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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. well my nut is not much help I showed this site to my gp and he was quite happy that I found this site he also says he will recomend this site for others. having said that he says just agree with mt nut and keep asking you all for the good advice. having to wait until the 1st of the year is so they can keep a close check on whats going on with my heart he says losing weight is good but losing life not so much. so i will keep on learning more from you all thanks ali

  2. Feeling excited! Homemade chicken tortilla soup sans tortillas today. Smells absolutely delicious!

  3. 10 more lbs to go until I reach my goal weight!

  4. Its so weird to put on clothes that I used to wear that were SO tight.. and now.. they are way too big..

  5. Officially dropped 90lbs. Two days from 4mo post-op.

  6. I am feeling the best I have felt in 15 years!! I'm only 9 days post op and I have lost 18lbs already! This surgery saved my life!

  7. pain has Subsided quite a bit today . Excited for this new journey and can't wait to get the drainage pump and medicine pump off as well.

  8. Am just amazed how great I feel. Being at my goal weight is a great feeling. I go shopping now and still feel like I should be wearing larger cloths, but I tried on a Medium top today and it was perfect., and to think I was going to just buy a large??? LOL

  9. soooo sad I did all the requiements and found out that after the insurace cleared me it decided that it shoud go 4 more appts with my nut to prepare for my big day problem is she does not believe in the operation so i see her today hard to stay possitive. the other issue seems to be my heart the dr. is not sure it is strong enough yet so now they say it will be al lthe way go in jan

  10. Almost 5-weeks post-op and able to eat with confidence. Still working at a slow pace and forever thankful!!!

  11. First NSV! I'm down a size in pants and the scrub tops I bought in the next size smaller are too big!!! YES!

  12. I haven't been on this site for a while since my last interaction wasn't pleasant. However, I am checking in to say, I have lost 83 lbs so far successfully.

  13. Creeping, creeping, creeping toward Onederland......an average of a quarter pound per week.......so slow.....working on patience....will eventually get there and to my goal. Just wish it was more like a half pound a week average.

  14. VERY happy today, lost 1 kg or 2.2 pounds after a Vacation

  15. Today was my first day back to work, and it was a really slow day, but I'm WIPED OUT!

  16. 120 pounds? Really? Yes! And then some...

  17. Just had my 6 month checkup with my surgeon, Dr. Hess, and he's very pleased with my progress!!! 47 pounds lost since surgery, and 78 pounds lost all together!!! :-D

  18. Getting married in 3 days, and looking forward to being a beautiful SKINNY bride since I have lost all my weight!!!

  19. Getting married in 3 days, and looking forward to being a beautiful SKINNY bride since I have lost all my weight!!!

  20. Fianally Saw 170 On The Scale, 15lbs Till Goal!

  21. I do well with my meal plan most days, but then there are times when I eat just a bite or two too many and wish I could undo what I just did. Now is one of those times -- a few too many cashews. I know the misery will pass, but until then......Yuck!


  23. Surgery was approved yesterday by Insurance, and I got my surgery date today I am having the sleeve done June 29th. I am so scared but ready for my life to change and to be a healthier person for my kids :)

  24. 3 Month follow up today. Down 81lbs and broke into the 200s on the scale!

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