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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lifeisjustbeginning2011

  1. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Drainage from my Port Incision

    Be sure to check with the doc - go in, don't just call. My port location was oozing (clear, not smelly or gross), but I ended up having a staph infection. It really delayed my recovery as I was very tired.
  2. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Embarrassing thing happened post op

    I had to wear a DIAPER! Ok, they called it a brief, but that's what it was. Disposable underwear. I was all proud of myself when I went to get dressed with the nurse. I remember saying "Look, my diaper is dry! I TOLD YOU!" LOL. My surgery was at noon and I was gone at three. They said "You'll recover better at home." They were right!
  3. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Blending things on liquid diet

    The Magic Bullet ROCKS. Not sure where you're located, but the least expensive place I found was Bed Bath & Beyond for $49.99 - then used a 20% off coupon. Awesome! Puts my regular blender to SHAME, I tell ya.
  4. hey there :) stop by my blog sometime. I don't get on here much anymore.


  5. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Self paying... who to choose??

    I was self pay also, and I spent weeks researching surgeons and centers to find the right one. I was horribly picky, but ended up with True Results in Phoenix. Phoenix has lots of options, and I liked using a center that offered aftercare for a year. All fills and appointments are covered for the first year. I LOVE THIS. I can meet with the doc, NP, nutritionist as much as I want. I take advantage of this! Here are questions that I asked: Can I meet with the surgeon before I pay any money? If they said no, it was an immediate NO Can I attend one of your support groups before I pay or make a decision? If they said no, it was an immediate NO Fill Cost (is Flouro extra?) Fill Procedure (do they decide if I need a fill? do I have input in the decision?), use ultrasound, flouro, or nothing? Who does fills? (MD or PA/NP) Surgery Cost Pre Op Testing Required Post Surgery Complication (is BLIS insurance available if I want it?) Pre Op Prep (liquid diet?) Surgical Technique (how many incisions?) Support Groups & Counseling (what is offered/how frequent) Nutritional Counseling Exercise (can you refer someone to work with me?) Pros Cons Aftercare was HUGE for me. I'm 6 wks post op and I LOVE having people there to call if something is wrong and the monthly support groups (I've been to two) make me feel like I'm not totally nuts. Talking to someone without a band is helpful, yes, but sitting in a room full of people that have been through this is INVALUABLE! Good luck - be picky. You're paying for it! Amy
  6. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    I understand no potatoes, but no CARROTS?

    I ate a 6 baby carrots (raw) one day and was fine. The next day, I ate 1 1/2 carrots (way less!) and had a stuck episode. Never again! Not worth the risk. To each his own....what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. I would just try it if you want to, but only eat a small amount in case there's a problem. Amy
  7. lifeisjustbeginning2011


    I burped like some kind of drunk sailor on days 2 and 3 post op. Now, 6 weeks post op, I burp when hungry or if I'm eating too quickly, too much, etc. It is just a warning sign for me. If I feel the slightest bit burpy, I force it out if I can because I know I'll be more comfortable in the long run. Amy
  8. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I was self pay, but I've never provided my insurance info. I paid $400 so for my testing (pre op labs, spirogram, ekg), but that came off of the cost of my surgery. I didn't use my insurance for anything. I would contact your doctor's office and ask them to rebill under a different ICD-9 code or something. That's crazy....if it was a belly sonogram, the doc should have coded it as abdominal pain or something so it would be covered. I'd be PISSED!!! Amy
  9. I found papaya enzymes at Walmart. I got a bottle for like $4, but I've never used 'em. If we meet at a support group or something, I'll give you a bunch if you'd like. I bought a little pill box to keep in my purse in case I have a problem when I'm out. The rumor is that they help to digest and might help if you get stuck. I'm not sure, but I'll try some if I ever need 'em.

