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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SmokyMtnGal2011

  1. SmokyMtnGal2011

    INSURANCE! if u dont mind responding

    I am so grateful i have CIGNA. they cover lots of WLS and VSG is one of the procedures. Requirements are 6 mos supervised diet, pschy eval, nutritional eval, BMI > 35 with co morbidities, past history of weight loss attempts (my PCP provided excellent info on this), blood work then hurry up and wait. Once all is submitted, it will take about 1 week for the approval letter and then I can schedule the surgery(approval letter is good for 6 months). I was told by my surgeon staff that CIGNA is one of the better Insurance companies they deal will. I hope this is the information you were looking for.
  2. How was the surgery?? Are you home??? Tell me everything, please.

  3. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Howdy I am Barb

    Bridget how did you surgery go? are you home yet? How are you feeling?? Please give us an update. Healing wishes and angels coming your way thanks.
  4. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Howdy I am Barb

    Howdy I live in East TN and am going through the last 3 months of an insurance required medically supervised diet before I will have approval for my surgery. Hopefully, I will have it in October (just before the big eating holidays-what am I thinking). I would love to know if each of you have any regrets about your surgeries and if you had any complications you would like to share. I started out weighing 324 and have been trying to eat like I will have to after surgery and have gotten down to 287 today. Any information would be greatly appreciated from you both. thank you so much for letting me join and be a part of this healthy lifestyle change for us all.
  5. SmokyMtnGal2011


    so close i know you are excited, I am excited for you. I can't wait till my day and time will be here. please keep us posted on your progress. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
  6. SmokyMtnGal2011

    I finally made it to Onederland

    WOW GREAT JOB Very inspiring I hope to be there one day
  7. SmokyMtnGal2011


    BRYN IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT Remember you are closer than your were before. Just hang in and on, this adventure is so worth it. Truly worth it and your surgery will be here and gone before you can blink. Just think, some people have to pay out of their pockets because of insurance, not to down play your circumstances, but it could be worst. The wait is horrible, the rewards life changling. WE are here for you!!!!
  8. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Pre-Op Diet day 3

    Leslie I have an emergency pack that i carry with me in my purse (more like a large duffle bag for all my goodies). I have 3 Atkins bars that have a good number of Protein and of course low carbs. I also have Atkins shakes as they are pre-mixed again great protein low carbs and some mozzeralla cheese sticks for a quick boost. I always have bottles of Water with me. I have this just in case in am out and can't get to my planned food. It has helped me a couple of times. I hope that will help you for you last client's birth? Are you a mid-wife??? How exciting the must be!!!!! the Atkins are a little pricey ($5.89 for 4 at WalMart) but worth it if you are in a pinch. You are doing great and YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!
  9. SmokyMtnGal2011

    New Beginings

    :welcome: WOW JOHN What an accomplishment. You will be able to give us "pre-ops" lots of knowledge. How are things going for you now? How has your journey been to this point of your path? Great job and continue the great work. YOU ARE A WINNER!!!!!!
  10. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Operation New Leaf

    LIL SISTER I am so happy for you and your date to the NEW YOU. You will do great cause you have so many new neighbors here to help you and we are all wanting the same for you as we do ourselves, a new healthier life style. Please keep me posted on everything so I will know what to expect. I am so excited for you that your can have your surgery so soon. YOU GO LIL SISTER, YOU GO. :cheer2: :success1:
  11. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Please Advise about odor

    I am sooooooo OCD about smelling foul or bad. I normally don't smell me but lately it seems to be a strong musky smell. My husband thinks I am nuts but I am noticing the smell in my cotton shirts as well. Maybe it is my nose and not my armpits or maybe my OCD brain. I thank you all for the information, each response has been very helpful. Thanks too for the "atta-a-gals" for my weight lost. The journey to this new way of eating has been an adventrue to say the least, so much to learn or should I say re-learn. Thank you again Neighbors!!!! YOU ROCK!!!
  12. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Please Advise about odor

    Wheatsin I do bath daily because I can't stand the thought of others being able to smell me. I use benadine sometimes as I get dermatis under my arms. I dry the area well and powder daily. I will try the different deodorant to see if that will work, I had been using Alamay. Thank you so much for your help.
  13. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Please Advise about odor

    Maddie Thank you so much. I knew about the bad breath and mouth taste but not the other signs. This is very helpful, I thought being dizziness :dizzy: was from lower calorie intake. Thank you for being a great "Sleeved Neighbor". 'Ppreciate Ya!!!!!! :cheer2:
  14. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Feeling Unsure

