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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BaileyRose

  1. Do you have irregular periods? I know you have a baby soooo it's probably not difficult for you to get pregnant, but irregular periods is a co-morbidity. Goof luck on your approval journey!
  2. BaileyRose


    I'm like shirley... I have to drink a little when I eat. My doctor said it was fine since I still keep satisfied for several hours.
  3. BaileyRose

    Can't stay off the scale

    I did the same thing. My first week I lost 15 lbs. Then when I went to my 2 week check up I had gained back 5. I knew to expect it so it didn't really bother me... But now I've got those 5 lbs back off... You'll probably fluctuate. A lot of people do. Once you start exercising I'm sure you'll start losing again. Also, I can drink a lot of fluids at one sitting too. My doctor never told me anything about only 8 oz at a time... Good luck!
  4. BaileyRose


    I've been sweating more. When was your surgery? Mine was two weeks ago... I think I sweat more because I'm still recuperating and when I'm cleaning or something where im exerting a lot of energy I sweat because I'm weak still. That's my two cents :-)
  5. I understand what you mean completely. I love healthy food. When I met with my nutritionist before surgery she was shocked at how well I ate. She said I was definitely not the norm. But I did have some bad habits... I wasn't a Breakfast eater, therefor my metabolism gets a late start, and I was a late night eater for sure. Also the surgery helps with portion control, obviously. I'm only two weeks post op so I don't have this amazing story to say "oh yes! You'll lose a hundred pounds like me!!" haha because I'm not there yet. But, I have lost a total of 35 lbs since my pre-op diet began til now(20 before surgery- 15 since). I'm down from a size 24-26 in pants to a lose 20. So yes, I believe lap band will definitely help you. And think, you're ahead of the game. You don't have to learn how to fall in love with healthy food... Because you already are! But the band will help with your portion size and also exercise makes all the difference :-) Best of luck to you! Let me know what you decide.
  6. BaileyRose

    Question for Females

    I started a couple days after surgery too... 20 days makes me a little concerned though... My doctor said it's normal to start after surgery even if you arent scheduled to just because your body goes through shock. Maybe call your obgyn and see what she/he thinks?
  7. BaileyRose

    Help at my wits end!

    This happened to a friend of mine. They kept checking for a slip but she didn't have one... But she still kept vomiting constantly. After testing they found out she has celiac disease... Which is an allergy to gluten. Maybe Check for that? It does sound like a slip though. Im sorry you're feeling so awful. I hope they figure out what's wrong. I would definitely get a second opinion.
  8. BaileyRose


    I burp all the time. I asked my doctor about and said it's very very common. It's because we take in air when we eat and drink an since our stomachs are so much smaller it doesn't absorb into our bodies so it has to come up. He said some people do it more than others... I think you and I just may be the lucky ones that do it all the time. :-)
  9. BaileyRose

    extreme hair loss :(

    It is. It's from the shock of surgery. I have clients who have had surgery and about 4-6 months after they start losing hair... But it should all come back. :-)
  10. BaileyRose

    How much longer

    Dave is right. I was only suppose to be on clears the day of surgery but I had to stay on them for a week because I had so much swelling. Just take it easy. unjury has a Protein powder that tastes like chicken soup. That really helped me. Drink hot tea... That helps too.
  11. BaileyRose

    shoulder pain

    They say that's usually a sign that you're full and you should stop eating.
  12. BaileyRose

    2 weeks in??

    I never got sick. Some people get nauseated... But I didn't. Anytime you have laproscopic surgery they blow gas into your abdomen so they can move around easily. Well, they do their best to suction it all out when they're finished but it's just impossible to get it all out. So you're left with this gas inside and for some its pretty painful. But for some it isn't. The best thing to do is to walk as much as possible, about 15 minutes every hour, and that allows your body to absorb the gas and you will belch it out eventually.
  13. BaileyRose

    2 weeks in??