  10. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Wow, that's great news!!!! Amy
  11. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    make sure you are eating enough. I was doing 800 cals a day with no exercise and NUT recommended increasing to 1000 cals a day and it did make a difference - my body stopped holding onto everything (even with no exercise). Also, if you're burning 600 cals a day, you should surely be eating more - because in the end, that's only 200 leftover, right? I'm just guessing here, but I think you need some more cals in ya! Amy
  12. lifeisjustbeginning2011


  13. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Bathroom Issues

    Totally normal. The same thing happened to me. I had a week of nothing but protein shakes and diarrhea all day long. I found that chewable fiber (generic) helped firm it up a little bit, but really, when you only put liquid in.....it isn't uncommon for liquid to be the only output.
  14. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    April, that is all awesome news!!! Yay for 25 pounds!!! Amy
  15. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Wow - I must say that two days after the fill, I noticed a change today. I wasn't STARVING the minute I woke up (have 5cc's in 10cc band). And you know what? I didn't think about food constantly all day. I was full with a smaller amount. I'm hoping that these feelings last. I'm trying very hard to remember how I feel right now....because THIS IS GREEN...but I know that as the swelling from the fill goes down, I might lose a bit of this feeling, and I'm okay with that. I'm carefully logging when I'm head vs tummy hungry and if my tummy growls at all. That's my sign that it is PAST time to eat. These past few weeks without a fill have been pretty difficult (mentally), but I think I turned a corner. Green, baby, GREEN. I finally feel the feelings of satiety that i felt the first two weeks post op. Trying not to be too excited, but now I know this feeling and I'm going to remember exactly how it feels! Hang in there guys! Amy
  16. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Watch your Symptoms!

    as with any surgical procedure, there are always risks. That's what we sign up for when we agree to surgery. Thankfully, stories like this are few and far between. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  17. lifeisjustbeginning2011


    I had random bruises all over for about 2 weeks, then it went away. Make sure to have your blood drawn about a month post op to check vitamin levels (b12, iron, vitamin d, etc) so you know you're taking the correct multivitamin.
  18. Carry a reeeealy heavy purse! LOL
  19. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Chewable Vitamin D at Target!

    I was shocked to find chewable D at Target. They had gummy D, but pretty pricy considering I need a lot. The bottle has 360 tiny orange flavored chewables (400 IU each) for $12.99. I get D in my liquid calcium and also my multi, but I'll always have to take quite a bit daily to avoid being low. I didn't know that there was such a good stash of chewables at Target! Of course, the first ingredient is SUGAR <sigh> but I don't have to worry about swallowing so many pills. Nice alternative. Amy
  20. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Surgery Center versus Hospital

    I had surgery at a center and wouldn't change it if I could. I was in, out and home to recover. I wouldn't have rested as well at the hospital. Personal choice
  21. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Carbonated Drinks

    I have an idea for you soda lovers. I use diet, but you can use regular, it just adds more calories. Dump some in your slow cooker with some meat - DELICIOUS!!! I've tried ham steak cooking in diet orange soda, tried ham steak with diet dr pepper, etc. There are lots of recipes out there. Sounds strange, but a really nice way to make your meat tender (as we all need) but have some of that soda flavor that we crave. Amy
  22. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Mexican Breakfast Casserole

    I made egg mugs. I just take liquid egg whites (Egg Beaters), mix in some turkey sausage, some of the Morningstar soy stuff, salsa and 1/2 to 1 of the Laughing Cow cheese wedges (love the spicy cheese one). cook in the micro for a minute or so and eat it right out of the mug. just make sure to spray it with nonstick spray first. Yum!
  23. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Do you use Wii to exercise?

    oh, forgot to mention, the game, "Walk it Out" can also be used on fitness mat! I think I'm going to order one - I'll wait until I get the game in the mail, but I'm thinking that it would be better for my joints. I really want to drop 50 lbs total before any "serious" exercise. That's 15 lbs more. I think I should stick with walking to start, but soon....I'm gunna be dancin and making a fool of myself!
  24. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Do you use Wii to exercise?

    Jodie, I hear ya! I wrote a whole blog about the Wii B*tch and the disappointed sounds she makes! LOL. I'm going to buy a dance game - which one do you like better, the 1 or 2? Amy
  25. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Pain Meds After Lap Band Surgery

    make sure to ask for liquid. the last thing you want to stress about it swallowing pills right after surgery. it tastes like crap, but you'll be glad you have it. ask for the prescription BEFORE your surgery so you can have it ready to go and won't have to worry about getting it filled after. I used liquid Lortab pain reliever every 4 hours for 2 days, then one dose of liquid adult Tylenol, then nothing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
