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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BaileyRose

  1. BaileyRose

    Hypoglycemic attacks after lap band

    I'm hypoglycemic since surgery. Also, my blood pressure is much lower. Which it was always normal before. Luckily, I was with my mother in law(who is a nurse) once when I when I almost passed out... And we happened to be at the hospital at the time. She checked my blood pressure(108/56) and my blood sugar was 52. Drank an orange juice and I was back to good in no time. I just eat a snack if I'm feeling weak.
  2. I swallow pills just fine. If they're big I cut them in half. And ya.... No more ibuprofen or any anti inflammatories. Excessive use can lead to erosion.
  3. BaileyRose

    Banded 8/2010 and now having trouble

    That's crazy... Sounds like text book gallbladder attacks but since you don't have yours anymore.... I don't know what it could be! That sounds absolutely terrible though. I'm sorry you're going through so much pain and I wish i could bepre of a help. Hope you find some answers and feel better soon!
  4. Have a baby and a trip to Jamaica! Hopefully not in that order :-)
  5. I was maaaaybe getting 300-400 calories the first two weeks. I starting drink milk shakes and smoothies and cut out the sugar free stuff because I was so weak. My dr told me to do that. I started getting my energy back around week two but even then stuff would just wear me out. Take it easy... You'll fell better soon. Oh and I didn't have an appetite for at least three weeks.
  6. I'm guessing you can't get a fill yet since you're not even 2 weeks post op.... At your stage my doctor said I could eat anything that would fit through a straw... I blended everything and added enough milk or Water to it to liquify. Also, I basically lived off homemade potato soup. When can you start mushies? In a couple days?
  7. I've always had a problem with sleeping. Once I'm asleep, I'm fine... No waking up... But it's so hard for me to actually fall asleep. I'm like you.. I go, go, go all day. My job has me on my feet all day(hair stylist/educator) and I have a problem with thinking to much at night. I've found that reading and praying help me fall asleep. Also, so does my trusty melatonin at times :-) it's weird. I'm often sleepy when I get home from work, but by the time it's bedtime I'm wide awake again.
  8. BaileyRose


    I'm with ya girl. I've been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for at least a month. I was banded august 2nd... I've had one fill. I'm ready for my second one but I still have about a month. I get on myself too because I know I could be exercising more and I know if I cut the carbs completely the weight would come off faster. But the thing is, I got the band so I wouldn't have to diet. I'm not against working hard but I don't want to have to count every little thing that goes in my mouth.... Even though I do. I'm thankful for the band and I love it. I've lost 25 lbs since surgery and 20 before. I've never lost 45 lbs before!
  9. I have 4. I can barely see the three tiny ones but my port one is pretty nasty.
  10. BaileyRose


    The protein shakes and sugar free stuff like jello and pudding give me mad gas. Gas-x helps butt gas. I gave it to my husband the other night haha. If it makes you feel any better, it's good that you're getting it all put because you'd feel miserable if all that built up in your tummy. Hope you get some relief soon!
  11. When you get your email notification there should be a link that will connect you to your original post. Also you can type your title into the search bar and it should pop up.
  12. BaileyRose

    can u see your port?

    Mine pokes out a little. No one else can tell, but I can. And when I am laying down, I can arch my back and it sticks way out. It's pretty funny actually.
  13. If I chew right, I can eat pretty much anything. I've only had steak once since being banded and it was a little difficult, so I haven't tried it again. I've never been stuck. I had rice tonight with my dinner. I've only had one fill but have pretty good restriction. Also, the only bread I've tried has been the flat brea from subway. Again, if I chew correctly, it goes down just fine. I, like you, mourned the loss of some of my favorite foods before being banded. But come to find out, I can still eat those things. But like cindy said, I mostly don't want to. My husband and I use to go to this local new York pizza shop weekly and that was my favorite place. That's where I ate for my "goodbye" dinner before surgery. I haven't been there since(3 months) and honestly don't even think about it. It was those foods that got me this overweight anyway...
  14. That's great! I'm glad you're feeling some restriction now! Hey I noticed your screen name... Are you from Oklahoma?
  15. BaileyRose

