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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by ProudGrammy

  1. I can't believe the difference! Went to my 3 month post op checkup a couple weeks ago and I'm 70lbs down!!! only 80 more to go!! #soblessed

  2. 3 days post op: Feeling great.

  3. Just passed another huge kidney stone!!! I thought I was past this. Grrrrr!!!

  4. After nearly 2 months of stall, suddenly down another 5 lb - HOORAY

  5. At GOAL!!!!!!!!!

  6. 20 Pounds off and 1 size down! :))

  7. I just surpassed my ideal weight goal! Flying on cloud 9!

  8. I just surpassed my ideal weight goal! Flying on cloud 9!

  9. 8 weeks post op just did 5.4 miles of biking in 53 minutes !!

  10. Hey, minimize the agony and take up less space. When quoting a post in yours, you can delete from the quote whatever it is that you're not responding to. Save the rest of us lots of scrolling time, eye strain and pointless repetition. You'll be appreciated all the more.

  11. Today is my 1 year surgiversary! 125 total gone, 32 pounds to go!

  12. 7 Days, 18hrs, 28min!

  13. I got approved!!!! Surgery is April 7

  14. Sorry for the long absence - Long story short: I got picked up as an AllRecipes AllStar and it's taken a bit of my spare time ;)

  15. Goal! 3 days after my 1yr anniversary I hit my goal. Have my 1yr follow up tomorrow with Dr. Owens. Looking forward to it.

  16. Hello? Anyone out there?

  17. 140 lbs down, 55 to go!

  18. “Today, more than ever, I am worthy and deserving of love and affection.

  19. The old, fat me wanted to punch the new, thinner me in the face today while I was out shopping. I was whining about there not being enough smalls and 2s for me.

  20. trying tp wrap my head around the fact I lost an entire adult is just crazy to me!! 131 lbs gone and when I hit my goal weight 155 i would have lost 155 lbs lol crazy!!!! now the count down and saving begins for my brachioplasty!!!

  21. 3 months and 60lbs down - feeling awesome!

  22. Only one more pound to 100 lbs lost.

  23. Feb 25 is one year since my sleeving - Time flies when you're having protein, water, protein, water, pro...

  24. My 3 week stall finally lifted. I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 2 more pounds for a total of 23 pounds since Jan 26th. HURRAY!

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