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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ChristineCook1111

  1. ChristineCook1111

    Pre Lap Band

    Hi all....just wanted to introduce myself. I am finally coming out of denial that I will lose the weight with some special diet or pill. LOL I am doing research and learning more about the lap band. On June 25th I go to a meeting to learn more about it. Hopefully they will tell me what my insurance covers too. I'd love to meet new friends and hear about your experiences. Tips and advice welcome!! Christine
  2. Hehehehe love my furbabies. Is your surgery done now? I think I have a heel spur....very painful.

  3. The truth is, I'd rather be with my dogs than with a lot of people. I'd rather wash dog bowls than wash dishes. I'd rather go to a dog show than go shopping. I enjoy keeping my dogs clean just like my house , and I much prefer dog sh*t to bullsh*t ...If you feel the same!!!... you know what to do next ♥

  4. Been a little blah lately. Weight and heat getting to me. Can't wait to get further into this process!!

  5. ChristineCook1111

    Pre Lap Band

    Hi Diva! Thanks for the informative email. Great suggestions. I am a "write it down" person too. Congrats on your band date!!! Will be here before you know it
  6. ChristineCook1111

    Pre Lap Band

    Hi there and thank you so much!!! I feel a little frustrated cuz it's so early in the process for me. But I am doing my research and learning. AND....getting excited!!
  7. ChristineCook1111

    Pre Lap Band

    Thank you!!! I am at the very beginning of this journey. I get excited when I read what others are saying about their successes!!

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