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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. One month ago today I started this journey. Thanks to everyone who has sent encouragement and support! You guys are amazing!

  2. I was losing my willpower on day five of my protein shake prep. Then I received an email from my surgeon's office reminding me of the importance of following the protocol. That bolstered me up!

  3. After quite some time browsing this site, extensive research, and , meeting with a bariatric surgeon, the decision has been made. All that needs to be done now is to set a date for surgery. I am very excited.

  4. good morning everyone up early to go to the track everyone have a good day

  5. Goal of today is to drink 2 liter of water! 2.5 liters if I'm lucky

  6. Hello WOnderful new friends- today I am one month and 1 day post op and feeling really good. I am enjoyong reading everybody's status reports and want to thank you all for keeping me engaged in understanfing this new life change. I am taking my vitamins daily, consuming at least 60 gms of protein and trying to intake at least 64oz's of water. I feel that is the hardest part so far. I do have 2 questions if I may. Can I exercise more at this point? When can I have a glass of wine? :-)

  7. losing my hair like I'm losing my lbs!! lol

  8. Hello WOnderful new friends- today I am one month and 1 day post op and feeling really good. I am enjoyong reading everybody's status reports and want to thank you all for keeping me engaged in understanfing this new life change. I am taking my vitamins daily, consuming at least 60 gms of protein and trying to intake at least 64oz's of water. I feel that is the hardest part so far. I do have 2 questions if I may. Can I exercise more at this point? When can I have a glass of wine? :-)

  9. Haven't been on here in a long time, things have changed'

  10. I have officially joined the 200 club! 299 lbs today!

  11. we need to take at day at a time!!

  12. 54 pounds.. and I ran 3 miles on Sunday.. I'M RUNNING. WTF!! DREAMS COME TRUE!

  13. not losing weight is causing me to slip into old habits

  14. My scale is driving me crazy! I am so close to "Onederland." However, my scale fluctuates a bit. I can weigh 3 times and get 3 different weights. I usually weigh until I get the same weight twice and then go with it. Or, I just go with the highest weight. Today I weighed 199.5, 202 and 202. So, 202 it is. But I want to get to Onderland!!!!

  15. First post-op appointment, down 52 pounds. This surgery is such a blessing!

  16. Things are looking up, hoping if I can meet all criteria tomorrow, I can go home on Tuesday. Keep fingers crossed!

  17. Just want to be happy

  18. I made it to my first big goal! I am down 100lbs as of this morning. Just 10 more to go to get to onederland. And 45 more to get to my ultimate weight goal. Woot. Woot

  19. Hi Everyone, I had surgery on April 20th and only had limited access to this website so I haven't really been following everybody. But today is my first day back at work and access to this website. I miss all the support. My surgery was a sucess no problems what so ever. Just wanted to check in.

  20. Yay made goal weight

  21. 2 # from Onederland - 11 weeks out and 48 # down. I am thrilled!!!!

  22. 'Ok, but just a bite'

  23. Surgery tomorrow...eeeeek!

  24. always wore pant suits - bought a beautiful navy dress with white polka dots/matching jacket. i look terrific LOL - big party out of state with family - gained confidence whille i lost weight!!! still nervous for people to see me. - hmmm, maybe i'll be the life of the party LOL

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