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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BandedApril

  1. Name, real or screen~ April

    Age~ 32

    Weight on October 1st~ 195.6

    Goal Weight for October 29th~ 190.6

    Exercise Goal for October~ 4x's a week

    Dietary Goal for October~ low carb

    Personal Goal for October~ stay away from starbuck's!

    Date Banded~ July 12, 2011

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 43 lbs

    Welcome to The Very Scary Halloween Challenge! :D

    This is a fun, motivating, stress free way to set personal goals for the month.

    If you'd like to join us, please complete the template below then weigh-in each Saturday in October: 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.

    Larry wiil do our stats. THANKS Larry!

    I hope you join us!


    Copy and Paste this template:

    Name, real or screen~


    Weight on October 1st~

    Goal Weight for October 29th~

    Exercise Goal for October~

    Dietary Goal for October~

    Personal Goal for October~

    Date Banded~

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~

  2. In my opinion, laxitives are probably going to be your best friend as long as you have a band. I am almost 3 months post op and have to take laxatives on a regular basis or else I don't go without them. When you eat so little food there's not much going on down there, so it could take while. I don't feel like waiting, and I don't lose weight unless I go!

    Okay, I thought only my boys thought about this, but I have to ask. I am 6 days postop and haven't gone to the bathroom. I know this shouldn't be my first thought, but I think it's time. I'm drinking the Water, clear liquids, full liquids...doing what I'm suppose too, but no results...to include walking. Any advice here would greatly help. I don't want to get my stomach rolling if I just need to be patient.

  3. Completely normal. Just drink what you can and don't worry about it. The swelling will go down before you reach the point of needing to be hospitalized.

    I had my surgery on Sept. 22 and now 4 days out I am so full feeling all the time it's impossible to hydrate. I am constantly bloated and feeling very uncomfortable. I was hoping to be out and about by now but at this point I just dont want to feel like I'm going to explode every other minute. Anyone else experiencing this? Will this go away? I so don't want to end up in the ER for IV hydration.

  4. Hey, friends! It's good to hear from everyone that has been checking in lately and I'm so happy for those of you seeing good results! For those of you feeling frustrated and challenged, just hang in there! I know that it seems slow-going, but if you can picture what youll look like in 9-12 months, it might help you keep motivated. I know that sometimes I stop and think I haven't lost much, but then I have to remind myself that it's not even been 2 months yet!

    Anyway, I have been doing great with the band and haven't had any problems so far. I am 7 1/2 weeks out and down 34 lbs. I guess my only complaint is Constipation - Grr!

    Onward and downward, my friends!

  5. Just because you CAN eat that much, doesn't mean you should. The band is not going to stop you from overeating; that's YOUR job. You should limit your portions to 1/2 cup - 1 cup and bread should be a definite no-no. I'm concerned about your doctor not informing you on what and how much to eat, and I'm concerned that he said not to worry about losing weight????

    Hi everyone, I was banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. Doctor had me start back on solid foods after 2 weeks. I worry that I can eat more than I should, and it is not causing discomfort. For example, I can eat a 6" Subway turkey sandwich on wheat bread or a hamburger with bun, and I get full but not overly full. I chew really well don't eat any sides like chips or fries. Still, isn't this too much food for one meal? If I stop halfway through and wait a while I am not full so then I finish. Luckiliy I have not been hungry at all between meals, and I am tracking calories and Protein. I have lost 2 pounds and surgeon says not to worry about losing until after my first fill, which he has scheduled for August 29, two weeks from today.

    Any feedback on whether the amount of food I can eat is "normal" at this stage would be appreciated. Thank you!

  6. Hello my July friends! I just wanted to drop in since today is my one month bandiversary! Here's what's been going on:

    • I've been pretty much eating anything I want (crunchy, mushy, whatev) and haven't had any problems getting or keeping anything down. Still no PB's or stucks-- yay! I take (ridiculously) small bites and chew, chew, chew. Still working on eating slowly, and I think I'm getting a little better. I just get annoyed being the last one at the dinner table, so I usually just throw whatever food I have left in the trash. Whatever works, right?
    • I eat no more than 1/2 cup at a time. I usually eat less, but have found that if I eat the full 1/2 cup portion, I stay full longer. So even though I lose interest after a few bites, I'm going to push myself to eat a little more so that I'm not thinking about food after 2 hours.
    • Water intake: dismal. Why is it that I can chug down a grande iced mocha like it's going out of style but I'm doing good to get down 20oz of Water in a day? Ugh. I hate water.
    • I still have some soreness, particularly around the port area, so I haven't started exercising yet. The incisions are healing nicely though, so that's good. Looking forward to feeling 100% and hitting the gym.
    • I was walking my dog this morning and a neighbor told me I was looking great. Um, awesome!! I could get used to this.

    And, drum roll please....25 lbs lost!

    Love. My. Lapband.


