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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. It's not what you can't do but rather what you CAN do

  2. Late night munchies+carrots= boring, but effective. Yay me!

  3. Five pounds away from the halfway mark!

  4. Hit the 100 lb weight loss mark!!! 55 more to go!!!!

  5. I'm officially out of the 270's! Happy dance!!!

  6. 3 year band anniversary today...

  7. Food Funeral this weekend, pre-op diet starts Monday!

  8. Finally broke through to the seventies; on my way down again.

  9. WHAT?! 5lb water weight increase? Figures!

  10. Temporarily back to liquids due to pain and vomiting for the 2nd day in a row.

  11. Finally had to tell my boss I was having surgery and needed to take time off. I didn't tell him what kind as its none of his business. He was cool. Told me to take as much time as I needed.

  12. NSV - this may sound odd, but I was just able to touch my tongue to my knee for the first time in ages!

  13. I bought a pair of pants with a size that starts in a '1' for the first time in more than a decade!

  14. Down another 5 lbs finally! Also down to a size 20/22 from 26/28. Woo hoo!!!

  15. Gratitude List Addition: "You're looking thin." -- Colleague to me :)

  16. Big interview tomorrow, down 81 pounds since I started interviews - I wonder how big of a difference that alone will make?

  17. After a couple of scary days, all is well.

  18. Diabetes won't kill me now, but the GERD might

  19. Could spring really be here! The roads are clear but there is still 4 feet of snow every where. Temperatures going up, up, up

  20. im back, sorry been away a while

  21. Traveled all weekend and my eating was a little out of control. At least I got plenty of exercise - back on track today!

  22. First 30 pounds down! Happy dance :)

  23. How I LOVE that growing pile of too-big clothes for Goodwill!

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