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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sassyfrass

  1. Ok.will do.Thanks.
  2. Hi. I have not been banded yet, but I do know two people that have had their band slip, but the surgeon was able to rectify the problem by unfilling them for a a few weeks and it just slipped back into place. I'm guessing their slippage wasn't as bad as this one. The thought of that scares me. I hope all goes well for all of you from here on out.
  3. Just curious, if some of the bandsters can give us "looking into getting banded" some tips of things we may want to have at home, ready and waiting before the day arrives. I know that we will probably get some info at our pre op appts, but ....maybe there are other things we may not even be thinking of that you can help with, Such as.....changing our daily vitamins over to chewable ones. (I never would have even thought of that---until after. :-) Thanks for any info you can give.
  4. Just wondering if anyone on here has had your surgery (or will be having it) with Dr. Johnson, in Morehead City, NC? When I do it, that's where I plan to go so I'm just curious of experiences from his office. Thank you.
  5. sassyfrass

    Any Morehead City bandsters?

    I will be looking forward to your story. I hope today was more bearable for you with the liquids.
  6. I will be looking forward to reading all about it
  7. sassyfrass

    Photos - And How I Always Avoided Them

    This post reminds me of a couple of years ago. My sister in law posted some pics and tagged me on Facebook from where our family. (Girls.) Had gone off Christmas shopping. We had rented acondo and I was standing at the stove when she called my name. When I turned , she snapped the camera. I saw that pic when I looked on facebook with My blackberry ( at the time) and was horrified to see it. I had previously lost weight just to gain most of it back. I was so devastated Ivwas in tears. I could not get to work fast enough to sign on FB and remove it. I didn't care if I got fired or not. I agree that a picture doesn't lie.I was ok with a few others cause our bags were hiding my body and a lot of the weight wasn't in my face. One day we will All like the camera ok again.
  8. I sure don't look forward to that liquid stage. I have to prepare myself for that.
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. I already take a daily Vitamin and calcium w/vitamin D so I'm used to the daily thing with them. I just have to swtich over to chewables now. No problem.
  10. sassyfrass

    DISGUSTED!! Waste of time!

    This is an insteresting post. I'm glad it was posted that some follow Weight Watchers while banded, because I have been a Weight Watcher member for many years now and I do like how it teaches to eat healthy, so that's what I will try to do once I get banded and get past the initial stages. I like reading all these posts for ideas, knowledge, etc...
  11. Lisa, I'm glad your surgery went well. I like reading as much about these experiences as possible while I'm still not scheduled yet. :0)
  12. Thank you for such great info. I will definitely take into account what the doc says too, but this is good info. I appreciate your reply.
  13. sassyfrass

    Any Morehead City bandsters?

    Hi. Good to see more Carolina folks here. I hope you have great success on you band.
  14. sassyfrass

    Any Morehead City bandsters?

    Hi. Good to see more Carolina folks here. I hope you have great success on you band.
  15. sassyfrass

    Hair Etiquette: PG-13

    Oh my. This post is funny..... however....it has my stomach in knots just thinking of this part of the surgery! And I don't even have my surgery date yet. Oh my!
  16. sassyfrass

    Chicken poop

    I am not scheduled for it yet, but I'm using my time reading posts and asking questions, and getting really mentally ready for it. I sometimes, get fearful too, but after reading all the positive posts and knowing that I just need this extra tool to help me lose and keep it off, is what I need. That's where my thinking is right now, anyhow. I wish you well with whatever choice you make.
  17. sassyfrass

    FREE Vitamins

    I will try tomorrow. Thank you.
  18. Highland, I hope you have a great surgery. Sorry your ins does not cover it. I sure hope my new plan year will cover it better than my current one. God bless.
  19. Okurt, thank you for your reply. I think this is the way I would like to go too.
  20. sassyfrass

    Photos - And How I Always Avoided Them

    I totally understand that feeling, as well. I would crop mine as well, if possible. but usually if it's a group pic that I would be in, i tried to get to the back so that my body (or at least most of it) was hidden behind others. My friend found a pic of me when I was at my highest weight of 289 and gave it to me (a year or two ago) because she knew I had come a ways from that. I am still down to 250 at this point, although I had gotten down to 215, so I have definitely been on that rollercoaster of just that part of weight gain for 2 or more years now. I refuse to ever get back to that weight. Pictures can be a wake up calll, for sure.
  21. Wow, I can only hope that a boiled egg is all I'll crave. I look forward to hearing more about the plications bandsters' journey. I wish you welll and I'll be looking forward to your posts. Hopefully I'll be telling my own story in a few months.
  22. BTW, did you know that Marilyn Monroe would be considered a plus size model by today's standards? What a world. Sad world we live in, huh? The models look very anorexic and there is nothing about that look, that's flattering, to me. Too skinny. I would be happy at this point, to be back in a 14 ( I haven't seen that since, geez....., about 23 years ago, or more. And even then, I thought I was sooooo overweight. I'll take that now, any day compared to this size 20 I have crept back up to.. I'm not sure what is a realistic goal, but as I've been a Weight Watcher follower so so so long now, I just gave myself mini goals, such as focusing on ten pounds at a time. It seemed so much for reachable than the overall BIG picture. I wish you well. I will look forward to seeing more of your posts, especially with the plication also. The more I read about that,t he better, safer it seems.
  23. sassyfrass

    FREE Vitamins

    Every time I do this, ithe message comes up that someone will get to me asap, yet nobody ever does. ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
