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Everything posted by Tanya_cotto

  1. waiting for second fill!

  2. Tanya_cotto

    From: Sept 2011 bandsters

    Thanks for the recipe! Made me go to Costco for mushrooms!!!
  3. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Thanks for the shoulders! And responses! I think tomorrow will be better, Had a deep cleaning at the dentists so , my teeth are as sensitive as my stomach!
  4. Tanya_cotto

    First Fill, Car Ride and Crying.

    Had my first fill. Basically, It sucked and then i cried! I'm a chicken when it comes to needles, but generally I just look away and then i'm fine. Not this time. My surgeon couldn't find my port so he went in and out like 7 times, with no numbing solution/shot/anything, so i felt everything. Half way I started whimpering and tearing up. They tried to give me 5cc, but when i drank water if felt like it wouldn't go down so I ended up with 3.5cc in my band to start. I honestly think I made the surgeon and his assistant (both male) rather nervous with the tears! Ha! I was so emotionally drained by that point that as soon as i got to the car, i started to cry. It doesn't help that I've had my period on and off for three weeks now. Starting a few days post op I've been two days on, one off, than back again. Sucko! Afterwards I class, so i had to drive 10 miles from dr's office to class. I was 1 hr late to a 3 hour class, but i had to leave early. Just felt to worn out. I wish i had had some warning that the first fill might suck! At least it's over now!
  5. Tanya_cotto

    First Fill, Car Ride and Crying.

    Too all: Thanks so much for the support and shoulders!
  6. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    I'm Glad that everyone getting their first fills had a great experience! But not me. Basically, It sucked and then i cried! I'm a chicken when it comes to needles, but generally I just look away and then i'm fine. Not this time. My surgeon couldn't find my port so he went in and out like 7 times, with no numbing solution/shot/anything, so i felt everything. Half way I started whimpering and tearing up. They tried to give me 5cc, but when i drank water if felt like it wouldn't go down so I ended up with 3.5cc in my band to start. I got to my car after the whole thing and just broke down. Sadness! Yet, I'm fine now, just wish i had had some warning!
  7. Tanya_cotto

    light-headed....anyone else

    I was on Protein shakes the same day! Had surgery at 6am then was drinking a shake (made with water) at 1pm! I agree with the above comments, make sure you're getting about 6oz every hour you're awake I, too, was light headed so i had to add Gatorade and fruit juices to my diet. It also sounds like you need more rest/recovery time. Listen to your body when you return to work. If you need more time off, don't be afraid or ashamed or proud to ask for it It'll be worse in the long run.
  8. bah! it sucked and then i cried.

  9. @scmccarty I think we all go through the Post Op depression when we are wondering if we made a mistake and ruined our lives! just realize that its part of the process (it was my mind trying to rationalize getting more calories) Its kind of like a baby throwing a tantrum when they want some food. concerning the shakes, I'm with you on that! I started adding different flavors, blended with fruits, decaf instant coffee, pumpkin puree (for fiber!), and strawberry flavoring (or syrups) to change it up! I was also tired of the consistency and texture so i would heat it, cool it, blend it with ice, mix some in pudding, etc... Just try and get creative. I was Lucky in that I was only in discomfort for a 5 days Post Op, but i did take the medicine for three days then switched to Gas X and liquid tylenol for 3 days after that ( or now for headaches). As far as the getting in and out of bed, I had to roll myself or try to lower myself with a handle i made for myself (attached to bed) the pain when coughing or burping is due to the position of the band in relation to the nerves in your diaphragm. It will go away eventually, but it might be part of the reason for such a long liquid period. The first few months are for recovery and experimentation, so listen to your body. To help with the pain/gas/motivation start moving and start drinking! At least 1/2 hour a day of walking and 64 oz of liquids. (32 of Water 32 of protein) or about 6oz every hour you're awake. If you hydrated you will feel soooo much better during this period. I had to keep glasses full of different liquids (water, Soups, Protein shakes, juices, fresh juices, Fresh veggie juice, etc...) Well, little kid glasses 6 oz full, so i could grab and drink every hour OR when i was hungry. Just Hang in There! Make lists of everything you're not going to miss about being over weight And everything your going to love about being healthy! BLOG! in a journal, online, in crayon. Just get out all the bad/frustrated or even silly/happy feelings onto paper so that you can look back and see every part of your journey. Sorry this was long, I just remember having all of those feelings and all of the great and wonderful advice i got from research, friends (new and old), Dr's, strangers, and a whole host of other people. In case this helps: YOU MADE THE CORRECT DECISION! HOORAY FOR YOU! The End.
  10. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Had my surgery on 9-30 getting my fill this coming wed! Woo Hoo!! so that's at about 3 1/2 weeks post Op! I've been eating solids successfully for about a week and a half now (with Dr's Approval!) With the liquid diet i was losing about 1-1 1/2 pounds a day, but since I've been eating, I've gained 5 back, and now its slowly going back down. I'm directing this questions to the ladies... Has you 'time of the month' gotten screwy? I got it 2 days post Op, then a week after and now its on two days, off one then back on. I'm thinking its because my hormones are so screwy and my body is reacting to the weight loss/ exercise/ diet but i thought i'd ask. Also wondering how long after surgery i have to wait to go swimming? in a pool? the Ocean? Has any one had issues with Dumping?? Went to dinner Sat, and had to run to the restroom after 1 Cup of pilaf rice and veggies as well as 1c of salad with dressing. (At a restaurant ) Very embarrassing! I hope everyone has a restful night tonight!
  11. First fill coming up!

