Hello! Well, my surgery date is set for August 1st. While I am SUPER EXCITED I am also SUPER NERVOUS. I think because I have a little more than 2 weeks to go, it's all becoming so real. I see the home stretch!!! I had my final meeting with my nutritionist today and she said I only need to do the liquid diet for 4 days. Really she said I didn't even need to do it as I am on the lower bmi scale but she wants me to get used to the way things are going to be post op. I have been purchasing products for a while now, I ordered a pill crusher, a shake weight (SHOOOSH, DON'T JUDGE ME! LOL) and yes, it DOES in fact work. My last purchase was the Kitchen Ninja 1100. I CAN'T wait to try that thing out!! So, who else out here is going to be joining me on "The Losers Bench" in August?? To those of you waiting for surgery, what are your thoughts and concerns????? I would really like to know if I am the only one freaking out a lil.