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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. 8 pounds from 100 lost. a milestone that I could have never imagined without this blessing.

  2. 20 days post op and BMI down 5 points! Happy with progress.

  3. I was approved for Sleeve to RNY revision!!!

  4. Today is GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DAY wish me luck and please say a prayer for speedy recovery

  5. I don't know what the heck I ate that wasn't right, but this is the worst gas I've had since surgery almost 10 months ago. Feel like I should tie my ankle to the chair so I don't float off, lol.

  6. Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed, it means that the damage no longer controls our lives.

  7. Weighed in this past Saturday 5 more pounds down!!!!!

  8. Well it's about time, life is settling down and a new recipe is coming tomorrow

  9. I am 1 year post op this month... it was so worth it!

  10. OKCupid, here I come... soon... I think...

  11. Today is my wife and me 8 year Band Anniversary

  12. Got the opportunity to meet Kelly Clarkson last night before her concert here in Atlanta. When I looked at my pic with her, I am very close to her size. An eye-opening moment. This journey is incredible!

  13. Sometimes I just want to wear a sign when I'm out that says, "I've lost SIXTY POUNDS. I'm fat but I used to be a lot fatter. So it's fine if I'm buying nutella because gosh darn it, sometimes fat people need nutella too, and I deserve it!"

  14. Tomorrow is my BIG day !!!!!

  15. Officially down 151 lbs, 124lbs since surgery! I never thought I'd experience joy when standing on a scale!

  16. I cant believe im 152lbs lighter! Geez and im half the weight i usto be!

  17. Hey everyone! It's been a not so great eating weekend. I have been struggling. But dammit, gonna change that this week! BOOM let's rock! xx

  18. looking for people with Diabeties

  19. had my surgery Wednesday the 26th. So happy.

  20. I've lost 8 pounds!

  21. Its good that the only worries I have at the moment are what I'm going to do with my enormous pants and belts.

  22. So, I had an appointment at three months post surgery on Wednesday. Am down 75 pounds since May. Kind of can's believe it, but the scale says it is so... I started with a higher BMI, and understand that the rate of loss will slow as I go on, nevertheless I am proud of what I have accomplished. I was not a candidate for RNY due to having malabsorptive issues with vitamins already, but my bariatric team says I am doing really well. I have been inspired by so very many of you and am thankful to have found this site. I keep waiting for the ticker at the bottom to get to three million. It is astonishing what WLS has helped me do. I am now focusing on adding in more exercise.

  23. 3 Wks Post-Op Today! Down 16 pounds. A little slow since the first week, but I'm doing my best to be patient. ;)

  24. I'm excited to start my journey, and really nervous too.

  25. I am approved! Checked the mail this weekend to find that BCBS had approved me for surgery, and now I am just waiting for the call from my surgeon to set the date! Wooo Hooo!

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