  7. Yes, I was craving a Diet Coke and ordered a small one at Sonic about a week ago. I had a few sips and was fine, but found it didn't quite satisfy me the way it used to. Maybe I've lost my taste for them. I figured that I really need to be trying to get in my Water, so why drink something that has no nutritional value?

    I got my surgery back in April and as the doctor said, I have not had any carbonated drinks. I certainly miss an occasional glass of my favorite champagne! Has anyone tried carbonated drinks since surgery? I ask because my mother had gastric bypass and was told not to have carbonated drinks but she can drink them just fine. I know that surgery is completely different, but I was wondering if anyone has drank carbonated drinks in small amounts? Thanks!

  8. Thanks! I know I need to work on eating more Protein, I just find that eating meat requires so much chewing that it bores me! ha

    I have some Protein Powder, so maybe I'll start adding that to foods.

    Staying full 5 -6 hours sounds great. Maybe if I Bump up my portions I'll stay full longer. I think right now I eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup, so it makes sense that it burns off quicker.

    Wel, I'm off to eat my eggs! :)

    make sure you get your Proteins in first, then veggies and fruits after. i eat about a cup to a cup and a half with each meal, eat 3 times a day. i stay full for 5 to 6 hours at a time with that. i am not hungry in the mornings, so i usually have a Protein shake to get some of it in. you can buy the powder stuff and add milk, that will give you at least 20 grams of Protein. it is very important for muscles and to prevent hair loss. congrats on the weight loss. don't loose too fast though. my doctor likes 1 to 2 lbs per week. he calls that the sweet spot. :)

  9. Hey bandsters! Thanks in advance for your input.

    I am one month post-op and ever since my surgery I get satisfied very quickly with my food. A few bites usually does the trick. No, I don't eat until I feel "full", but I eat until I'm not hungry anymore and lose interest in the food. I'm a little paranoid about PB'ing or stretching my pouch so I don't want to overdo it.

    Anyway, I'm just wondering if you think I'm maybe eating too little? I feel fortunate to not be plagued by hunger like some who haven't had a fill yet, and I feel like the band is doing what it's supposed to do by satisfying me after a few bites, but should I eat more? I eat every 3-4 hours, just a small amount at a time.

    Should I be worried about nutrition and such? I find it difficult to get in much protein/water, but overall I feel fine.

    Your thoughts? Anyone else feeling this way?

    BTW, I lost 24 lbs this first month.

  10. Why would you think losing 26 lbs in a month is slow??

    The band is not magic. You didn't put on 100 lbs in a month, so it isn't coming off in a month.

    Eat a small amount of healthy food everyday and you'll get there. But not next month.

    Just stay realistic and optimistic. I think positivity is a big part of this. Think yourself thin!!

    So here's the deal-- I'm 1 month post op, and my surgeon's office told me to stay between 800 and 1200 calories, and between 60 and 70g of Protein. Nothing was said about how many carbs, fruits, and veggies I should have. I know I am still healing, but my weight loss is going slow. I try not to compare my journey to other people's weight loss but it's hard not to. Including my preop diet, I'm down 26.2lbs, but I can't help but think maybe if I keep tabs on carbs, veggies, etc., it'll help. It's also getting difficult cause I haven't had my first fill yet so I am feeling pretty hungry.

    What did/ what are you guys eating 1 month post op? Any food ideas? Problems? Limitations? What are your nutrition requirements?

    Thanks :)

  11. I eat 1/2 cup. That's what I was told to do by my nut and that's how much some successful bandsters eat. It works for me, and sometimes I don't even finish the 1/2 cup because I simply don't want it. I'm satisfied and the weight is falling off!

    I start Mushies tomorrow and can't get a hold of my nutritionist - maybe someone can help me ...

    During Mushies - how much (or little) should I be eating? 2oz at a 'meal' ?? 1/2 cup at a 'meal' ?? I haven't been all that hungry during the liquid phase and the scale has all but stopped (body going into starvation, I think) - so i definitely want to get moving back to food.

    Since I have little to no restriction - I am not sure if the 'eat until you are full' rule applies ... but I don't what what rules apply ! Any input would be appreciated !

  12. Congrats! That's amazing! Before you know it, you won't be able to shop at LB at all!!

    Yesterday I hit 50 pounds lost since the start of the banding process, which was October (I had a 6 month wait period, in which I lost 11 pounds, and I was banded in April). I have been telling my husband that my goal was to not buy any new jeans until the fall, because I was hoping to fit in 18s by then. When I started in October, I was in size 24 jeans from Lane Bryant, and they were the blue/"curvy" style. If you're not familiar with Lane Bryant jeans, they sell them in 3 different fits for each size- curvy, moderately curvy, and straight.

    OK so now fast forward to today. I decided to hit Lane Bryant tonight for fun to try on jeans. I didn't really expect the 18s to fit- they haven't since high school- I just wanted to see how close I was getting. But guess what! The 18s fit AND the blue/"curvy" ones were too baggy in the butt, so I needed to try the red ones! I was so thrilled I took a picture.