  12. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Hey All! I'm 12 Days Post Op and have my 2 wk post op appointment tomorrow! Wondering if there is anything I should ask about? I feel somewhat fully healed, no more pains/gas, i can bend, and hunger is back to normal. I've gone off the liquid diet since I felt so weak! I actually had to have a sit down because I walked to far/long in a store the other day. I'm mixing soups with soft foods (veggies and ground meats) Napping regularly since I'm not getting enough energy from food! Anyone else having this issue?
  13. Tanya_cotto

    clear liquids, little sleep, getting ready

    sorry for late reply,<div>but yes</div><div>this was all my prep.</div><div>two days of liquids (clear) and a bowel prep two days before.</div><div>I honestly wish the liquid stage had been longer since Post OP i was struggling BAD! I'm at day 9 Post Op now and have started to get used to the liquid diet.<img src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" alt="" class="bbc_emoticon"><br><br> </div>
  14. Tanya_cotto

    clear liquids, little sleep, getting ready

    So my DR. has me on a 2 day liquid diet before surgery tomorrow. Its been HARD! Esp since I have class at night and come home tired and hungry. Made some beans ahead of time and planned on drinking the broth as dinner. Kind of cheated and added 1 tsp of beans (like 5-6 beans) I feel guilty and I caught myself rationalizing it by saying that they're full of fiber so they'd be gone by Friday morning! I know, i know... not good. I've been really anxious and full of apprehensiveness because of this surgery. I'm not getting enough sleep or enough calories/nutrients so i feel like i'm running low. Its worth the price though, being healthy from now on. Cleaning has become my go to distraction. Washed bed linen and body pillow. Broomed and mopped floor took my dog's thing out of my room and put them in the living room Have gatorade and V8 fruit juice freezing Set up meds next to bed on windowsill set controls next to bed took off nail polish set clothing out for tomorrow. Now i just need to find some slip on shoes, though i may just wear my crocs tomorrow! =) Taking a nap now.
  15. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    So i went grocery shopping today (Trader Joe's and Ralph's ) And i could honestly only shop in two isles. The dairy products (cheese & yogurt ) and the soup isle. Made shopping so much easier!
  16. Tanya_cotto

    Shopping, Eating and Learning!

    So i went grocery shopping today (Trader Joe's and Ralph's ) And i could honestly only shop in two isles. The dairy products (cheese & yogurt ) and the soup isle. Made shopping so much easier! I cheated and tried to eat a soft taco from Taco Bell, Half way through my second bite i had to stop because i knew it was such a BIG mistake! I felt that first bite and boy, it did hurt! I also had a turkey pot pie from ralph's (freezer kind) and it felt wonderful going down since the veggies and turkey were so soft! I know its Bad news bears, But honestly, that's me. I'm the kid that had to put their hand on the stove in order to know it was hot. Now That I know my limitations it is soooooO much easier to stick with the liquid diet! Day 9 post OP and feeling Great! only have an itchy Belly button since that's where they hid my port! (Glue fell off wounds, and i can see incisions, but they're closed now) Swelling is down, healing sites looking good just being naughty and testing my limitations with my pups! (Have to take a nap since i'm not getting enough food) Normal?
  17. Soft veggies like Me!

  18. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    On Day 8 Post OP and had to sit through dinner watching Mom and sister eat pizza and mojo potatoes while i had spinach soup. not fun. I finally understand what it feels like to be one of my dogs at meal time! other than that i am not doing so well on the liquid diet! I'm getting the protein drinks in! but I am incorporating more and more soft and mushy foods than is recommended. Bah! I just get so hungry and my Blood sugar gets low so i've had to stop taking those meds! My appetite came back full force about day 5 post op so i've been struggling since then! I am also having my "lady" time of the month, so i am supper crabby and craving everything!! (Sometimes I wish I could be a man for this week) I also discovered one of my "stop" signals which is a full feeling in my right back side, and a shortness of breath (like an internal gasp) Sorry for venting! Its just one of those things!
  19. Full of Banana Puddin'!

  20. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    I have the BodyBugg sp which is really great for keeping me on track and motivated! Also comes with a food log online and access through smartphones! lots of fun! just not using it right now since i'm day 5 post-op
  21. Tanya_cotto

    Chest PAIN!! :0(

    If you're sweating, it may be a sign of infection. is it accompanied by a fever? I have had chest pain for the last two days or so, called my nurse friend and she said to drink warm/hot tea to help soothe the pressure. Its most likely gas (except for me since I'm PMS-ing right now as well as healing!) I'm sorry you're feeling bad, and I'm sending you a hug through this post! ((*Hug**))
  22. Tanya_cotto


    Had surgery in California (southern) I'm supposed to be on clear liquid plus Protein shakes for two weeks then full liquids for week three Purees week 4 and soft solids week 5. Not allowed to have Jell-o! and I am Starving!!!! Clear liquids are to help your belly/incisions heal and to make sure your band doesn't slip (early slippage) Though I am having mashed potatoes that are thinned out since i feel faint! Bah!
  23. tired! and grumbly!

  24. Tanya_cotto


    I'm day 3 post op and i'm hungry! grrrr! lol I'm doing the protein shakes throughout the day (about 4-6oz each hour) or clear liquids (samsies) But I still feel super hungry mid-afternoon to evening. I can't wait til mushies!!! Mmmm fresh pumpkin puree !!!!
  25. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Thanks for the advice!! I only really need the pain meds for my sore throat! It makes me sound like an old lady (no offence to old ladies!) I am eating blended chicken soup since i am feeling super weak. Went for another walk today, about three hours... I know i need to rest more, but I am so restless! Its like day 3 post op and i'm down the 6lbs i gained from the Iv fluids! Down to starting weight!! My dad has noticed that I am losing weight already, but he is dying to tell everyone that I had this surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
