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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. Follow up with surgeon and he said he's is not concerned. No sign of any infection and spleen is only slightly larger than when I had surgery. Prescribed diet pills for a couple months to help get me out of the stall. Not sure how I feel about that.

  2. 12 weeks PO, all the early PO worries seem so long ago.

  3. Been cleaning and organizing like a madwoman leading up to my surgery! Hauled out and organized my soap studio, did a million loads of laundry, and replaced/installed 3 of our interior doors...and that was just TODAY! 8 days and counting :)

  4. That super frustrating moment when you've lost over a hundred pounds but you are still quite plus size, and nothing fits but new clothes are super expensive because you are still in high sizes... and it's winter so you're freezing your new, smaller butt off. >.<

  5. 6 more pounds to goal at almost 15 months out. 207 lost total so far!

  6. I'm back! Been over a year. 170lbs gone!!

  7. 14 weeks post op and 67 pounds gone since surgery! This is my first week losing 7 pounds in one week. Craziness. o.o

  8. 50 pounds down!! Yay!

  9. So far I've dodged donuts and candy bowls around the office. Its certainly that time of year!!

  10. Very big day! Gone from xxl to xl to finaly L in pants! :D

  11. HALFWAY to goal as of today!!! Whoop! Whoop!

  12. Junk food is winning this body battle lately!

  13. so nothing for 2 weeks then 2.6 pounds in 3 days.... lol

  14. Yeah! Feeling better today. As many of you know I had more back surgery on Monday. It was a terribly rough couple of days but I think I am out on the other side now. Let's hope anyway! Going to get to shower today!

  15. Yeah! Feeling better today. As many of you know I had more back surgery on Monday. It was a terribly rough couple of days but I think I am out on the other side now. Let's hope anyway! Going to get to shower today!

  16. Im getting nervous my doctors office still has not sent in all my paper work yet? My insurance changes in Jan!

  17. 11 weeks PO and 60 pounds down...I am just so happy and thankful for this day.

  18. My swimsuit fits me again after MANY years, or did it every fit before?? not as good as now :)

  19. One week post-op today. I feel fantastic - aside from being a little tired. Best thing though? My ulcers were removed with my stomach and I have NO pain from them.

  20. I officially have less to lose than I've already lost. I'm excited!

  21. Cut and colored my hair today - I'm ready for my fresh start~ just 18 days til my new beginning!

  22. A good friend just told me I need to throw out my old sweats. She said they aren't baggy, they are just plain old too big.

  23. What a glorious day!!! The stall is broken and I have now lost 102 pounds!!!!! God is great!!!!

  24. Stocking up on protein drinks and Quest bars, these things can be so expensive!

  25. Starting my day off with a nice breakfast packed with protein!

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