    July 24, 2011 for some reason today I am thinking I am not sure about this surgery. I don't even have a date yet or finished the 3 months more I have to do the medically supervised diet for the insurance and I am wondering - WHAT - WHY AM I DOING THIS!!!!! I have been reading the reasons I NEED to have this done but am I being totally honest in the reasons i WANT to have this life style change done. Will it be like somethings I have started in the past and not finished. There will be no going back once I have the surgery, no undoing or replacing the stomach back once removed. I know the LAP BAND is NOT for me at all but why now am I wondering what i am doing. I am already tired of watching everything I put in my mouth, writing it down, checking the calories, proteins, carbs and fibers for the pre-op weight loss. I have lost 40 pounds since I started this journey and feel better - not as many aches or pains - I move better, can stand longer and I am not hungery once...my blood sugar has been great. I am just feeling a little down today I suppose, perhaps not enough rest last night. I will get a pep talk from myself and start anew. This is important and I must not faulter or give in...I CAN DO THIS AND I AM WORTH THE EFFORT. Ramblings finished for the day. Toodles Barb
  15. Welcome Divah you are at the right place for great information and lots of tools to get you started and keep you on track for you goal. I am in pre-op stage going through 3 more months of supervised diet for insurance. No complaints cause they will pay for it. Your neighbors here are very honest and open so ask away with your questions. Good Luck. Happy Sleeving

  16. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Pay or Insurance

    Since the gastric sleeve is the first part of the Gastic Bypass, most insurance companies will cover the procedure as it is less expensive that the Bypass. I too, did not want my colon re-routed and not have to deal with the malabsorbtion or high Vitamin regime required after the Bypass. It is your decision - research, research and ask lots of questions from your surgeon and your insurance company. You will make the right decision for you. Best of luck!!!!!
  17. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Aspiring Evangelist

    Thank you for being normal as I thought the same thing. HOW FUNNY. Thanks for the smile today!!!
  18. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Is Cigna a nightmare?

    Cigna is being great with my pre-op surgery requirements. Just as the others stated, have all your paperwork in order and submitted. My surgeon has been great as well as my PCP. Cigna is one of the best insurance companies my surgeon to work with. Good Luck.
  19. SmokyMtnGal2011

    I'm new here

    WOW can you ship some of your energy to me right away. I am in pre-op too so you will have to wait for the guru's of sleeve to type in for you answers. If you have your approval letter, it is all up to the doctor's office to schedule what ever steps you have left. My "TEAM" gave me a check off list so i will know exactly where i am in the process. Perhaps, your team can do the same for you. Best of luck too you and I hope you didn't take a full schedule at school...with 7 kids at home I am not sure how you will take care of you, kids and school and husband. Glad he is very supportive. We are here for you.
  20. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Sleeved 2 days ago

    Beth thank you so much for the details of your surgery. I am still in the qualifing process but you answered alot of my questions. Thanks bunches for your post and keep the information coming.
  21. SmokyMtnGal2011

    The Magic Bullet is Awesome

    try the Atkins shakes the have 17 - 19 g in them. work hard to stay on track make sure you are drinking your water every 15 minutes i know your eyes will float out of your head but keep sipping all of this hardship is for a better you and YOU ARE WORTH EVERY STUGGLE!!! You are not alone, we are will you!!!!!!!
  22. SmokyMtnGal2011

    12 things...

    Rene what about dancing, wearing a special pair of pants or special dress???? what about not having little kids point at you and say something to their parents (kids are so honest)? what about people no longer thinking you are lazy or an over-eater because of being overweight? What about being able to step on your boat and not having people grab on because the boat moves so much due to your weight??? What about being able to walk past people you know and they NOT recognize you (i love this one). What about being able to wear shorts and not get "leg chap"? What about not having to get "wide" shoes or DDDD or EEE bras. How about not having to take a truckload of pills every morning or evening for aliments. How about being in control of yourself and what you put in your mouth because your are hungry and not because you are emotional or stressed or lonely. It is a good idea to make a list and keep it close (I have mind in a plastic sleeve and I add to it when i think of something). This is a life time journey and we are both at the beginning of our "YELLOW BRICK ROAD" to a healthier life and healthier future. WE CAN DO IT AND WE DESERVE IT!!!! I look forward to your journey enteries good and bad in the future.
  23. SmokyMtnGal2011

    Oh no ... :(

    TAMZ RELAX your body has gone through a major operation and your WBC should be elevated as you are fighting off infection inside. DEEP BREATH...you are going to have pains here and there, it will be ok. You have done the right thing by talking to your PCP and calling your surgeon. TRUST WHAT THEY TELL YOU, that is what you are paying them to do. You are going to be find and do great!!!!!!!!
  24. Ask the stewardess to help you find the seat with moveable armrest. possibly near the back close to the bathroom may only have 2 seaters. Or call the airline and see if they can't help you with the location of a moveable armrest. they are bound to have one on the plane somewhere or be able to make reasonable accomadations for you. If not, try another air line if you won't lose your money. I hate skinny people butted airplanes...wait one day i will hate myself cause i will be a skinny people butted person...yeah let me know how it turns out.
  25. I fly often and have no problem asking for an extender from the stewardess when i first come onto the plane. Better safe than embrassed but i am certain your "skinny" little butt will surprise you and you will not have to worry about either. Happy Birthday and safe flying. DON'T GIVE UP, YOU ARE WORTH IT!!

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