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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Drlnangel

  1. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hey guys, greetings from bandland!! I actually had surgery yesterday, they bumped me up a day Surgery went great the Dr said, although my liver & spleen were enlarged... so he said good thing I had the surgery. I am not doing quite as well as Nechama but not bad over all. I am VERY sore at my port incision, and right after surgery it was painful to take deep breaths. My surgeon does a swallow test as soon as you can get up and walk after surgery. So once I woke up enough I went down and did that, band placement looks great he said, no leaks etc. I was a bit nauseous when I woke up after surgery, so they gave me the anti-nausea meds which made me more sleepy lol Car ride home was fine, its 40 minutes and I brought a pillow to put between my tummy and the seat belt, worked great I slept most of the ride home. I haven't been able to stay awake for long periods of time however. I am up about 30 minutes and then fall back asleep. I have no problems drinking my Water or broth I did have some gas pains in my shoulder for several hours after surgery but I made sure I got up and walked as much as possible and they were gone by bedtime. Im a little loopy from being tired and the pain meds so this post probably could have been written better but oh well It's nap time again so I will post more later, but please feel free to ask any questions Good luck everyone who has surgery today!! It's going to be an amazing journey
  2. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I had exactly the same problem, I was so discouraged I started questioning my decision...was the band going to not be effective for me etc. I am now on day 12 and I have lost 6lbs (not including the 2 I gained back because of the discouraged eating >.<) Anyway, I lost that 6lbs all this last week and I feel so much better!! I did ask my doctor about the not losing the first week though and he said its normal for a lot of people to not lose that first week because your body is adjusting. Everyone loses weight differently and while I had hoped to be one of the ones that dropped 20lbs on the pre-op I am satisfied with my 6 lol
  3. Drlnangel

    Surgery in 7 hours, can't sleep

    Congrats!!! Keep us posted
  4. Drlnangel


    I'm gonna go out on a limb here since I haven't actually been banded yet, but I'm a research junkie so hopefully I'm close to on target with this answer lol. Eating around the band basically means that if you want to eat unhealthy and not lose weight, it is totally possible. The Band is a TOOL to help you feel fuller longer, part of its process is that you can eat smaller healthy meals and not feel like you are starving in an hour. If instead you choose to have a mocha frappuccino (My personal achilles heal) from starbucks, that will pass happily through the band with no problems....and 4x the calories. So the band is in place to help you feel less hungry, and feeling less hungry helps you make smarter food choices but if you CHOOSE to have that milkshake or whatever, you can eat around the band. Hopefully that made sense and I didn't mess it up Favorite quote that I see from band websites "The band is around your stomach, not your brain or your mouth"
  5. Well surgery the end of this week for me!!! I lost another 2 lbs over the weekend so I'm pretty happy about that and super excited about the changes to come. Got up this morning and did the Power90 workout, it's gonna be a great week!!!
  6. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I'm on day 10 and its a little easier now than it was the first week. I actually do really well until about 5-6pm. Then I start to get hungry, like in the tummy hungry, not in my brain hungry lol I have a just a few more days but I do find I sneak a bit of food every once in a while. Hubby made ham and mashed potatoes and corn for dinner.... *sigh* I can make it!!!
  7. I am in Texas and tried about 2 years ago to get the surgery with Tri-Care, they denied me. BMI too low. I believe at the time you had to be 200% of your ideal weight if you had no Co-Morbities, which I don't. I have heard that tri-care has changed their rules to a bmi of 40 but I'm not sure. I am very close (5-10lbs) to being that 200% over what my idea weight is suppose to be, so this time I was approved immediately. It might be worth it try another doctor or to call your tri-care office directly and ask what the problem is. There should be one on post or someone should be able to tell you who to call to find out what the problem was. Not sure if any of that will help but good luck
  8. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I will probably not tell people right away about my surgery. I won't lie, but If I'm working out and watching my carbs and sugar intake and losing weight, then that is what I will probably say. Not totally sure cuz I haven't been put in that position yet but I think that is how I will handle it. By telling the truth, just not giving up things I would prefer to keep to myself.
  9. Drlnangel

    Any june 2011 Banders???

