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Posts posted by june13sleever

  1. At 15 months out this past week was the 2nd week since sugery I didn't lose. It makes me feel good, but also scary...I ate a lot more this past week...but anymore...I would gain. I hate my kitchen and where I live so I still live on string cheese and lean cuisine, but I really need some low cal Snacks. Eating some junk food here and there is ok, but I am starting to eat it everyday. I am trying now to push my dinner so it is a little closer to bedtime...helps with less snacking. I am totally scared of gaining the weight back. I just hope I don't get into old habits of feeling like...oh well...I want it so I am going to eat it attitude. I need to learn some self control. It is a day by day process.

  2. If you really think about...now that we have the sleeve once we get to a stable weight, we are in fact eating a normal amount otherwise we would continue to lose. I eat way more 15 months out...I feel like I eat normal and what I should have been eating all along. Portion sizes, the amount I'd sugar in our food...it is all just disgusting. I spun out of control and knew that surgery was the only way to control my inability to control myself. I feel bad for the people still on the dark side. It is a horrible place to be.

  3. Inner thigh lift, Lipo and fat transfer into the buttocks! $20k done in two surgeries six months to a year apart starting with the lipo and fat transfer. I would have to have the vertical scar in my thighs, but that is ok because that basically eliminates the potential of having a stretched labia. Well all of that scares me way more than VSG, and I am not going to do anything right now. I was very self conscience at the beach this summer and really just want to, for once, be free from those chains. A lot to think about. I did like the surgeon. $11,500 was just the lipo and fat transfer. I feel there are less expensive options for that. $8,500 for the thigh lift. Scary stuff!

  4. Personally I do believe it was the easy way. With the exception of my not so fun first six months this has been fairly easy. Why do people always want to struggle. I understand hard work and how by working hard and accomplishing a goal can provide satisfaction, but washing my car at the car wash makes me feel just as good as washing the car myself. I might save a little more money by washing it myself, but for me, I like the fact that someone else can wash it. Now if only I could get my MBA that easy! I do believe people who elect to have this surgery are fed up and tired of struggling. I do believe we had to make a scary and tough decision to go through with the surgery. For us, just to do that, says a lot about our character. We either felt hopeless and just like a drug addict had hit rock bottom or we knew that we could keep going year after year and opted to change our lives. We are not scared. We are strong. I see people everyday that need this surgery, but opt not to take a risk. We are risk takers! You don't get anywhere by sitting in the sidelines.

  5. So basically every time I get nervous of losing too much I write a post! It is so crazy that one day I am scared of gaining and the next scared of losing. I weighed 163 on my scale this morning which means on my doctor's scale and other scales I would be between 159 and 163. I wish there was a true scale. At 5'11" I am fine with where I am but for the past 4 months I have lost 4 pounds each month and my eating has been pretty consistent. I have been trying for the past two months too add more calories, but I do honestly believe since adding calories hasn't been consistent the change up in my routine has caused me to keep losing. I am still ok and feel like I could get down to 155...but I am really thinking that should be it! My doctor said 180. I said 170. Now I am 160! To be under 160 really wasn't a possibility (in my mind) but I am basically there. I just wish I knew when I was going to stop. I have not bought anything for clothes because you lose 7 or 8 pounds and those clothes don't fit right! So I wear the same clothes over and over again. Thank goodness for forever 21 because I was able to get a pair of jeans and pencil skirt for less than 20 dollars. The jeans I bought for $80 are worthless now. Never again. Just venting! I am 15 months out and still losing!

  6. These past two days I have been feeling hungry!!! Must remember to get cucumbers the week before my period! I basically ate two dinners tonight! I also need the sugar free popsicles! 7 days of eating like this and I could totally see some weight gain. Today I probably ate 2000 calories easy! I Only had high calorie foods! What low calorie foods pack a good punch in terms of volume?

  7. I will not miss the tears.

    I will not miss eater's remorse because I stuffed myself.

    I will not miss McDonald's.

    I will not miss Lane Bryant - however it is the longest store card I have ever had so I will keep it and use it occasionally to buy jewelry so that they keep reporting me to the credit bureaus :)

    I will not miss sitting on any couch anywhere and using a pillow (if available) to cover up my stomach.

    I will not miss people moving out of my way when they pass by me.

    I will not miss me saying...I don't eat that much I don't know why I am fat. (obviously I was eating that much)

    I will not miss feeling like crap everyday.

    I will not miss being self conscience all the time and avoiding most social situations.

    I will not miss my mattress caving in.

    I will not miss my feet hurting every morning.

  8. The doctors in DC are the most expensive in the entire country! Dr. Markmann wants like $19k for a Brazilian butt lift. That is just ridiculous. I have a consultation in September with a surgeon in VA. I told myself that I would not have surgery until I really gave good effort in working out. I really am going to start now. I finally feel ready...which ever since I have been taking Vitamin D and b-12 I feel better. I was kind of in a funk, but I am ready ready ready! So I will see him for pricing, but wouldn't consider doing anything until January or February. I do feel like my body is changing but only time will tell. Then the whole $20k for plastics!! That just is overwhelming. I still owe $5k for the sleeve! I have to pay that by November soni don't get charged any interest. I just wish I had $50k to pay everything off & have plastics! Thigh lift, lower body lift, breast lift, Botox, and whatever else!!! Surprisingly I am totally fine with my arms.

  9. No regrets. I love watching at the people be stuffed after eating and I am just slightly full. I still have great restriction after a year and two months. My doctor's goal was 180, my goal was 170...I weigh 165 and I am still losing. I lost 4 pounds last month! I do not see it. I know I am waaaaaay thinner, but I still feel thick. I take pics...that is the way I notice. I hope to lose another 15, but where I am is pretty fabulous!

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