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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lifeisjustbeginning2011

  1. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    water with meals

    I think it all depends on your body. The reason they say not to drink is because it will make whatever you eat just slide through the band, without stopping to make you feel full. Try experimenting with the time frame - if you don't feel hungry after waiting 30 minutes, go for it. During the liquid phase it doesn't matter because the liquid goes through anyway and if you're like me, I'm not hungry at all at any point. LOL Amy
  2. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Awesome, Stan!! Yesterday was a lot of burping, today doesn't seem quite as much. I started the day with a lovely poop (I have to admit, I've been waiting for that!!). I think the applesauce yesterday helped with that. Sorry to hear about the dry heave - I'm dreading the first time I throw up. I bet it really hurt since you still have stitches!! Eeeek. My heating pad has helped a lot with the cramping/bloating. I was awake a lot last night because I just couldn't get comfortable. I made the mistake of laying on my right side (only one incision on that side) and woke up in pain. I'm off of pain meds now and didn't want to go back, so I had to use the heating pad, but it worked. Here's to each day getting better and better! Amy
  3. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Yes, you have Fluid in your band right after surgery, and your doctor should NOT fill you again prior to four weeks postop. However, I'm sure it happens. Here is some information regarding fills from Allergan (the manufacturer): http://bariatrictimes.com/2007/06/02/the-lap-band-ap%E2%84%A2-system-the-platform-advances/ Our current protocol is as follows: • There should be 3.0cc of “extractable” fluid at end of operation at zero intra-band pressure.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">• All adjustments are performed as part of a clinical consultation in the office.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">• Initial adjustment is performed at four weeks: Add 1.0 to 1.5cc to give a total of 4.0 to 4.5cc of extractable fluid. • Review every two weeks initially—Check weight loss, degree of satiety, symptoms, health. Advise patient regarding eating guidelines and exercise and activity programs.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">* If losing less than 1.0lb/week—usually add fluid<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">* If losing more than 2.0lbs/week—usually no added fluid<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">* If between 0.5 and 1.0lbs/week—optional, based on satiety and symptoms.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">• Usually add 0.5 to 1.0cc each time.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">• When the “sweet spot” or “green zone” is achieved, review less often.<br style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">• Always review at least every six months permanently.
  4. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Reached 100 lbs. lost! I can't believe it!

    WAY TO GO!!!!!!! :)
  5. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Not getting enough protien and chest pain

    Try only a small amount of the shake at once, I tried 4 oz today and ended up with horrible chest pain. I walked laps around the house while moaning...was awful! I know that feeling!! I think I'll try an ounce tomorrow. I tried applesauce today (2 tablespoons) with a few hours in between, and was fine. I'm blaming the shake. You know how they sort of foam up in the glass? I'm thinking that's what happens in our tiny bellies. I'm 3 days postop, by the way. hang in there!! Amy
  6. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Just banded and full of questions

