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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tanya_cotto

  1. Thanks for the pep talk/message!!

    Its the little things that keep me motivated and happy! I hope your feeling better and gas free! =)

  2. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    Had my last visit with Doc before surgery and asked for a Rx to fill before surgery (( On Sept 30! 4 more days!! )) but she told me that they didn't normally give Rx for pain or nausea since it rarely occurs. That was just weird considering all of the posts on here about pain, nausea and gas. Got some Gas X strips Liquid Tylenol witch hazel (for itchiness of stitches) a pill crusher (for regular meds) a pill split-er and gummy vitamins! need to get an ice tray to freeze soup/juice portions and disposable shot glasses so my portions look like 2 oz instead of 1oz!
  3. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    Have you tried adding dry non-fat milk powder to your "Foods"? Its an extra boost of protein and it adds some creaminess flavor!
  4. Ha! Casinos are a great distraction!

  5. Tanya_cotto


    I have stones as well, but i'm curious as to why they don't just remove the stones? Why take out the whole GB? Hmmm... curious.
  6. (no pun intended) ((Maybe)) =)

  7. Woo Hoo! Post-op! I hope your recovery goes well and the gas pains pass!!

  8. I'm just wondering How everyone dealt with pre op jitters? I've been so anxious the last two nights that i'm cleaning like a maniac at night, not sleeping well if at all, and whats worse is that I'm making my Blood Pressure rise. I've also been panicking but I can't figure out if its about The operation itself, anesthesia, or something else. My surgery is set for SEPT 30th (Friday) at 6am! Any help or advice will be great! Thanks!
  9. Tanya_cotto

    Jittery Jitters

    Thanks for all the help! My mom and sister are keeping me busy by shopping I'm learning to make clear broths Thai and Mexican style Cleaned my and my dad's computers and now i'm watching bizarre foods on netflix and drinking valerian tea! I'm still crazy anxious, but i know i'd regret not going through with it more than any panic attacks i may have.
  10. Nervousness still present, but under control! =)

  11. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    I'm so happy for you!!! Keep up the healing!! =) hip-hip-horray!! I'm giving everyone here a mental long distance hug!
  12. Tanya_cotto

    Emotional & goodbyes

    I Identify about the whole seating issue. Having to sit in the handicap seat at school, praying to God that I don't get assigned to the middle seat when flying. Hoping that the airline attendant doesn't pull me to the side and make me pay for being to fat to fly. Bathroom stalls, benches, seats at restaurant's, roller coasters, dentist chairs, seats in classrooms, folding chairs, I can go on and on but I'm leaving that old world behind and moving on. I pray that you're surgery goes smoothly and that you have a fast and event-less recovery!
  13. I only have a 2 day pre op diet before surgery. only Clear liquids and i have to stop at mid night before my surgery day. I feel lucky but slightly confused since I dont have to do a month long diet.
  14. Oh Belly! Why must you make me jittery?

  15. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    My Doc has be doing a clear liquid diet 2 days before surgery the bowel prep two days before as well and then clear liquids for two weeks after surgery. He said no milk or soy milk for the 2 day liquid diet pre op because i would have to clear my belly out again since milk and soy turn cheese-ish while being digested. After two weeks on clear liquids i can transition to full liquids. fourth week is for soft purees and mushies! yummers! Someone told me to take the melting prev acid the morning of or the night before surgery to counter balance the gas pain. Don't know if it will be ok, so i will ask my doc!
  16. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    Thank you so much for your advice! I really appreciate it! esp. since i always think of new questions as soon as i'm out of the dr's office! Is there anything i should ask them at my appointment tomorrow? besides specifics for Rx and other Meds Food/liquid stages?
  17. Tanya_cotto

    September Bandsters

    I'm getting banded on the 30th of this month! It seems right for me since I'm Ending the September with a surgery And Starting October as a New person! I'M SO EXCITED!!! Just Wondering What i should buy pre-surgery so my at home recovery can go smoothly. So for i have to get: Gas X or Beano Veggies and fruits to puree A new book And pain/ nausea Meds Anything else you Guys/Gals can recommend? Do September bandsters Have a Nickname Yet?
  18. Tanya_cotto

    Is Early Twenties too young for the lapband?

    I'm 24 at 5'3 and i my highest was 284. Right now i'm 261.3 and my surgery is set for Sept. 30th! I've also been thinking about this since i was a teen. at 14 i weight about 211 and I've only gone up since then, even though i am active, i have made poor food choices. I do wish i had started the process earlier, but i am happy that I'm going to have the surgery before any major health complications occur as a result of my obesity. Good Luck Pumpkin! Its a good choice and attending the seminar is a great first step! contact me if you need support or just a chat! (FYI: I went to my orientation meeting May 30th and the process has gone smoothly since then!) Just make sure you are comfortable with the surgeon AND the staff since you will be spending most of your time with them! =)
  19. I got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surgery Sept. 30th!!!!

  20. Hang in there Tan_ya, the lapband will probably make your diabetes a "thing of the past" in no time. Try to remember that you are 24 ... that makes you an adult. Don't worry about how your family members are going to react. You don't actually HAVE to tell them if it makes you anxious. But I will say this -- I am older and have kids close to your age -- no one is going to treat you like an adult until you accept that you ARE an adult. You are about to have lapband surgery and YOU made that decision for your life. That's an adult decision, remember that. Good luck to you. We are here to support you. It's going to be a great journey! ~Fran Your words are so comforting and informative! Thank you for calming my nerves!! Sorry about double post, doesn't work so well from my iphone.
  21. Hi all! I just got back from the Dr's office with some bad news! I've been diagnosed as diabetic. I am 24, hispanic and confused as heck! Can anyone tell me what this means? or answer my questions including: * Blood glucose testing-how/why is it done? * What books or websites are good resources? * How will I have to adjust my diet/exercise? * Will I have to tell me parents? or Can I skip that part? * Any special Vitamins that I need to take? or supplements? * Are there such things as support groups for Diabetics? * Does it matter If I'm type 1 or 2? Whats the difference? * Insulin? glucose tablets? * How will this affect my surgery? * Do I need to inform my insurance? or will they find out on their own? * Any way to reverse it? Sadly, I only found out when my Dr asked me how long I have been Diabetic. No sympathy or compassion from her! Now I'm Scared and I feel Ashamed at being so young and being diagnosed. I have a family history and I was last tested 2 years ago (came back negative), but i'm even more scared of my families reaction to the news. (They are all fit and relatively healthy with big opinions) Any help, advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  22. Thanks for the info Fran! @elcee I feel ashamed because of the stigma associated with it. My parents fought hard to keep me healthy growing up so it feels like I did this to myself. As to why I don't want to tell them, it's because they're rather vocal about their opinions and have big mouths so my extended family will prob find out as well. It's all so new to me that I want to research this first before anyone makes me feel bad/worse about being diabetic.
  23. ?! still waiting!?

  24. bah! paper work never sent! Good thing I checked!

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