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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. Made it to the loser bench on Monday. 1 night stay. not a lot of pain!

  2. Just got catcalled in the most polite way possible. Guy rolled down his window while I was standing outside Wawa and said, "I hope the rest of your day is as lovely as you are!" Thank you, random dude.

  3. I got some clothes from a friend yesterday, and didn't think they would fit yet. I just tried on her jeans and I was amazed to find that I fit into them, which means I am now SIX sizes smaller than I was at the beginning of the year! I can't even believe it!

  4. Pushing through this stubborn stall. Cannot break through 300! Increased my workouts from 3 to 5 per week. 30 minutes instead of 20 on the Elliptical. And adding a little more protein. Next, I need to add more fluids. So close.

  5. Well I'm back! Whats happening, folks?!

  6. "I am still living with your ghost..."

  7. Stupid Thing: You unsubscribe from an email list and then receive an email to confirm that you've been unsubscribed.

  8. Feeling stressed lately. I know the reasons why (many). The difference is I am not giving in to comfort foods. I have made plans to better cope instead. So right now I am planning to stop in to a few support groups and change my workout routine. The next person who even *thinks* this is the easy way out will get punched soundly in the face. I am working my butt off for this.

  9. Monday 11/2/15 I hit One-derland!!!!

  10. So close to my first On Scale Victory! 5 lbs. away from being below 300 for the first time in 8 years. Motivation is at 125% right now! Bangarang!

  11. no weight loss for two months depressing!

  12. I have lost 37 lbs....I stalled for 2 weeks, was getting upset about it and this morning, 4 lbs down!

  13. Almost halfway there!!! Come on sleeve!!!

  14. I got down to about 185 after surgery from 290. Got pregnant 7 months after, gained 68 lbs, lost 48 after 8 weeks and am now at just 20 to work off...I can do this!!!! GO VSG!

  15. How cool it is to say this: I've lost a hundred pounds!

  16. What a great week so far for me! This is the first time in months that I have lost 5 lbs in 1 week. I am now so close to my ideal weight. I have 16lbs to go and my BMI is 26! Life is really great!

  17. 8 weeks PO and 51 pounds down. Enjoying the progress.

  18. Getting 3 shakes and 150oz+ of water per day.

  19. so close to the first 100 pounds down! I can't believe it!

  20. Disappointed.... many setbacks yesterday! Pushes my surgery date back until January ={ I really wanted to have WLS before the end of year. I'm crossing all my T's and dotting my I's.

  21. Treated myself to a 1/2 way to goal gift...a new purse & wallet. I will carry it until I meet goal as a reminder of how far I've come and that I need to continue to make good choices.

  22. I'm really grateful I found this site... you all are really supportive even when I am not being supportive to myself!

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