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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. 110# down and feeling amazing. 75 to go!

  2. I'm back under 350 for the first time in over 4 years! Finally!

  3. I am sooooo ready to lose some of this weight. Looking forward to living life and not allowing my size to get in the way of it.

  4. 120 lbs down, 55 to go!!! coming up on my 1 yr sleeveversary!!

  5. Down 1 more pound this week - battling regain! :-)

  6. I found $8 on my run tonight. Proof that exercise pays!!

  7. Down 1 more pound this week - battling regain! :-)

  8. Loving my sleeve sooo much! Had surgery on June 10th and currently down 105lbs. Couldn't be happier with these results!

  9. 29 pounds gone pre-op!!!!!! It's amazing what motivation can do.

  10. My Surgery Date will be Oct 19th. I'm nervous and excited!

  11. Sinus infection, go away! You're making it hard to get in my steps today.

  12. Next mini-goal: Weight under 150 lbs. I'm 162 today.

  13. That 4 weeks ago today I decided to take back my life!!! No complaints just thankful.

  14. Wasn't surgery supposed to be the hardest thing I did this year?

  15. So glad that I finally made it over to Bariatric Pal!

  16. Bought a pair of jeans in a size 10 today! I'm in shock!

  17. I have a stricture, and it sucks :( I would rather lose weight slowly and be able to get something down than be trapped in this 300/day calorie hell

  18. I can't wait until I get a date for surgery!

  19. No part of today's outfit is "plus sized". #winning

  20. 3rd goal achieved - 60lbs. Next Goal 72lbs or getting off BP tablets, whichever comes first :-) whohoooooooo

  21. 141 pounds down!!!!!!!!! past goal!!! goal was 180 I am now 157!!

  22. My surgeon feels that this hiatal hernia is insignificant, but I'm in constant pain along with severe GERDS. Pisses me off to have such an Ahole for a doctor.

  23. It's hard being this pretty!! You wouldn't understand...

  24. 12 pounds to go to hit 100 pounds lost.. Weight loss has slowed down a bit.. Time to ramp it up!!

  25. I can't believe my surgery is THURSDAY! It seems so surreal.

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