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Posts posted by june13sleever

  1. I eat carbs, but it is crazy how hungry they make you. After a year I can eat way more, and I could see myself slipping, but dense protien never fails. You have got to eat meat for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. chicken & tuna. I can get away with cheese for Breakfast because I don't have alot of hunger pangs...If you do then you have to EAT meat. I can easily eat a slice of pizza...which could be about 300 to 400 calories. The amount of chicken I could eat to get to 300 to 400 calories would be WAY more than my sleeve could handle. After I eat the pizza...I am hungry again or want to snack. 1400 calories is way too much!

    I never eat fruit...it is just sugar and it goes down so easy. Meat, meat, meat and more meat.

    Then I eat these GREAT protien chips for my chip cravings. I eat ice cream sometimes. I keep a rotisserre chicken in my fridge at home at all times.

  2. You see...I can't have children. All my friends have kids. I am very jealous. I cry a lot about it and it is very difficult to be around my friends. I love their kids, but their life is different. They go take the kids to birthday parties, they always talk about them... It isn't easy for me, and I keep my distance. I am never mean or rude which may be different from some people do, but everyone processes things differently. They may be mean or distant, but the truth is things have changed. So you may win some or lose some, but don't be too upset or try to reach out to them.

  3. I was denied entrance into the peace corps because I told the truth about taking Prozac for 1 week. From that point on I will never share my medical history with anyone. I was self pay so it isn't in any of my medical records. I would lie - bottom line. The gays and lesbians had to do it... f**k that they won't let you serve because of this operation. If I can pass the PT test then it really isn't any of their business.

  4. I was denied entrance into the peace corps because I told the truth about taking Prozac for 1 week. From that point on I will never share my medical history with anyone. I was self pay so it isn't in any of my medical records. I would lie - bottom line. The gays and lesbians had to do it... f**k that they won't let you serve because of this operation. If I can pass the PT test then it really isn't any of their business.

  5. So I googled...reasons why you shouldn't have bariatric surgery...mind you I have already had it :) but I am a research freak. So anyhoo...new study shows that bariatric patients have a greater likelyhood of breaking a bone due to the lack of Calcium. This study was for people who were far out from surgery. I just read it, but I am sure they were taking about bypass...but hey I thought I would share.

  6. Don't see much about this so I thought I would share. I might eat and then go to sleep...bad bad bad....I will wake up throwing up what I ate. Maybe it is different for some people, but I have to wait an hour after I eat to go to sleep. The food has to be out of my stomach. Just thought I would share. This still happens almost a year out. I hate it so I have really been waiting to sleep or just not eating if the hunger comes because I was up until 2am. I have read about this on many sites, but haven't seen this surface much on here. When I throw up I can taste the bile. Yuck! Good news is that I haven't taken a Prevacid for a month now. The GERD has gotten better.

  7. I want to answer this question in 10 years. The long term effects are still not known. It is an 8 for me right now. At 5'11" I weighed in today at 175. I lost 2.5 pounds this past week. If I keep losing I will be very scared. It will be one year June 13th and I am down about 116 to 120 pounds depending on the scale. I actually wish I had to fight a little more to lose weight because I am terrified of working out. I look very thin right now. I am hoping it stops soon. I gotta up my calories, but that is a serious chore and I feel stuffed all day. I can certainly go lower without being sick, but it is just scary. I have never been this thin...maybe when I was 8 or 9. I am embracing it, but just hope I stop somewhere. I have had this fear since the very beginning because I knew it was really going to work for me.

  8. I am white, but grew up mostly around black people. I have lost my ass... I used to have a great one...A lot of my fear of being too thin is culturally rooted in me. My thick thighs are now saggy skin bags, my boobs are small...I have no butt. No hips. I looked at women in bikinis yesterday and realized that the bigger women looked more beautiful to me than the thin ones. I never wanted to be a super model. I was so accepting of who I was and now it will just take some time and therapy to accept this new version of me.

  9. I fear dating more than I did before. I am thin now...like really thin...the skin is pretty gross. At least when I was fat it wasn't like a man had high expectations for a super model body, but a man would look at me now and think I was normal. I am all skin and bones. I will have to have plastics. I am going to make a firm decision in December. I am paying all my debts off so if I do go for it I can afford it. Now the time away from work is going to be the bigger dilemma.

  10. I saw that most people start seeing regrowth at month 9 or 10. I am working towards month 12 and my hair has not started growing back and I am Still losing more than normal. I hope that I get regrowth again soon. I am so small now that a pixie cut might look good in me so please let the regrowth begin hopefully soon...but if it never grows back let me find peace with the seriously thin hair I have now.

  11. Ok ladies. I literally went eBay nuts and should have just waited... I have a bunch of dresses size 10/12. $7.00 each plus shipping. They are all too big for me. I would just give them away, but I bought like 30 and probably paid $30 a piece, plus two dresses for $100 a piece for special occasions. Ralph Lauren size 12 and laundry size 12. I just want $7.00 for those too. I seriously am not buying anything else until I stay the same weight for a few months. Even if I have to wear the same 5 outfits a week. Let me know :) I take PayPal and have ok taste I think :) no crazy flower moo moos :)

  12. The smallest I ever was was a 14. I got up to a 20. I am an 8/10 depending on the clothes. I am 5'11". I am 178 on my scale, but my doctor's is 5 pounds less. And I bet 10 pounds is just skin. I probably will have to see someone. I am trying now to up my intake, but it is hard and I feel like I am over eating. So if I go by my doctor's scale I have really lost 118 pounds. I am in month 11. I could keep losing. 140 is still within normal range so you can see I am on the high side, but I feel so thin. I am at a normal BMI now. I just never saw my bones before. Do all really thin people see their pelvic bone?

  13. I think you really need to say what you are eating and how much of it? If you had a bad day why was it bad? What did you eat to make you feel like you did not eat right? At first I beat myself up over a piece of pizza, but not anymore, but that is because no matter what I ate/eat the weight comes off because I don't eat too much of anything. You say your eating is out of control so what are you eating? I lost 113 pounds without doing anything physical. Good program on HBO about metabolism...part of a series on obesity in America. Really brought into perspective our metabolisms when we are losing weight. You might really need to cut back more on what you are eating or find a better schedule for when to eat.

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