    Congratulations Jeemaa!!! I look forward to hearing your progress! I am getting banded next thursday, can't wait!!
  10. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hey Everyone, I love this thread My surgery got moved to June 30th, but I'm staying with you guys anyway lol. Halfway through the pre-op diet....only 5 days til band day!! I can't wait!!!
  11. Hey everyone, I was just wondering what sweetener you all use. I am currently using Ideal because I hate the after taste in splenda, sweet n low etc. I have heard Stevia is good also. Aspartame gives me headaches Anyway, any comments or suggestions are welcome
  12. I'm 6 days from being banded and I get so excited when I think of all the things that are going to change for me when I start losing weight. No more wondering when you meet people if they are judging you by how much you weigh, no more saying no to my kids about going to the lake because I don't want to get in a bathing suit. I can't wait to be able to go tubing down the river and not worry that my butt won't fit in the tube lol I will be so excited to not have to shop at a plus size store!! There are too many things to list on here that I am looking forward to, but you get the point
  13. I lost 2 lbs, the first two days of the pre-op diet and nothing since. I saw my surgeon on tuesday this week and he said not to worry that it can just be your body adjusting to difference in calorie intake etc. Everyone loses weight differently so part of our journey is learning what works best for us. I was very discouraged until I talked to him, now I'm just excited about next week and getting my band and MAKING it work for me
  14. Hi there, I'm in Texas also and get my band on June 30th! I'm very excited, although not loving the liquid diet lol Keep in touch!!
  15. Drlnangel

    What Pre-Op Diet Are You On?

    Are you guys losing weight? I lost 2lbs the first 2 days and nothing since. I'm hungry ALL the time!!
  16. That's exactly what my fear is!! I don't take insulin, I walk in the mornings....it's frustrating and scary that I might go through all this and not have it work >.<
  17. I know everyone loses weight differently but I'm a little discouraged because I lost two lbs the first 2 days I was on the pre-op diet and now its day 5 and I haven't lost anything else. It makes me worry that it's going to be really hard for me to lose weight even with the band...anyone else not lose a lot of weight on the pre-op but have success with the band?
  18. Drlnangel

    Getting banded June 30th

    I'm getting banded on the 30th also, so excited!!
  19. I have sort of cheated also, this pre-op diet is a killer lol. I had two bites of pizza that the kids had last night for dinner and two pretzles *sigh* That's my mental limit, if I let myself have two bites of something it can't do that much damage right?! That's my hope anyway. I really want to stick with this but I seem to be hungry constantly. Oh well, I will do my best and that's all I can do.
  20. Pre-op diet is not my favorite!! lol

  21. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    That's a great Idea Shauna!! Where did you order it from?
  22. Hi Everyone, my name is Tracy. I originally posted on the July band post but my surgery got moved to June 30th so I'm here now lol. Pre-Op diet sucks But I'm doing everything I can to stay on track!! I hope it gets easier after surgery cuz right now I'm starving!! Anyway, I'm happy to be here and excited about my surgery. Any and all support and tips are helpful and I'm happy to support anyone who needs it. Good luck to those of you having surgery tomorrow!!
  23. Started Pre-op diet...wish me luck :)

  24. Drlnangel

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hey Everyone! I'm scheduled for July 1st and very excited & nervous. I started my pre-op diet (bleh) I go in today for EKG and labs etc. Did any of you struggle with the decision of which surgery to get? Sometimes I worry that I'm disciplined enough for the lapband and should have gone with the gastric bypass....maybe I'm just have pre-surgery jitters Anyway, I'm happy to have found this forum with people who are going through the same things I am. Good luck to everyone!! T.

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