    Lizzy - those were some great links!! I like them better than what my doc gave out!
  7. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Buuuuuurp. Burp. Burrrrrrrrrp. Buuurrrrrrpppp. Aye! When does this end??
  8. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Here is the soy Protein powder that I found that was good!!! The downside is that I cannot find anywhere in town that sells it. I ordered my container from vitaminshoppe.com but I just went to look it up and it says it isn't there anymore!! You can order from their website but pretty expensive. Mine was $30 including shipping from vitaminshoppe.com I bet you could find another internet spot that is cheaper. I'll include the link below. They also make vanilla, which is pretty good. I mix in a little bit of powdered Peanut Butter (bellplantation.com) - the only place in AZ that carries this locally is House of Fitness. There are several locations, I think there was one in Mesa. I just ordered 4 containers of it - it tastes EXACTLY like peanut butter!!! Made the chocolate soy drinks much more palatable. Also, I found chocolate soy powder at Sunflower. It wasn't too bad, but it got me to the surgery date and then the day of surgery the stuff I ordered arrived. http://www.topsecretnutrition.com/soyxtreme-chocolate.html Top Secret will mail you a sample of vanilla and chocolate if you ask them for those specifically. The peanut butter place has samples (2 for $4), but really, if you like peanut butter, you will NOT be disappointed, just spring for a container. It is WELL worth it. I'm a true critic, and if I can drink this stuff, anyone can!! Amy
  9. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Best wishies to the July 5th Bandsters!!! AlyGurl (Aly), MassMom01527 (Steph), Allison0927, Harvest Farmer, wannabe21bmi (Kate), Kim from CT, blackmajyk, Xtinabrown13, Ecinaj, Wanttobeskinny22 I'll be thinking of ya'll!! : )
  10. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Ok, I posted my post op pics for you guys to "enjoy.' Hey, somebody out there is curious about what my belly looks like, so here ya go. Don't look at it too long...because it isn't going to look this fat for too much longer!!!! LOL http://lifeisjustbeginning2011.blogspot.com/
  11. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I have four medications that aren't related to the surgery that I take daily. Yes, I can take some of them. My birth control pill is small enough and another one I can snap in half and wait 30 minutes in between. The other option is what I have to use for my nighttime sleepy meds, a pill crusher. It is nasty, let me tell you. I've sprinkled some crystal light on it, used a tiny bit of applesauce, etc...but it is gross, no sugar coating that. Some meds may come in liquid form, and I'd go for that if you can. My pill crusher was like $5 at Walmart. Once the weight starts coming off, I'm hoping not to be on any of these meds anymore (except Synthroid, which will be for life). Hope I helped!!
  12. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    6 week liquid diet?!?!?!?!?!!?

    You'll do just fine. One thing you'll notice is that each person is different and there is no "set" number of days for each stage of the pre-op diet and the weeks thereafter. The thing is, after a few days, you COULD eat something solid. You won't want to, and really, you could physically eat it. The reason for the liquid and then mushies stages is so that the area where the Lap Band is placed is still very tender. You have to start with nontextured and move to semi-textured very slowly. The band area needs time to heal and get a good grip onto the muscles that it is stitched to. I was super paranoid about the liquid stage too (I don't like Soup, cottage cheese, grits, etc), but I made it through 7 days of nothing but Protein shakes and I'm just starting to re-introduce small amounts of shakes now (banded 7/1). Slow slow slow
  13. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Am I missing something?

