saying that's what happened to you... That's just my experience. Port pain is very common.
  11. I've been losing inches waaaay faster than pounds. It's strange! I'm down 3 pants sizes but only 20-22 lbs since surgery. Yes, it's frustrating to not see the numbers on the scale move... But at least the numbers on your tags are going down! Here's my logic- I don't walk around with a big 263 on my forehead telling the world how much I weigh. But they do see my ass in my jeans and they can tell that it's 3 sizes smaller! I'll take what I can get. Just stick to what you're doing. It will show :-)
  12. BaileyRose

    Feeling Sad...

    I only lost 9 lbs my first couple of weeks and I was so disappointed because I read about people losing 30 lbs! Or something crazy like that. But I'm 9 weeks out now and its coming off. Your body is so concerned with healing right now that it's last priority is losing weight. You'll get there! Also, you don't have a ton of weight to lose so you'll be at goal before you know it!
  13. I was the same way. I got my first fill today and can definitely feel a difference. I'm pretty sure bread it completely out of my diet now. well, it was nice while it lasted! Haha
  14. BaileyRose

    your pain after surgery

    It took me a week to feel no pain. And two weeks to feel normal. I guess I'm a slow healer and don't have a high pain tolerance. I've never had surgery prior to the lap band so it was a whole new ball game for me. The gas pain made me miserable. I slept sitting straight up for 4 nights. My suggestions: heating pad! Walking, Popsicles, hot showers. Have someone rub your shoulders. On day 7 I went and had a massage and a chiropractic adjustment and it helped so much. I wish I would have done it sooner.
  15. BaileyRose

    A note about DERMABOND

    Gary- I've been banded for 9 weeks now and I've been dealing with an infected port incision ever since. My tubing actually popped through the incision and I had another surgery. I'm currently on my 4th round of antibiotics and praying that it works. I find out Monday if I'll need yet another surgery to replace my port and place it in a different location. with all that Said, yes... I've dealt with that pesky little wound that won't clear up or heal completely. It sounds like you're doing a great job keeping it clean and it should heal up soon. :-)
  16. BaileyRose

    Need a Do-over

    I haven't read it but I hear Bandwagon was a great book. Also, look into a support group. And I find tracking my calorie intake on myfitnesspal.com has been great. Glad you're feeling better! And good luck in the future!
  17. I'm actually the opposite. I Burl CONSTANTLY but rarely fart since surgery,
  18. BaileyRose

    Post band eating

    I track calories and Protein. I stay under 1200 calories a day. And try to eat at least 75 grams of protein. I usually plan ahead all my meals so I know that if I am eating a dinner with some carbs in it I try to stay away from carbs for lunch and Breakfast. For instance, tonight I'm having crab legs and shrimp for dinner so I had a 1/2 of a bagel for breakfast. Here's my opinion(which sounds like it may be similar to yours)- this is a lifestyle change. Not a diet. I always quit diets... And I want these changes to last forever. Therefor, I'm not going to put myself on any diet. As long as I stay under my calories for the day, I allow myself to eat whatever I want. I usually make healthy choices but for instance yesterday I had a mcdonalds cheeseburger and a small fry. Am I proud of that? Nooooo. Haha is that something I would do everyday??? Absolutely not. But I'm blaming that time of month.... Haha And I still was only at 1040 calories for the day. So I'm ok with it. I know I kinda went on a little rant, but that's how I approach it. It works for me though. I average 3 lbs a week with no fill. I'm happy :-) best of luck to you!
  19. BaileyRose

    Single Incision Lapband

    I'm 2 months(a little over) out and my incisions are tiny. Apparently I was concerned about it because the first thing when I woke up from surgery was "how many incisions do I have??" I asked my doctor before hand how many I would have and he said he wouldn't know until he was in there. I guess I wasn't a candidate for the single incision... Not sure why... Bc I have four. Three are teeny tiny... About 1/4 of an inch long and my port incision is about an inch or so. The port one is super noticeable.... But I've had issues(infection, a second surgery) so I'm not sure what others' port incisions look like. That's cool yours will be all through your belly button with no scar. :-)
  20. Hahaha not mentally gassy. REALLY gassy. Stupid autocorrect. We were banded around the same time. How's everything going for you?
  21. Protein shakes me mentally gassy. And sugar free stuff. Maybe that?
  22. BaileyRose

    Single Incision Lapband

    My doctor does it too. But I actually have 4 incisions... Not sure why haha. From what he explained though, the single incision is actually two incisions. One for all the tools and the placement for the band and 1 for the port.
  23. You're probably still swollen. Are you taking super small bites? I had to in the beginning. Are you chewing a ton? When this would happen to me in the beginning I would go back on full liquids for a day and then try solids again. It gives you time for the swelling to go down just in case you irritated anything during your little episode. Also, if I come across foods that I find difficult to eat, I just don't eat them anymore. For instance, I learned I can't eat roast beef. Which is weird because I've tried steak and that was just fine...
  24. BaileyRose

    Incisional itching/swelling

    Yep.. My port incision got infected and I had another surgery... If it swells anymore let your surgeon know. Not to freak you out, but that's how mine all began.
  25. I was the same as you. Just make sure you stay hydrated and get your Protein in. I was very dizzy for the first couple of weeks because I had such a low amount of calories in my body. You'll get your apetite back soon.

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