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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jessica43082

  1. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Back up to 178 today but after a huge loss last week and increased exercise I pretty much expected it. Good job on all the losses
  2. Jessica43082

    Can You See The Port?

    I can't see mine but I can certainly feel it. I've lost almost 100 pounds and now it feels more prominent. (null)
  3. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Larry - I usually lose 6 to 8 in a month so this was unusual for me. My weight had been bouncing back and forth for a while and finally it dropped. (null)
  4. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Last week: 182.4 This week: 176. 4 After a month of basically maintaining my body finally dropped the wait. Proof that patience can pay off!
  5. Jessica43082

    First 5K

    I know for myself I've never carbed up for a 5K. I really don't think our bodies need extra carbs for that distance. When I'm doing longer runs (I'm training for a marathon) I eat oatmeal, wasa crisps, or fruits. (null)
  6. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Hey all! Checking in this week at 182.4 A little about me - I will be turning 30 next month. I have been overweight my entire life. My mom suggested banding years ago and I was extremely offended. Last year my doctor suggested it and I was still offended but something was different this time. Part of me thinks it's because I have met the love of my life and I know he loves me for me and not what I weigh, so I'm finally secure enough to take care of myself and get healthy. I know it sounds dumb, but I think after being hurt by so many men, I used my weight as a shield so I could find the real deal. And now I have so I am in get healthy mode, hoping there will be a wedding and children in our future. Thanks for listening! Have a great week everyone!
  7. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Checking it at 184.4 (null)
  8. Jessica43082

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    You can add me. Jessie43082 (null)
  9. Jessica43082

    March Pre Spring Challenge

    Name, real or screen- Jessica Goal weight for March 30th- 179 Weight on March 1st- 186.6 Age- 29 Dietary goal for March- to eat more calories/ better food choices Exercise goal for March- to add weights into my cardio at least 3 times a week Personal goal for March- retrain my brain not to obsess Date banded- 7/11/11 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet- 85.4 What is your favorite outdoor exercise/activity- Running
  10. Jessica43082

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Overall I barely lost this month, but I think I was under eating so I am trying to fix that. I ended up at 186.6. (null)
  11. Jessica43082

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Feb. 1 - 189.2 Feb. 8 - 193.8 Feb. 15 - 186.2 Feb. 22 - 182.6
  12. Jessica43082

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Feb. 1 - 189.2 Feb. 8 - 193.8 Feb. 15 - 186.2 My bad habit is that my obsession with food is still there, it has just changed. Now instead of thinking about eating all the time, I'm thinking about which food choices will keep my calories low and how exercise will give me more free calories. It's all about the deficit for me these days. I'm hoping that becomes healthier.
  13. Jessica43082

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Back up to 193.8 I'm ready to give up Maybe this is the weight I'm meant to be I've never gotten stuck like this
  14. Jessica43082

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Jessica Goal weight for Febuary 29th~ 181 Weight on Febuary 1st~ 189.2 Age~ 29 Dietary goal for Febuary~ get more water in Exercise goal for Febuary~ add weights to my cardio Personal goal for Febuary~ working on my self-confidence, i'm struggling more with it now then when I started my journey Date banded~ July 11, 2011 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 82.8 Do you have any Valentines day plans (How do you plan to handle Valentines dinner)~ I need to be in class on Valentine's Day, so I think I will enjoy a romantic evening with my hunny on Sunday - but not soley focus on food. Maybe we can find something fun to do, instead of the dinner being the central part. Maybe I can convince him to jump out of a plane with me
  15. Jessica43082

    2012 Auld Lang Syne Challenge

    71 pounds in a year is great Amy! Keep your head up. You can do this!
  16. Jessica43082

    2012 Auld Lang Syne Challenge

    January 1: 196.8 January 8: 195.6 January 15: 192 January 22: 191.6 I barely lost, but at least it wasn't a gain, I guess.
  17. Jessica43082

    2012 Auld Lang Syne Challenge

    January 1: 196.8 January 8: 195.6 January 15: 192
  18. Jessica43082

    2012 Auld Lang Syne Challenge

    January 1: 196.8 January 8: 195.6
  19. Jessica43082

    Shower & Sex After Band

    I was told I could shower the day after i was sent home (so 48 hours) and be intimate whenever I was comfortable. I tried about 5 days post-op think on top would be ok with the incisions and was a little sore the next morning. Just take it easy and listen to your body. (null)
  20. Jessica43082

    Shower & Sex After Band

    I was told I could shower the day after i was sent home (so 48 hours) and be intimate whenever I was comfortable. I tried about 5 days post-op think on top would be ok with the incisions and was a little sore the next morning. Just take it easy and listen to your body. (null)
  21. Jessica43082

    2012 Auld Lang Syne Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Jessica Age~ 29 Goal weight for January 29th~ 189 Weight on January 1st~ 196.8 Dietary goal for January~ More protein Exercise goal for January~ Keep running (goal of 75 miles for January) Personal goal for January~ Stress less, enjoy life more. Date banded~ July 11, 2011 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 75.2 What is your goal weight for the coming year~ 150 (at least for now)
  22. I have noticed that I become really moody and even depressed when my calories are super low over a long period of time. When I'm noticing I'm extra moody, I try to flighty increase my calories and it seems to work. Maybe this is another option to discuss with your doctor. (null)
  23. I love myfitnesspal.com (null)
  24. I went to my primary care doctor yesterday because I have recently noticed that my resting heart rate is really low. I wasn't concerned until my blood pressure was running higher then normal on Monday. Well first the physician assistant came into the room and said it's the incredible shrinking woman, let's get you weighed. The my doc said that before surgery my heart rate was 70 and that it was lower now because of the exercise, particularly the running. I countered but that's the resting heart rate of an athlete, at which point she gently reminded me that I am running 9 miles at a clip and am an athlete!!! I have noticed that my weight is dropping quicker than my brain is able to comprehend and catch up. I still see myself as the big girl who needs to shop in Lane Bryant and def not as an athlete.
  25. Jessica43082

    Jersey Banded Buddy/mentor Needed

    I'm in northern Jersey and almost 6 months banded. I'd love some Jersey banded friends to journey along with!

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