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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. This weekend on Saturday I hit my goal!! I actually went right past it! :-) I am so happy

  2. I've only lost 70 lbs in 9 mos. What am I doing wrong?

  3. feeling good

  4. I can't believe I'm only 6 lbs. from my goal!

  5. In addition to recovering from surgery, now I think I broke my little toe tripping over my dog's bed!

  6. I think I have a case of thrush. Gonna call doctor in the morning :(

  7. Week 1 done, down 13 pounds I will never see again!

  8. Onderland!! Yeah!!

  9. Night Shifts are a killer!

  10. i cant wait til aug 20,!!!!

  11. Just got home from hospital yesterday afternoon. I never knew I would be so thankful for the ability to pass ga.s. Ugh, the bloating is awful. I know it wil "pass". I also understand how dehydration can happen, I have no desire to put anything in my mouth!

  12. anybody tried to gnc go lean shake

  13. Spent day trying to Climb long's peak in Colorado , but only denied by very high winds. 9 hours back packing and climbing was a dream last year, this year, I am playing at 13,000'

  14. Spent day trying to Climb long's peak in Colorado , but only denied by very high winds. 9 hours back packing and climbing was a dream last year, this year, I am playing at 13,000'

  15. Good morning! Hope everyone has a great day!

  16. Lost my purse yesterday ... inside was my passport, drivers licence and credit cards. Today is the day I was purchasing my extra insurance. When I say lost, I mean I misplaced it in the house. 3 of us searched and searched and nothing. Had to get a ride into work today because my car keys and drivers licence were also in my purse. Can this day suck any more.?

  17. no longer in the 300 club....now in the 200+ club

  18. no longer in the 300 club....now in the 200+ club

  19. 25 days post op and 28 lbs down! Thank you God!

  20. its good to have a sibling as a doctor at first he didnt want me to get the lap band now he spoke to the surgeon now he feels its ok

  21. 5 lbs to get to -100, 6 to be under 200. These few pounds are taking FOREVER, lol.

  22. Hello all! I am new here..From sunny South Florida. Sleeved June 22, 2015. I am on Instagram as my.vsg. Anyone feel free to add me. Would love to have some more vsg buddies. We are all in this TOGETHER.

  23. At 5'10", and 198 pounds, it seems I have officially joined the ranks of the Cute ;-) Not one, but three handsome guys have told me I am looking great in the last 48 hours! This is rather exciting for this single lady who had all but given up on guys....best of all is I am feeling attractive again~ for the first time in 25 years :-)

  24. Haven't been at this weight since the '90's!!!

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