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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lifeisjustbeginning2011

  1. I lost 16 in a one week pre-op diet. Consult your personal doc to see what his/her recommendations are for you. Without knowing age, pre-existing medical conditions, BMI, lifestyle, etc....we could only guess what you "should" lose. You'll lose the bulk in the first 2 months, after that, *most* people drop 1-2 pounds a week, but it totally varies. Especially for us females, there's usually 5-7 days before a period where we hold Water like crazy!

  2. Yep....I'm almost two months post op and my weight is coming off my face and my boobs. Down a cup size...DOH! I'd rather be alive with sagging small boobs then dead with big ones though. :) This surgery was life changing for me.

  3. make sure to go on liquids for a day or so after a big stick like that - you're probably still a bit swollen.

    Thanks everyone! It finally either came unstuck or dissolved. But, I did not feel good for the rest of the day. I think things were swollen so I was only able to drink my Protein shakes. We'll see how today goes. Maybe they put a little too much Fluid in or maybe I just cant take these Vitamins anymore. I bought chewables last night. Not getting in that situation again!

    On a good note I've lost 5 pounds this week! Yeah!

  4. Those are danger foods. If they make you stuck, the answer is really simple...don't eat them. I had baby carrots one day and the next day I was stuck on the first bite. Danger foods are different for everyone. Just remember that every time you vomit, you run the risk of a problem with the band. My carrot is not worth 13K to me.

  5. Hey stranger!!

    I did the "goodbye" meals before surgery. Managed to pack on an additional pound, too. I can't say that I planned a "last" meal, but I started getting rid of the bad stuff a few weeks prior. I don't remember my last soda, but I don't miss it. Now I marinate/cook my meats in Diet Dr. Pepper so I still taste it :)

    You'll only see what we mean after surgery. When you're pre-op, you feel like so many foods are going to be on the no-no list. But really you can have them after. Once you look at 1,000 calories for the day, you really question if you want a Snickers, because it hogs up the calories and you end up hungrier after eating junk. You'll see...promise.

    The strange thing was....when I knew I was eating something for what I thought was the last time, I couldn't eat the same quantity. It actually made me kind of sick feeling. I could easily mow down 3-4 pieces of pizza Hut pizza.....but when the whole thing was sitting in front of me, I only ate two. It was bizarre. You'll probably also notice (once closer to surgery), how emotional the whole Lap Band thing is.

    Amy :)

    food Funeral...is there such a thing?

    This past week I feel like I am in mourning for the foods I know I won't be able to eat after I am banded. Is that crazy or what? Does that mean I am truly a food addict or just prepairing myself for the changes I need to make? So today I thought about the bread sticks at Olive Garden as I polished down two that will probably be my last. Yesterday, I thought about Cinnabuns (and I haven't even had one in years) but the mere idea they will be off the list made me crave one. I think the biggest one has been my Diet Coke, I have been sucking them down at a faster rate these past few days. I feel like the prisoner getting ready for the lethal injection and the Warden asking what I want for my final meal!!! I think this is probably pretty typical of what others may feel as well. I will start my modified liquid diet on Sept 1st so I have a few more weeks to process all of this and prepare for my life changing event. I will try not to think of it as the ending of me enjoying food but to the beginning of a new, healthier me.

  6. I was self pay also, and I spent weeks researching surgeons and centers to find the right one. I was horribly picky, but ended up with True Results in Phoenix. Phoenix has lots of options, and I liked using a center that offered aftercare for a year. All fills and appointments are covered for the first year. I LOVE THIS. I can meet with the doc, NP, nutritionist as much as I want. I take advantage of this!

    Here are questions that I asked:

    Can I meet with the surgeon before I pay any money? If they said no, it was an immediate NO

    Can I attend one of your support groups before I pay or make a decision? If they said no, it was an immediate NO

    Fill Cost (is Flouro extra?)

    Fill Procedure (do they decide if I need a fill? do I have input in the decision?), use ultrasound, flouro, or nothing?