    You'll be fine. I'm 2 weeks out today and feel great. And the first week was really hard for me... I wasn't one of those easy recovery type people. At two weeks you'll probably be on full liquids. You'll be eating a lot of Soups and Protein shakes! Pack some shakes with you!
  14. BaileyRose

    post op liquid amounts

    I'm on full liquids as well and my doctor wants me eating 1 - 1 1/2 cups per meal, 3x a day. And drinking at least a gallon a day in between. Yesterday I had: Breakfast: 6 oz Protein shake= 35 grams of protein Lunch: 1 cup of soup Snack: 1 sugar free Jello Dinner: 1 and 1/2 little yogurt cups. I would say your amounts are fine. I would starve off of a teaspoon to a tablespoon at a time. Just make sure you're drinking Water in between meals And try to substitute at least one meal a day for a Protein shake.
  15. BaileyRose

    Protein Drinks???

    Unjury is good. You can find them online at unjury.com also, the Atkins pre made shakes are good... They only have 15 grams of protein though... But they're thicker if you like thicker shakes. Everyone's taste is different so good luck!
  16. That's the longest I've ever heard of anyone being on clears. I was on clears for just the day of surgery... Although I stayed on clears for about a week, personal choice. I'm currently on full liquids for another week then I can move onto soft food and slowly introduce regular solids. To the original poster- i've messed up a couple times. A family member is in the hospital right now and I spend the majority of my days up there.... Well, when I've been up there a couple of times I've gotten hungry and there was nothing I could have at the cafeteria so I had egg salad. Boy was it delicious!
  17. I didn't feel "normal" until day 7... But again, everyone is different.
  18. My surgeon put 2 cc's in my band at surgery. He told me 1 out of 100 people have post op swelling. I guess I was the lucky 1! Haha 2 days after surgery I had to have it removed because u got so swollen and couldn't swallow anything. When he took it out I told him thank you and he said "you won't be thanking me in a week because you'll probably be so hungry". But I haven't been at all. Ice been eating about 1 cup of coup 3x a day and I'm full. He said I just have a tight band. I don't think my case is as common. I'm pretty sure most people probably do fine with the Fluid in their band. Consider it a free fill! Haha
  19. Oh that's sounds miserable! Sounds like you're doing the right thing. Hope you feel better after your appointment!
  20. I was on no special diet the day before my surgery although I had myself on only liquids for a few days prior... My doctor just said nothing after midnight... Goof luck tomorrow!!!
  21. My shoulder pain didn't last but a couple days. My gas pain was more in my abdomen and chest- right under my sternum. I only notices the left shoulder pain at night if I tried to sleep on that side which was pointless because I'm two weeks out and still can't sleep on mummery side because that's where my port is and it's sensative. Everyone is different. I feel bad for the previous poster who has shoulder pain for months... I would think that would be less common though. Good luck!
  22. I couldnt agree more! My first week was really difficult. Then all of a sudden I realized my clothes were starting to fall off..... I went from a 26 at my heaviest to a size 20 that I bought just the other day! Best feeling ever! My surgery was august 2nd... Since than I've lost about 14 pounds and before surgery I lost 20... So about 35 total :-) and it's only the beginning!
  23. BaileyRose

    extreme hair loss :(

    I wouldn't bother taking that other stuff... And yes, you will grow new hair to replace what has fallen it... It just takes time. Your hair may even change textures. Everyone is different though. If I were you, I would color it one solid, darker shade. Blonde makes your hair appear thinner, and darker hair makes your hair appear thicker. Also, if you have long hair or layers, I would suggest cutting it shorter and more of a one length style. That also helps your hair appear thicker and fuller. Hope that makes sense. It will get better after time :-)
  24. BaileyRose

    ready for my first fill

    I'm 12 days post-op. I'm still on gull liquids for 9 more days. My doctor says no fills until I'm on solids because then he can determine how hungry I really am. Thankfully I get full on about a cup of Soup... but I don't stay full for too long. Maybe it will get better when you start eating solids. Sorry you're so hungry! I know what you mean though... My hunger wakes me up in the middle of the night too. It's intense.

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