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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tanya_cotto

  1. Tanya_cotto

    Weekends and Night Snacking

    Hooray!!! Good for you!! The second meal sounds really yummy And just to give my two cents: if you're the one that's cooking then they have to eat what you prepare! So don't think that you can't have anything that you make! Prepare/Bake/Saute/cook/broil/grill etc... things that will set you up for success! If they don't like it, well tough! They can make their own naughty food and have them make you a fruit bowl while they're in the kitchen! =)
  2. Why not have him do some research?? Its NOT the easy way out! I have been told that by so many people (family included) but I HAVE dieted, Taken pills, exercised like crazy, sweated, bleed, and done all the healthy (and not so healthy) things to lose weight and it has not been successful. Having these surgeries is not the ''magic'' solution. you still have to exercise, still have to change your eating habits, and still put up with the crazies who judge you no matter what... Which is my long winded way of saying that IF you decide to undergo surgery a) make sure its the right one for you! - do research - visit with more than one surgeon -take your time! make sure you do it for the right reasons -your health - your quality of life - YOU c) don't get dragged down by peoples responses. -some may just fear change and that they'll lose you when you're healthy - some may be jealous that they don't have the option - some are just weird or fearful of surgery. -some are controlling and want to keep you in their ''grasp'' feel free to message me with any questions... i have had the lapband had the lapband taken out revised to the sleeve lots of exp. here! the end.
  3. Tanya_cotto


  4. Tanya_cotto

    End of 2012

    From the album: Tanya

  5. Tanya_cotto

    April 2013

    From the album: Tanya

  6. Tanya_cotto

    June 2013

    From the album: Tanya

  7. Dancing in bed to neighbors music!!

  8. Tanya_cotto

    Time goes too Fast!

    I'm pretty sure this is my first entry since 2013 started so lets catch up! I'm at 215 lbs turned 26 y/o still no kids, no bf/dh still searching for a job as i continue getting an education... Found out that I developed a food allergy to MILK because of the WLS Had my wisdom teeth pulled out last week (which was coincidentally the day of my last final!) I'm getting more interested in dating but still find it difficult since: 1. I live in Los Angeles, ca 2. I don't drink therefore going to a bar is silly 3. I still get anxious/self conscious since everyone here is literally stick thin or aspiring actress/actor thin 4. I'm picky My weight loss has plateaued since starting the spring 2013 semester at school I don't know if its the stress or the 60 mile round trip commute (about 1 hour each way) or a combination, but the scale isn't moving... But ALAS, summer is here, I'm way healthier and happier than i was a year ago, the garden is in bloom and i am HAPPY. Even my dog has lost weight. :wub: I do miss cheese though. we have a secret love affair, but then she makes me super nauseous and i have to lay down... this affair must end!! Things that haven't changed... Food still makes me sleepy, I live off of coffee my bp and bs still drop dramatically whenever i exercise Things i need to reinstate: Bedtime Eating out of small child-like plates reducing coffee amounts Drinking out of small cups Protein shakes... My go-to meal: Used to be number 9 at DEL TACO with a diet coke Now its a cup of brown rice with salsa with Iced tea or Iced Coffee Enough for now
  9. Hey all! So I'm about 32 days post op and I've noticed some really weird things. First off, whenever I eat real normal food, I sweat like crazy! I had a few spoonfuls at a restaurant and had to step outside because I was drenched! From hair to toes i was feeling moisture and all i was doing was sitting and eating. It's happened a few times. Is this a sign of a leak or infection? Also I was drinking a hot tea and could feel the 'hotness' on my skin outside of my stomach. I thought it was my mind playing tricks, but then i drank an ice cold Water to test it further, and felt a 'coldness' on my stomach's skin. Through clothing as well. Am i just being a hypochondriac? Should I schedule an appointment immediately? Please Help! Also, i am a Conversion Patient so Band to VSG In case that makes any difference. Thanks!
  10. Tanya_cotto

    Itchy Eyes, Smelly Clothes And Nausea

    Today was a good but tiring day. Had to do kennel duty for school, so up at 5:30am to get there by 6:45am. To my surprise we had lovely long eared rabbits new to the program, a new dog we are "borrowing" from a student. Spent 3 hours doing nothing but cleaning and disinfecting. I know that I'm super dehydrated since the RVT on staff had to repeat her directions 5x. It wouldn't stick no matter how hard I tired to retain the info! I also got really nauseated when I had to squat down to clean in the floor. Too much abdominal pressure?? I adore the weather. Slightly raining ( for Los Angeles standards) and windy. Sadly it aggregated my allergies so I have had itchy eyes all day. That plus my smelly clothes from cleaning and animal handling, and I am one smelly chick!! Hahaha! Post op appt went alright. I have developed lampers syndrome which is basically food sweats and nausea . Mine is triggered by a new food intolerance to dairy. Sad. But nothing I can't deal with.
  11. Tanya_cotto