    Skin sensation pain

    Is it near your port? My skin near my port gets this stinging/burning pain... Especially when I wear tight jeans or a high waisted belt. And if I'm sitting a lot that day(which doesn't happen often).
  16. BaileyRose

    Aetna approval

    Every insurance plan is different. My annual deductible is 2,500(for the family). And then they pay 90%. I had already met the majority of the deductible so on the day of surgery I had to pay $300. And then I was billed for the 10% which was around 2,500. And then $1,200 for the nutrition and psych fee. Total I paid right around $4,000 for my surgery.
  17. BaileyRose

    Aetna approval

    I thought that would be an issue for me too but it wasn't. Aetna won't accept the current year as a part of the two year history... So I needed 2010 and 2009. Well, I never went tongue doctor in 2009 so I was worried I would get denied. But luckily(ironic) I got strep throat when I was out of town in 2008 and went to the emergency room because I didn't have a dr, obviously, because I knew I needed an antibiotic. I'm so glad I went! Because other than that one time in 2008, I hadn't gone to the dr probably since 2004. Anyway, all that to say, Aetna just wants your recorded weight for two years. It's not like they want to know you've been seeing your dr for two years to discuss your weight... They just want to make sure you've been overweight for some time and your not using weight loss surgery as a quick fix for some extra pounds you've put on the last couple of months.
  18. BaileyRose

    Post Op Discomfort

    Gas x did nothing for me either. And my gas was terrible. I mean TERRIBLE... Sounds like yours was too. Mine lasted for 7 days. I slept sitting straight up in my wing back chair with multiple pillows behind me. I couldn't web lean back on the couch. It was seriously the worst. The heating pad, hot showers and my husband rubbing my shoulders were the only thing that helped. Walking helped a little. I would get up in the middle of the night and walk up and down my street in my night gown with no bra on. Haha my poor husband thought I was going to die. He didn't know what to do with me! :-) Glad you're feeling better. It took me two weeks to feel normal. One week for no pain and the next week I was just so week. I also took two weeks off work. My dr told me "most people who have surgery on Thursday return to work on Monday." ha! Not me. I'm jealous of those who has an easier recovery.
  19. BaileyRose

    should i be concerned

    I didn't have to either :-)
  20. BaileyRose

    Freaked out about 1st fill

    I had my first fill on monday and it felt so weird too! Also my port had flipped so when he went to give me a fill he had to flip it over. I was definitely sore Monday and yesterday. And where he poked me with the needle it bled and was swollen... Almost like a mosquito bite. It's good to know someone else thought it felt odd when they got their first fill. It was this weird squishy pressure... I don't even know how to explain it. Haha
  21. My first fill was Monday... 10 weeks after surgery. I was loosing consistently and like you, I felt pretty decent restriction with just the band... But the last three weeks my weight loss has stalled and I was beginning to get hungry in between meals so it was time for a fill.
  22. BaileyRose

    Living forever with the Lap band

    It's suppose to stay with you forever. But the surgery has only been around for 15(I think) years so they don't really know if it could last a lifetime... Theoretically it should... Also, once you're at goal and if your port is supper noticeable and you don't like it, they can replace your port with a low profile one and locate it in a spot that is less noticeable. A lot of plastic surgeons do it if you go in for a tummy tuck or something like that.
  23. BaileyRose

    Second Time Around

    Good luck! If it were me I would do it before the holidays. I'm on my 4th round of antibiotics. I saw my surgeon on Monday and he said things look like they're clearing up but he wants to go in there are relocate my port... It has flipped now too... And also clean up my scar. It's looking pretty nasty since it has stretched out from the infection. So i'll be right there with ya! 3 surgeries in 3 months! Haha Good luck to you! Hope everything goes smoothly. How was your recovery after getting it taken out?
  24. BaileyRose

    Am I missing something?

    I didn't have to do any tests prior to surgery which I found odd... My doctor said it was because I'm young and have no pre existing conditions. I had no pre op diet other than don't eat or drink after midnight. I did put my self on a low fat, low carb diet 2 weeks prior and then liquids 2 days before... But just because my doctor required I stay under a 50 BMI and I was a 48 and I didn't want to risk gaining ANY weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
