I find it amazing how every Dr, is a little different. My instructions are only one day of the clear liquid as long as that is tolerated move on to full for day 2 -3 and then pureed. I've already had some yogurt and some farina (thought the farina did not sit well) Banded on Jan. 16. Now I just sent my daughter out to get some soups that I can heat up and strain. I have to say I have been hungry and also am getting very sick of the Protein shakes, but they seem to be the only thing so far that really satisfies me to the point where I don't have those horrible hunger pangs.
For meds, my instructions say to crush. I have a BP med which is time release, so instead of taking it once, I take 1/2 at night and 1/2 in AM. I will see my Med. Dr. in a cople of days to make sure thats OK, but that is what the pharmacist at the hospital told me to do. I have a feeling when I get back to the surgeons office he'll just say to take them whole.
And while I'm writing, anyone have any good pureed food recipees????