    Who does fills? (MD or PA/NP)

    Surgery Cost

    Pre Op Testing Required

    Post Surgery Complication (is BLIS insurance available if I want it?)

    Pre Op Prep (liquid diet?)

    Surgical Technique (how many incisions?)

    Support Groups & Counseling (what is offered/how frequent)

    Nutritional Counseling

    Exercise (can you refer someone to work with me?)



    Aftercare was HUGE for me. I'm 6 wks post op and I LOVE having people there to call if something is wrong and the monthly support groups (I've been to two) make me feel like I'm not totally nuts. Talking to someone without a band is helpful, yes, but sitting in a room full of people that have been through this is INVALUABLE! Good luck - be picky. You're paying for it!


    Ok, I'm in need of some advise... I'm a self pay and I'm trying to figure out who to go to for my surgery... My options so far.....

    Local surgeon in my hometown - all inclusive with a year's worth of fills and follow up (outpatient) $16,400 initial consult would be my $40 ins co-pay

    Plastic surgery center 7 hours away - all inclusive and 1 fill (outpatient) $9,000 free consult

    Mexico - all inclusive $5,000 not sure about consult

    My gut is telling me the doctor in my hometown but my wallet is telling me the other places..... Thoughts? Others who self pay, what is your determining factor?

  7. I burped like some kind of drunk sailor on days 2 and 3 post op. Now, 6 weeks post op, I burp when hungry or if I'm eating too quickly, too much, etc. It is just a warning sign for me. If I feel the slightest bit burpy, I force it out if I can because I know I'll be more comfortable in the long run.


  8. I was self pay, but I've never provided my insurance info. I paid $400 so for my testing (pre op labs, spirogram, ekg), but that came off of the cost of my surgery. I didn't use my insurance for anything. I would contact your doctor's office and ask them to rebill under a different ICD-9 code or something. That's crazy....if it was a belly sonogram, the doc should have coded it as abdominal pain or something so it would be covered. I'd be PISSED!!!


    Attention Self payers -

    Did anyone else have their pre surgical testing denied from their insurance? I went into this thinking that my presurgical testings would be covered under my insurance plan - having them be a part of a health physical, no biggie, right? Now I am getting bills from all over and calling into my insurance, I am finding that my abdominal somogram should only be recommeded for people above 65 who smoked, I am neither of those things!!! uuuggghhhh. So here goes another couple thousand dollars.

    Lisa B

  9. Wow, that's great news!!!!


    NSV today! I went to a wedding tonight. I had decided what to wear and had a back-up outfit picked out just in case. Then I tried to get dressed.

    The original outfit was too big.

    The backup outfit was too big.

    The next three things I tried on were too big.

    I finally found a black dress from about five years ago that was only slightly too big.

    I work from home, so I've been living in capri pants and t-shirts since the surgery; I knew they'd gotten baggy, but DANG!!!! Looks like I need to go shopping soon.

  10. make sure you are eating enough. I was doing 800 cals a day with no exercise and NUT recommended increasing to 1000 cals a day and it did make a difference - my body stopped holding onto everything (even with no exercise). Also, if you're burning 600 cals a day, you should surely be eating more - because in the end, that's only 200 leftover, right? I'm just guessing here, but I think you need some more cals in ya!


    So I restarted the Couch to 5K program and have been running it everyday instead of every other. ( only because I was running on and off for the past 5 years). If any of you are looking to start exercising, I highly recommend the program. I never ran a day in my life before starting the program and I went on to run 10-12 miles.

    I also started lifting weights again, however, it may have been a bad idea because now i have pain at my old port site, the doc left my old port in.

    First fill on Thursday! I hope I can have a bit more restriction....I'm a bit hungry after only 1/2 of a cup of food. I've been averaging about 800 calories a day and doing 3 miles on the treadmill burning around 600 calories at the gym and have only lost 4lbs so far. It sure is so much harder to lose this time. I'm a bit jealous of all of your huge losses! Go girls!

    Have a great weekend


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