    So here's my never-before-seen before & durings. Shot 1 is surgery day, shot 2 is very early July, and shot 3 is in the dressing room tonight :)


  13. Well, the stomach pain feels better today, but the side pain keeps making a reappearance. It tends to happen after I eat or drink and then try to start moving around. Maybe I just need to rest before being active. Walking does not help. It just makes it worse. Maybe if I walked long enough it would help, but it hurts too bad to keep going. I'm a wimp!


    Does walking help at all? or make it worse?


  14. Cool! Maybe we'll meet up at one of the support meetings at True Results. I plan to go to the August one.

    You can probably move to a thicker liquid and be fine. I moved to full liquids early, and I moved to mushies early and have had no problems tolerating anything. Try a Protein Shake and see how you feel.

    I'm going to take it easy today. I think sometimes I forget that I just had surgery.

    Yes, I'm in Austin, looks like same doctor. I bet you just overdid it cleaning. I'm glad to hear you are feeling normal. I just need to get through the clear liquids stage. I can't drink broth, the thought of it makes me gag. This is my 4th day post-op, so only 3 more days of this, can't wait for yogurt and smoothies.< /p>

    Would just the juice from vegetable Soup be considered clear liquid?

    Hope your side quits hurting. And hang in there with the heat!!!!

  15. Looks like we had the same surgeon, Serifa! Are you in Austin also?

    Guys, I am now 16 days post-op and I was feeling amazing until today :(

    I don't know if I overdid it cleaning or what, but I started have pain in my stomach similar to those like when I was just a few days post-op. AND I have been getting weird pain in my lower side. Gas maybe? Not sure what to do? Hoping that as time goes on I can finally be pain free!

    Good to hear it. I'm 4 days post op the gas pains are not painful, but very annoying. I can't wait for the full liquid stage. A smoothy sounds delicious right now.

  16. Man, what a bummer! I'm so sorry to hear about this. As someone else mentioned, you should have been on a very low carb, high Protein diet prior to surgery. Did you stick to the diet if recommended? My doctor mentioned that he had patients before who did not do the diet and he was unable to operate as well. If you give it another shot, and I think you should, I would ask the doctor about the pre-op diet. I wish you all the best!

    Had my surgery Monday, the 25th. I woke up around 11:30 to hear the doctor say he couldn't get the device around my stomach, because there was "too much fat" around the stomach. I'm 6'4" 400 lbs. should there have been this problem? He aborted the operation, he said, after 2 hours of "lifting, tugging, turning..." Should I worry abo...ut this? The rep said I need to lose 30 more pounds to try again-total of 50 lbs-that's 25% of my weightloss goal! I'll only have 150 lbs left--will I even want to do it then...shees, I woke up thinking my road was paved, and marked...now I'm at another crossroad.

  17. Yeah, I'm a very nervous eater unless I'm eating liquids. I'm SO afraid of PB'ing or getting stuck. I'm hoping that as I get more comfortable with the band that I can learn to relax.

    Hope you enjoy your meal more than I did!:)

    April - I so see this in my future - the fear !! Glad it well for you but geez 1/8th of a cup is practically liquids ... good luck (to both of us)

  18. OMG, Amy. That's sucks! Hope they are able to fix your car cheaply and quickly!

    I'm so proud of you for recognizing the urge to eat and beating it. That's what this new lifestyle is all about.

    Hi all,

    I had quite the afternoon. My car died in the middle of the road right at the start of rush hour (and remember I live in Phoenix, where it was 102 today (I guess it could have been worse, I've seen 118 before). After the car got towed to the shop and I got a ride home, guess what I wanted to do? EAT. I realized it right away and stopped myself. I was stressed out. I had a small amount for dinner and I felt uncomfortable a lot sooner than usual. So --- yes, what we hear about stress making the band tighter is correct!


  19. 4 hours at a jump place??!! :blink:

    After 2 hours I am dragging my son to the door! LOL

    Glad you feel better though! I moved to full liquids and mushies early and I've had no problems. It was definitely the right thing to do because I had no energy either.

    Supposed to be on clear liquids till Thursday, but I was so weak and tired from the 200-400 calories a day from broth and Water and popsicles. I had 1/2 cup of campbells Tomato Soup made with water , really thin, and it was like heaven! Heaven!!! I had so much energy, took the kids to a jump place for 4 hours and then went to 3 stores. I think I can handle Soup for 2 weeks, but so looking forward to mushies!! How is everyone doing

  20. Go, Shauna! Congrats!

    Just wanted to say I am soooo happy...weighed myself for the first time in a week and I was down 6 lbs! I am so surprised because I don't have much restriction and have been eating pretty much whatever I want, just in smaller portions. Might hit my goal weight in time for my 40th Bday after all!


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