    Tired, Kitten Cadavers And 1 Month Post Op Check Up

    Thanks all! I've also done piglets frogs crickets locus sheeps, ect... The smell never gets better, but my group mates have taken to chewing cinnamon gun, so that really helps!
  12. I'm so really really exhausted! Spent most of the day cleaning and organizing Ate a bit, 2 turkey meatballs from tj's 2oz sweat potatoe fries 2 Dino nuggets 3/4 meat sope 1 microwave Mac and cheese And lots of coffee! Start dissecting cats tomorrow in anatomy and physiology class. Will be a vegetarian for the next 6 weeks on weds and thurs due to cadaver and related smells. Also having my 1 months post op check up Even though its been about 7 weeks! Hopefully I wont wreak of formaldehyde and kittens. Sad but true.
  13. Tanya_cotto

    Anyone With Nausea And Cold Sweats After Having Food ?

    Could also be that the food is too tough. Are you having milk/ dairy products? I have the same issue after eating but surgeon said it may be an intolerance to lactose foods or "rich" foods. Keep Track of what you have eaten when this happens and you may see a pattern if you have a developing intolerance
  14. I'm only 25, no kids so I hope it's not menopause!!
  15. Tanya_cotto

    Reading Between The Lines (And Charts)

    Its no secret if you talk to me that i have a hard time making choices. Like buying toothpaste or choosing new foods to try, it takes time for me to make a decision. Lots of Googling and comparison. I've been looking up VSG guides from different hospitals to see what each says in regards to Foods, times and supplements. Here is what I've found after i broke down the charts and guides: (BTW I am not God, nor do i pretend to be, so please don't take this as THE word. Its just a guide-line cheat sheet i re-made for myself) (( Also, i am just 31 days post op, so this is tailored for my stage)) Breakfast *should be at 8am *(earlier then that if you have an early day, but it should be within 1 hour of waking up) *1/4 - 1/2 C of Fiber, fruit, OR Calcium * AND 1/4 - 1/2 C of protein or good carbohydrate (ex: yogurt, cottage cheese, apple sauce, soft eggs, cooked cereal) Supplements/ Vitamins *10 AM! * PLUS 1/2 c Protein Shake (or 25 g) * Some vitamins need FAT to be soluble (vitamins A D E K) If your taking these, use 1% milk or check your Protein drink labels! Lunch *12 pm *1/4 - 1/2 C soup or calcium * AND 1/4 C Protein ( ex: yogurt, cheese, egg/tuna/chicken salad, pureed fruit/veg) Snack *2 pm *1/4 - 1/2 C calcium or fiber *1 Sugar free treat (ex: cottage cheese, ricotta, pureed fruit or Veg, SF Popsicle, sf Jello, sf Pudding) Dinner *6 pm 1/4 - 1/2 C protein (or 1-2 oz) 1/4 C Fruit or Veg That's it. If you feel like you need more, eat more. If you can't eat quite this much yet, chill out and do your best! But make sure you get your liquids in each day!! If you need a reminder for that, drink 1/2 hour before each 'meal' You need to stay hydrated or your body will not operate, or heal, like it should. I like to add generic crystal light (walmart or target brands!), but i choose the sugar free, caffeine free ones that have vitamins included in powder ( ex: Kiwi-Strawberry or Grape from walmart) These are just suggestions, But are mainly for WHEN I have a brain power-outage and need some help! For easy food choices always get low/fat free food mind the sodium and the carbs Some little kid pre packaged foods are great! like pureed fruits (in little foil sacks, no spoon needed) fruits in light syrup or water deli turkey and ricotta cheese Go-gurt ect... Making this list has made me hungry! lol will have a 1/4 c OJ then off to bed. (didn't realize how much i missed OJ until i had some the other day!)
  16. Tanya_cotto

