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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. The gym is my new drug!

  2. Today is my 1 year surgaversary!!! I am so happy with how much I have dropped in 1 year and how I feel about myself and my health now!!! I won't ever let myself go back again!!!

  3. Finally at my 3 months i hit 100 pounds down. Whew! so happy!

  4. 127 lbs lighter and 95 days til I marry my best friend! B"H

  5. Reading some of the stories helps me look forward. I just submitted all my paperwork to my insurance company today. Let the waiting begin. Fingers crossed.

  6. Hubby & I hiked 9.5 miles...totally exhausted but wouldn't have been able to accomplish 95 lbs ago!

  7. Just took my bike in for a tune up today. I haven't ridden in close to 10 years. I'm surprised it's still in good shape.! I 'm l'm also having them switch to the fancy new seat I won. Can't wait to take it for a spin!

  8. WOOHOO! Surgery is complete and I'm home!!!

  9. I recently got my second appointment for surgery. I had to have emergency open heart surgery (double bypass))

  10. 1 more pound and I'll have lost 50!!!

  11. Tomorrow at this time I will be in pre op waiting. Time flies!

  12. So Close To 70lbs Down...

  13. So Close To 70lbs Down...

  14. 126 # down & getting married in 3 months!

  15. It's been nearly six months since I had surgery, and I'm 51lbs down forever! So happy that I got my sleeve.

  16. Insurance Company APPROVED my surgery!!

  17. 3 days till surgery!! :)

  18. i don't feel very good.. #preopday2

  19. Woke up in Onederland!! Haven't had a 1 as the 1st number of my weight in over 12 years!!!

  20. OMG 3 More Days!!!

  21. Just trying to meet people with similar interest and who won't be overly judgemental

  22. Wednesday was the first time since my surgery that i went for an unfill.... he took out 1cc and for the past two days i have been reflux free. I feel great

  23. The cold has me wandering around my house looking for food. It is a good thing I am ignoring it for the most part!

  24. Surgery time confirmed. 10am tomorrow!

  25. #theopeniscoming ! CF 15.1!!

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