    Every doc is different. I was self pay and I only had to have an EKG, breathing test & labs. More tests are ordered if the doc wants them or if you have a history of heart disease or other serious conditions.. My doc said I could have the EGD test to see if there was a hernia, but he said it wouldn't matter if he knew because he would repair it during surgery anyway. However, there are lots of reasons the doc may order additional tests. It all depends on the doctor
  14. I ordered some liquid fruit flavored Vitamin called Reviva. It is sold at costco and Sam's (but my Sam's didn't have it). http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11622501&search=reviva&Mo=2&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search〈=en-US&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Sp=S&N=5000043&whse=BC&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=reviva&Ntt=reviva&No=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1 There is a Multivitamin kind and a calcium kind. I ended up buying from costco.com because I couldn't find it locally. I'm not a Costco member, but I was able to buy through their website and pay a small premium (maybe $1.50 total). Hasn't arrived yet but I'm hopeful that I'll like it
  15. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Well folks, I found out what "full" feels like with the Lap Band. Yesterday around 3 pm I had my first liquid that wasn't Water or juice. I had 4 oz of milk plus 1/2 scoop of Protein drink. I didn't know it then, thought I was just gassy, but I was actually full. This morning I drank two cups of water (slowly and spaced out) and then drank a 4 oz shake. It took me 45 minutes to drink that because I kept feeling full and bloated. DUH!!!! I've just walked around the house in circles for 30 minutes, belching the entire time. Newsflash: 4 oz is too much. Learn from my mistake, guys, even though it is exciting to eat something new, there's nothing wrong with only one ounce. Trust me when I say this was a VERY uncomfortable experience. No sliming or anything, just felt like i ate a gigantic Thanksgiving meal. The pressure was so bad that I was walking around and moaning. NOT GOOD!!! Listen to your tummy. It is says full after two sips, STOP. Don't assume it will get better. IT WILL NOT!!!
  16. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Adult Liquid Tylenol is what I have. Tastes equally as nasty as the Lortab liquid!! LOL. I haven't needed any pain meds for 7 hours, just the gas discomfort. I'm speeding up my pace a lot and walking much more quickly around the house. Still too hot to walk outside with the risk of dehydration (I think it is 110 degrees today). I'm noticing that I can't sit for too long or I get really gassy and bloated feeling. I'm burping a lot but still no poop. Hmm. I'll give that another day. It is SO good to talk to others that are in the same place as I am! Amy
  17. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    About 2 hours ago I started with the growling stomach thing, too. Felt the same lump in my throat as you described. Walking didn't seem to help much. I stopped taking the Lortab liquid this afternoon and switched over to Tylenol liquid. I think I just need a really good poop to make things better. I'm drinking a good amount...hopefully I feel better in the morning!!
  18. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    According to my height and weight, I should weigh around 150. I'm currently sitting at around 300. Personally, I set my goal for 175. I really don't care about looking fantastic, I'm more concerned about being healthy. Don't get me wrong, I want to lose weight and attract attention for the right reasons, but I want to be healthy. Taking off 150 pounds is getting rid of another Amy! There are two of me now....but not for long!
  19. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    No BM here, either. I know after general anesthesia that it takes a few days to have one. I'm working really hard to stay hydrated, but I only pee a tablespoon if that, maybe every few hours. I switched from the Lortab liquid to the Tylenol liquid this afternoon. I think I'll take the Lortab before I go to bed so I can sleep better. All of this cat napping during the day will make overnight sleeping a bit of a challenge. I think my main complaint is that I just feel very weak. I got to take my first shower today, and barely had enough energy to get dressed and get out to the couch. My hands are shaky and I feel kind of confused sometimes. All in all....still doing ok.
  20. I had a small (1-2cm) hernia repaired and it isn't the end of the world. I take my pain meds and make sure I'm hydrated, and I know it will get better. Spend less time worrying about the surgery itself, and focus your energy of getting things ready that will make your recovery more comfortable. The best you can do is have stuff ready (heating pad, etc) and just know that it will get better. It isn't fun, but I'm not crying and miserable, and I'm a HUGE pain wuss. Amy
  21. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    You know what hit me today? Cravings. I feel a little bit hungry, but I started craving "sick food." You know, the grilled cheese sandwich or buttered toast your mom brought to you when you were sick? Wow....I'm going to miss that. Today I feel better than yesterday. Had gas issues last night and a little this morning, but I'm just making sure to always have some Pepto in my tummy to keep it calm. Getting in an out of bed and on and off the couch are difficult, but today I can do it without assistance. Just remember that everyone recovers at different rates. I haven't had any issues with nausea but my shoulders are pretty tender. But hey, considering I'm only 48 hours post-op, I think I'm lookin' pretty good.
  22. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    What's your post-op liquid diet? Are you hungry?

    I'm just over 48 hours post-op... water and ice chips sugar free popsicles gatorade g2 (watered down a lot) small amount of sugar free jello today I had a 4 oz chocolate protein shake and i'll have another this afternoon
  23. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Hahahah...this morning I fell asleep sitting on the toilet! I figured if I sat there for a while that something would happen. LOL. Whoopsie. I haven't missed a dose of my pain meds yet. Perhaps tomorrow I'll switch over to liquid Tylenol, but I have plenty of the liquid Lortab and I'm in no hurry to get off it. I'm doing a lot of sitting around, no chores or anything though. Just laps around the living room and making sure my meds are all up to date. My shoulders and neck are sore today, but nothing too horrible. Considering it hasn't even been 48 hrs since my surgery, I think things are going well. This morning I had a 4 oz Protein shake (I sipped small amounts of it over 20 minutes) and my tummy seems to be accepting of it. Hope you're feeling better quickly! Just remember - WE DID IT!! Amy
  24. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Awwwww I hated posting that picture, but I know people are curious. In another day I can take the gauze off and take a shower, so I'll see what lies beneath the gauze. LOL
  25. lifeisjustbeginning2011

    Pill Crushing- Gag! :(

    I have the same problem. I mixed the pill powder with a few drops of fruit juice and then the tiniest amount of applesauce. The other thing is that 2 of my regular pills are be split, so I just spaced them out today. The nighttime sleepy meds are a killer though...the taste is just horrible. Buuutt you can always have a teenie tiny amount of applesauce to make it a bit less nasty.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