    Day 26 Post Op

    I think i should start with a quick recap since I've change from lapbandtalk to vertical sleeve talk. Basically i had the Band placed on Sept 30 2011. I had dreamed of nothing but being best friends with my band, holding hands and skipping in the park, towards a healthier me, but the band had other ideas. We were the best Frenimies, it would push and shove while i held on for dear life, but i loved it for everything it represented: a new life, love, cute clothes. You can read some of my past entries to see just how dark and miserable and unhealthy i had become with the band. My hair was falling out, my nails were white and flaking off, i was pbing, sliming, and vomiting everyday. I had a developing food phobia, and i wasn't eating nor drinking enough so my grades suffered (in college), my body suffered and so did my sanity. The worst part, my weight was always within 10 pounds of my surgery day weight. it never moved past that. This past June i decided to see what could be done after getting so tired of being tired and sick. I made an appt with the surgeon on July 10th to discuss my options Had insurance papers submitted within the week Was approved shortly after and was scheduled for surgery August 30, 2012 One month short of my bandiversery. Its bitter sweet now. I'm 26 days post op, down to 243 from 251 (surgery day weight) I'm not hungry like i was with the band, but i do feel pain when i'm "empty" I'm always drinking, but sometimes i get so frustrated with being thirsty that i gulp a bit too much and regret it immediately. Today was the first time that I've thrown up with the VSG and i realized that i needed to blog again. I'm PMSing as well, so everything is bloated and tender (including incision sites) And I've hit that 3-4 week stall weight wise. I never know what too eat what i can eat what i'm allowed too eat so sometimes i just stay 'hungry' so i don't hurt anything. I have realized though, that the extreme decrease in food has made me rather lethargic, but when i do eat, i feel like its thanksgiving night, all full and sleepy (and slightly stretched) I'm assuming its part of A) being a woman , healing slowly , and C) not getting enough protein. The one upside i felt within the first week Post op is that i am so much happier! i think it was in part just the relief of having the band out of me. Before the band, Way back to when i was a kid, i Hated vomiting! so much so that i'd hold everything in, even if it made me feel worse. Having the band and throwing up everyday for 11 months just sucked. I'm still tired, but happy and healing. And wondering if there is a VSG shopping list, or approved food list, Someone to please tell me what and when to EAT!
  17. Tanya_cotto

    Day 26 Post Op

    Barbi and Katie and Peace36love; Thank you so much for the responses! Its such helpful information! And Barbi, i have that book from my lapband days! Thanks again!
  18. Feeling Temps on stomach's Skin. Odd feeling

  19. Tanya_cotto

    Its Official

    Its Official, I have been De-banded. Unbanded? Evicted from Bandland? whatever you want to call it, I'm here sitting on my bed, recovering from VSG surgery (26 days post op) without a band in my body. I've started a blog on the vsgtalk website http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/user/12946-luphoe/ so we can continue this conversation there. I'm so proud of everyone I've met on this journey, through this site, my September band-mates, as well as everything that i've learned. I'm still around for questions and convos just at a new location. Good luck to all my friends, old new and those i haven't met yet.
  20. Incision are itchy and painful! but getting better

  21. Tanya_cotto

    Revision, Set, Go!

    So my last Dr's appointment was July 18th 2012 Had a full unfill and a talk with Dr about a revision. got approval last friday Aug 10 Revision date set for August 31 2012. 17 more days!!!! Having Lap band taken out and revising to VSG, or the Sleeve! Hoping to have better Luck with it, and less constant pain! Yay! I have Hope again!!!
  22. Tanya_cotto

    Revision, Set, Go!

  23. Pre-op Blood testing again!

  24. Tanya_cotto

    Bored Cooking, Chefs On Tv And The Olympics

    So this whole summer break is very boring. My car is unavailable to me for the next two weeks, so i'm stuck at home, watching daytime TV and since i have never had cable, or satellite TV, that means lots of talk shows and cooking shows ( the chew, Lidia's Italy Kitchen America, etc...) Basically I've been making some of the recipes i see, Just making them healthier, more organic, less fat. ,more yum. Today I made an Organic Corn soup. Added Carrots and basil from the garden. Was DElicious, used milk instead of cream or a heavier cheese. Made Tortilla soup last night. Onions, cilantro and tomatoes from the garden, plus garlic and chicken bouillon. I'm not really eating all that much more since I got the unfill, but i feel so much better that i did a month ago. Also been watching the Olympics! (( GO USA!!)) And i find that when i watch sports i'm familiar with ( soccer, boxing, swimming, biking, etc) My muscles tend to twitch. Like when i was watching the Men's Bike race, my legs where twitching when they would go up hill, my hands would reach from the brakes... in swimming and water polo my arms are stretching out. lol i'm feeling so silly.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
