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Posts posted by pinksquirrel

  1. I have enjoyed reading all of the above posts, but I am all good with losing 22 or 30 lbs of Water, fat or whatever,

    That would be enough to totally motivate me to get out and walk a marathon, if you excersize and eat a variety of food to get nutrition all weight loss is good in my book, fast or slow if you keep it off and eat a variety of foods and you are not malnuitrioned, than to each its own. I don't know about anyone else, but

    I hope I lose it the fastest I can, and still stay healthy. I know it is going to take alot of work, but

    just losing that first 20-lbs is going to make a lot of difference to me.

    To the gal that hasn't lost anything, I feel for you. I bet it seems like a waste of your time. Hang in there, I would not only evaluate your calories but watch your carbs, that usually can mess me up, I love carbs but cannot loose weight if I eat to many. But, always check

    with your doctor to be sure nothing is wrong.

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